
Doctrine of the Church


My Catholic Faith

You will find here the recordings of the Catechism Lessons given at Saint Joseph Church and inspired from the book My Catholic Faith, lessons 1 to 83.

Commandments of God and of the Church

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My Catholic Faith

You will find here the recordings of the Catechism Lessons given at Saint Joseph Church and inspired from the book My Catholic Faith, lessons 84 to 122.

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6th Commandment of God


We provide here several texts bearing on an all-but-forgotten topic: Christian modesty. Even in our pagan society, Christian men and woman must do what they can to set an example of modesty in dress. Nudity is the devil’s distinctive mark: was it not after having sinned that Adam and Eve realized they were naked? Let us be real Christians!


7th Commandment of the Church

Tithes & Offerings

It is a universal custom in Catholic parishes for the faithful to make a financial offering in exchange for spiritual goods or services received. It is a common practice, for example, to leave a small sum of money before lighting a votive candle in church, or to offer a “Mass stipend” when asking a priest to offer the Holy Sacrifice for a special intention.


9th Commandment of God

How to behave with public sinners?

How can and should we deal with public sinners? Due to the general context of the society in which we live today, this problem is often acute for us. Let us recall the great Catholic principles which must inform practice, in order to try to see more clearly to resolve the painful cases which unfortunately arise in our families.

Sacraments and Prayer



The Spirago Catechism describes “sacramentals” as “blessed or consecrated objects which, if used with pious dispositions, increase our fear and love of God, remit venial sins, and preserve us from temptations and bodily harm.” In other words, these are holy objects, blessed by the Church, whose use brings us special graces in so far as we use them with right and holy dispositions.

Questions & Answers


You will find here a series of questions from the Faithful to the priest along with his responses.


Question 1 - Father, I just joined Tradition. Is my baptism valid?

If you were baptized in the Novus Ordo, there is no reason to believe that your baptism is not valid. Unless you have a serious reason to believe that your particular baptism is doubtful (in which case, speak with the priest), you should not worry about that.

Question 2 - Father, I just joined Tradition. Is my marriage in the Novus Ordo valid? Should we renew the exchange of our vows?

In the sacrament of Marriage, the spouses are the ministers of the sacrament. The priest is only the official witness of the Church.

Question 3 - Father, I just joined Tradition, is my Confirmation in the Novus Ordo valid ?

On December 3rd, 1970, it was decided in Rome, contrarily to the constant Tradition of the Church, that the sacrament of Confirmation could be given with any vegetable oil and not only, as it was the case till then, with olive oil.


Question 4 - Father, should we receive Holy Communion each time we go to Holy Mass ?

Although it is a very good thing to receive Holy Communion as often as possible, there is never an obligation to receive Holy Communion, except once a year in the time of Easter.

Question 5 - Father, how should we dress for Mass ?

Although these things should be obvious to everyone, the virtue of Christian modesty has disappeared everywhere. Therefore, please allow me to remind you as clearly as possible the way you are expected to dress for Mass.

Question 6- Father, why should we fast before receiving Holy Communion?

From the very earliest time the custom was observed of administering the Eucharist to the faithful who were fasting. Towards the end of the fourth century fasting was prescribed by many Councils for those who were going to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice.


Question 7 - Father, what are the Traditional rules for Fast before Communion?

The discipline of Eucharistic Fast has changed through the ages. The more ancient Tradition was to abstain from food or drink (even water) from midnight. But in these days, there were no such thing as afternoon Masses. The latest a Mass could start was 1:00pm.

Question 8 - Father, what sin is it to miss Mass on a Sunday?

It is a grave sin (a mortal sin) to miss Holy Mass on a Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation without a serious reason, such as sickness, living far away from a Traditional Catholic church, and some other serious reasons.

Question 9 - Father, how often should we go to Confession?

Confession is a Sacrament of the Church that has a double effect : it brings back Sanctifying Grace in the soul of those who have lost it and increases it in the soul of those who still have it when they come to confession.


Question 10 - Father, what is a General Confession and how to do one?

A General Confession is a confession that we do from the very beginning of our life or from our last General Confession.

Question 11 - Father, how should we prepare for Christmas?

The first way to prepare for Christmas is to «prepare the way of the Lord» by spiritual preparation. Doing everything we can to abandon our sins and convert to Christ by living a new life, one of perfect observance of the Commandments.

Question 12 - Father, what is it that is wrong with euthanasia?

Euthanasia is the fact to precipitate the death of someone who is sick in order to shorten his sufferings. Euthanasia is a grave sin against the fifth Commandment of God: Thou shalt not kill.


Question 13 - Father, should I give a cell phone to my children?

I am surprised to see that so many young people in our missions seem to have cell phones when they have certainly not reached the age and maturity to use such things.

Question 14 - Father, what is one supposed to do if one cannot access a priest for confession, if one has committed a mortal sin?

This is a question many are asking, as almost everyone around the world is living in lock-down mode or in forced «self»-isolation.

Question 15 - Father, why must women wear a veil at Mass?

First of all, it is the command of Saint Paul: 1 Cor. 11, 5-15 : “Any man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. Any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled dishonors her head: she is like one who is shaved.

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! (Psaume 99)

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! (Psaume 99)