Thoughts of Mélanie Calvat

“Men say everywhere: prudence, prudence, and while waiting, the wicked are getting out of the sea, getting stronger. Lucifer, Asmodeus, Mammona and Belsebuth extend their reign without tiring, men promptly obeying their wishes." (7-7-1879, D.I)

"Humiliations, contradictions, persecutions, mockery are not lacking in the Apostles of the truth, but their confidence in God, their mortified and penitent life united to prayer, serve as a bulwark; and Mary being with them, they are always victorious." (8-8-1879, D.I)

"God blesses his works and lets those of men collapse." (30-9-1879, D.I)

"Suffering, exile and all the other sacrifices will never make me back down, with the help of God and the protection of the Most Holy Virgin." (15-12-1879, D. I)

"When a man is despised, ridiculed, outraged, abandoned, persecuted, accused, etc., should he not say to himself: what is done to me is precisely what I deserve. This serves me to my liking, thank you my God. ” (20-12-1880, D.I)

“The wicked take over only because the good give it to them; they give it to them because they are weaker; and they are weaker because they do not pray enough." (23-6-1883, D.I)

“Take courage, take courage; as you advance, the adversaries retreat. So it is with the things of the world; the works of God sooner or later flourish and increase, while the works of the world fall." (21-6-1890, D.II)

“Mary, our gentle Mother, during her life on earth, did not do any brilliant action, no; and yet all of her actions, even the most ordinary, were extraordinary actions which delighted the heart of God and ravished the angels." (23-7-1890, D.II)

"The greatest evil is discouragement and it never comes from God." (29-12-1892, D.II)

"We are in a time when we need generous souls, filled with the spirit of God, but alas! there are too few of them: we are more afraid of men than of God, and, in the meantime, evil is ever increasing. We are walking fast towards the abyss." (2-3-1880, D.II)

“Courage and confidence; the demon only attacks souls who make war against him and who do not belong to him." (4-4-1897, D.III)

"We must not delude ourselves: whoever sets out to do or to carry out a work of God directly directed against all hell, must expect to be fought by men, by disappointments and by the spirit of darkness. Mediocre virtue will not do.” (28-10-1899, D.III)

"In heaven, all the elect will have a palm, yet not all will have shed their blood for the faith: there is the martyrdom of patience in adversities." (6-11-1899, D.III)

"Oh! how I would like the great Saint Paul to return: he would not allow himself to be condemned without defending himself. Besides, we do not defend our own person: it is the faith, the fought-against religion that we are defending." (20-11-1903, D.III)

“What a heart-breaking spectacle! what a punishment from God! We are not even aware of our blindness." (17-2-1904, D.III)

"Let us put ourselves as you do above all that is said about us: God alone must judge us and will judge our slanderers." (6-10-1904, D.III)

"The greater the hatred of hell, the more we must rejoice: it is a good sign: our gentle Mother will again crush this old head filled with fire, lies and blasphemies." (11-7-1891, D.IV)

"It is better to foresee an evil in order to avoid it, than to cure it when it is done. The children of God are to walk in the light; their path must be clear to all. ” (14-11-1891, D.IV)

“Our gentle Mother will know how to protect her faithful servants against the greatest punishments. She is our Mother. She will be for her true children their hedge, their rampart, their fortification against the rage of the enemies." (1-5-1892, D. IV)

“Long live God! The small number will be preserved; the bunch of grapes remaining attached to His Mother will live; the Apostles of the Last Times will preach penance and comfort the weak and the afflicted, Mary will be with them. ” (6-3-1893, D. IV)

"What consoles is that of all Christians who are devoted to the Mother of God, none of them will miss the gate to Heaven." (28-11-1894, D.IV)

"Praying is not enough: in war you have to struggle, fight, and struggle is praying, in truth." (26-1-1896, D.IV)

"Blessed are those who, in the midst of the general apathy of Christians, have retained by divine grace their ardent fervour in the service of the divine Master, for their reward in Heaven will be great." (3-8-1899, D.IV)

"The Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ did not seek rest, ease, the friendship of the enemies of the divine Master; they obeyed God rather than men, and they shed their blood for the faith ... (3-4-1892, D. IV)

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! (Psaume 99)

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! (Psaume 99)