Crisis in the Church

Infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiff


We publish here a Small Catechism on the Infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiff to Help the Understanding of Dogma, composed in Rome and published in Québec in 1876 with the imprimatur of the local bishop and the approval of the Very Reverend Master of Sacred Apostolic Palace. This catechism was dedicated by its author to the Most Holy Father, Pope Pius IX.

In these times when many dogmas are abused by the conciliar authorities, it seems that many no longer have a clear notion of the dogma of papal infallibility. May this little catechism help each of us.

Indefectibility of the Church


Ego Daemonium Non Habeo

Today, amid the Passion of the Catholic Church, some are tempted to ask a question to the Church: “Hast thou not a devil?” And like her divine spouse, the Holy Church may reply: “Ego daemonium non habeo, sed honorifico Patrem meum.” “I have not a devil: but I honour my Father, and you have dishonoured me.”

The Una Cum Question


Cardinal Schuster and the Una Cum

Here is a text taken from the Liber Sacramentorum by Cardinal Schuster (1880-1954), an eminent liturgist, which may bring interesting elements to the disputatio on the meaning of Una Cum in the Canon of the Mass.

St Augustine and the Jurisdiction of Heretics

There are many who seem to believe that the refusal or not of the jurisdiction of Apostate Rome is a matter of simple prudence and not of Faith. Will the Little Red Hood (FSSPX) be devoured by the Council's evil wolf sleeping in the bed of grandmother (the true Catholic Church)?

Joining Together with Apostate Rome


So That Those Who Wish be Not Deceived

Response to the Editorial in Le Carillon no 22

Letter of Father Pierre Roy to a Confused Faithful

Here is a letter from Father Pierre Roy to a perplexed faithful. Believing it may be of use to other perplexed faithful, we are posting it.

The Church is Plunged in a Great Storm

One of the Faithful answers another one who asks questions


Sermon - Sunday after the Ascension

Here we are in the blessed time of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a time to lift our thoughts to heaven and detach them from the earth.

Already One Year Ago

Already a year ago, the sermon following which fell the ban on speaking publicly about the agreements with apostate Rome on pain of being banned from preaching. On rereading it, it's hard to understand why ...

Also a year ago

Open letter from Father Nicolas Pinaud to Father Olivier Berteaux, priest of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, Assistant to the District Superior of Canada, Director of the École Saint-Famille in Lévis (Québec)

R&R and Sedevacantism


The Ringrose Affair - 1

We would like to translate a debate that is currently taking place in the English-speaking blogosphere and which seems interesting to us. We shall publish the facts, the opinions and the reactions as they are.


Thoughts - Peter in Chains? - 1 / A terrible dilemma

And at the same time, Herod the king stretched forth his hands, to afflict some of the church. And he killed James, the brother of John, with the sword. And seeing that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to take up Peter also. Now it was in the days of the Azymes.

The Ringrose Affair - 2

Having requested from Saint Athanasius Chapel, Virginia, United States, a short summary of Father Ronald Ringrose's life for those who do not know him, we have received the following.


Thoughts - Peter in Chains? - 2 / The Church in Eclipse

Nous continuons nos réflexions sur Pierre en prison. Qu’il soit entendu que ce sont de simples réflexions.

The Ringrose Affair - 3

Here is the continuation of our series of articles on the “Ringrose Affair.”

About the Sectarian Spirit


Open Letter to Father Patrick Groche

It is with regret that we find ourselves compelled to publish the following letter "so that truth and justice be not violated."

Words from Bishops


Archbishop Lefebvre : The Church Occupied

Would Menzingen, the General House of the SSPX, still publish these words of Archbishop Lefebvre? But he pronounced these words…

Bishop De Castro Mayer : Vatican II is the Anti-Church

Whoever adheres to Vatican II without restriction by this fact alone detaches himself from the true Church of Christ.

Archbishop Lefebvre : John Paul II is not Catholic

The situation of the present papacy makes obsolete the difficulties of jurisdiction, disobedience and apostolicity, because these notions presuppose a Catholic pope in his faith, in his government.

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99