Question 14 - Perfect Contrition

Father, what is one supposed to do if one cannot access a priest for confession, if one has committed a mortal sin?

This is a question many are asking, as almost everyone around the world is living in lock-down mode or in forced «self»-isolation. Throughout the world bishops have been closing churches (including the confessionals) and banning the sacraments, which is making access to a priest almost impossible.

However, in this circumstance, when someone is in mortal sin and cannot go to confession, the Church still provides. The faithful can have recourse to making a perfect act of contrition.

For those of you who have the “A Manual of Religion ~ MY CATHOLIC FAITH ~ A Catechism in Pictures” Please refer to Chapters 144, page 300 to chapter 152, page 317. for a more detailed explanation of the below.

When is Our Contrition Perfect?

“Our contrition is perfect contrition when we are sorry for our sins because sin offends God, whom we love above all things for His own sake.”

“An act of perfect contrition takes away sin immediately. Our sins however grievous are forgiven before we confess them, although the obligation to confess as soon as possible remains.”

“This should also include a firm purpose of amendment, which “is a sincere resolution to avoid sin and the near occasion of sin.” “Thou art made whole; sin no more, lest some worst thing befall thee.” John 5:14.

“Thus, if one makes an act of perfect contrition after having committed a mortal sin, and then dies before being able to go to confession, he is saved from hell by the act he made.”

When is Our Contrition Imperfect?

“Our contrition is imperfect when we are sorry for our sins because they are hateful in themselves or because we fear God’s punishment.”

“Imperfect contrition is called attrition. The fear of hell is a common motive of attrition. It is a good motive, but it is imperfect, because it arises from fear of God’s punishment, and not from pure love for him.”

“Imperfect contrition, or attrition, is sufficient for a worthy reception of the sacrament of Penance; an act of attrition cannot obtain forgiveness of mortal sin without the absolution of a priest.”

How can one make an act of perfect contrition?

“To make a perfect act of contrition, one must have a “sincere sorrow for having offended God, and hatred for the sins he has committed, with a firm purpose of sinning no more.”

When is sorrow for sin true contrition?

Our sorrow is true when it is :

  • Interior : when it comes from our heart, not merely from our lips.”

  • Supernatural : when with the help of God’s grace, it arises from motives which spring from faith and not from natural motives. If we are sorry for our sins because they offend God who is so good and perfect, or because we fear His punishment, or the loss of heaven.”

  • Supreme : when we hate sin above every other evil, and are willing to endure anything rather than offend God in the future by sin.”

  • Universal : when we are sorry for every mortal sin which we may have had the misfortune to commit. If we have committed five mortal sins, and are contrite for only four, even if we confess all, not one is forgiven.

Why should we have contrition for mortal sin?

“…Because it is the greatest of all evils, gravely offends God, keeps us out of heaven and condemns us forever in hell.”

What is an act of contrition?

“It is a prayer by which we express to God our sorrow for and detestation of sin.”

Prayer ~ “O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishment, but most of all because they have offended Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.”

What is the purpose of amendment?

“It is the sincere resolution to avoid sin and the near occasion of sin” and “must accompany the act of contrition: it is necessary before sin can be forgiven. By it we determine firmly to amend ourselves.”

“Even if, after confession, we should fall again into the same sin that we have so often confessed, we should not despair, for by so doing, we would become the worse. If after confession we relapse into the same sin, our purpose of amendment is weak. We must strengthen our will. We should …examine ourselves carefully, be watchful against temptation.”

What qualities should our purpose of amendment have?

Our purpose of amendment should be :

  • Firm : when we determine to avoid sin at any cost. Then we do not hesitate back and forth, but with decision cut ourselves from the bonds which formerly bound us to sin and its occasion.”

  • Efficacious : when we resolve to use all the means to carry out our determination to amend, as by avoiding the occasions of sin, ~ persons, places, and things that ordinarily led us into sin in the past, and may do so again in the future.”

  • Universal : when we are determined to keep away from all mortal sins. A wise gardener uproots weeds, and does not merely cut off the tops; otherwise they will grow thicker than ever.”

What are the chief means of satisfying the debt of our sins / temporal punishment, besides the penance imposed after confession?

“They are : prayer, attending Mass, fasting, alms-giving, the works of mercy, the patient endurance of suffering and indulgences.


It is important to remember that making a perfect act of contrition does not excuse one from going to confession, if one has mortal sin in their soul. One must seek out a priest, at the soonest opportunity. The sacrament of penance is the only means by which mortal sin can be truly forgiven not only in front of God, but also in front of the Church.

Therefore, during this time of [faux] pandemic [and real enslavement], as Catholics are confined to their homes, I encourage all of you to do daily :

  • an examination of conscience,

  • perfect acts of contrition,

  • firm resolutions,

  • amends for your sins.

For any of you who have fallen into mortal sin, to be ever more diligent on these matters and as soon as possible to go to sacramental confession.

If you carry out the above with a sincere heart, a perfect act of contrition will return you to the grace of God.

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! (Psaume 99)

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! (Psaume 99)