Lives of the Saints and Devotions

Lives of the Saints


Our Lady of Liesse

The pilgrimage to Our Lady of Liesse, in Picardy, not so old as those of the south of France, as it does not go farther back than the twelfth century, surpasses them in fame. The origin of the statue of the Blessed Virgin, which adorns this holy place, is very marvelous; the tradition has been preserved, not only in the province of France where it is found, but also in the Holy Land. We are even assured that it exists in the archives of the Knights of Malta. Here is the tradition, which bears a very decided Oriental stamp.

The Doubts of Saint Joseph?

We read every year, in the Gospel of his feast, the 19th of March, that Saint Joseph was a just man.

But did Saint Joseph’s faith, by which, as a just man he lived, totally exclude any questioning on his part? Up against the mystery of the virginal conception of his immaculate bride, could Joseph have had moments of uncertainty? Is it possible that he doubted Mary’s integral purity?

Thoughts of Melanie Calvat

It seems impossible and spiritually mind-boggling to report everything that is going on in the Church at this time. And then, whether you report this or not, history will take its course and major news will always reach us eventually.

In waiting, here are some thoughts of the seeress of La Salette, taken from her correspondence. These thoughts give us an overview of the immense crisis we are going through and comfort us.



Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus

We are blessed as Catholics to have at our disposal so many different pious exercises which we may practice to help nourish our spiritual life. Among the well-known devotions honouring Our Lord’s Passion, one in particular is perhaps not as well-known as it ought to be: devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus.

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! (Psaume 99)

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! (Psaume 99)