Already One Year Ago…

Note: This sermon first appeared on the Canada Fidèle web-site on the 17th of April 2017. This was a sermon given in Montréal on 17th April 2016.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

My dear friends, you know, each of us, one day, we will have to present ourselves before Our Lord Jesus Christ to give an account of each of our actions, to give an account of each of our words, to give an account of each of our thoughts. For each of you, you will be judged on your own life. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "You will be asked to account for every idle word." And you will also have to give an account of the souls entrusted to you, that is to say of your children; how have you tried to have the souls around you to remain always established in the Truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not to be established in lies and not to be established in sin?

As I told you, each of us will have to present himself before Our Lord Jesus Christ, and I, as a priest, will also have to present myself before Our Lord Jesus Christ. And each of these homilies that I give here before you, the Lord will call me to account, will ask me: "What did you say to the faithful? Did you preach the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the faithful, did you preach yourself, did you preach, were you afraid to say the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ before the faithful, before these sheep who came to you so that you teach them the truth, so that you teach them Our Lord Jesus Christ?".

If I myself or an angel from Heaven…

I would like to come back today, since I believe it is my duty, to this Exhortation of Pope Francis, which he published while I was away. I believe Father Couture spoke a few words to you about it. I would also like to say a few words to you about it, as it is I who am habitually responsible for your souls. And I intend to tell you the truth. So, if any of you hears something that is not in accordance with the truth, I ask you, I beg you to come and see me after Mass to tell me what mistakes I have told you.

So, I would like to come back to this Apostolic Exhortation which ended two synods on the family, which brought together the bishops of Christendom, therefore the bishops from all over the world, to discuss questions about which we have already spoken to you concerning the Christian family and marriage.

This Exhortation which, unfortunately, I must call not apostolic but apostate, that is to say contrary to what the apostles taught us ... An apostolic exhortation is an exhortation which comes to us from the one who speaks to us in the name of the Prince of the Apostles. And apostate exhortation, that is, it comes to us from someone who clearly rejected the Catholic faith and the commandments of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, Francis tells us in this Exhortation that, from now on, in our time, in 2016, we can no longer say, it is no longer possible to say in 2016 that someone who has abandoned his or her husband or wife in order to with another or with another, and who founded a stable society with children, etc., it is no longer possible today in 2016, to say that these people live in a state of mortal sin and to say that these people do not have sanctifying grace in their soul. And that, therefore, they cannot approach the sacraments, approach Holy Communion. So Francis said: these people will now be able to approach a priest, take advice from him and then come and approach the sacraments. You know, very dear faithful, that these words are absolutely opposed to the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Absolutely opposed to the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us: "If anyone forsakes his husband or forsakes his wife to take one or another, that man (woman) commits adultery. If anyone looks at someone else's wife, that man has committed adultery in his heart." This is the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And, I think it can be said that lying is greater as a sin than all the other sins on earth. It is more serious.

What is more serious today? Is it abortion? Is it euthanasia? Is it the perversions that we can see in our world? Well, the greatest perversion in our world is lying, it is being based on a lie, it is the fact that everything around us is based on something other than Our Lord Jesus Christ, that is to say on the lie. And one day, when we appear before the Good Lord, the Good Lord will ask us mainly: have you settled on Me? Was it Me that you loved with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might? Or, on the contrary, did you prefer to lie?

So, I think that we are obliged to say, after Saint Paul: if I myself, says Saint Paul, if I or an angel from Heaven came down from Heaven to announce to you another gospel than the Gospel that I have given you taught, let him be anathema. What does that mean “let him be anathema”? Too bad for him ? No, that means pointing to that person, declaring them cut off from the communion of the living. Let it be really said that this person has strayed from Our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema. If I, apostle of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and if an angel came down to earth to announce to you another gospel than the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.

Well for me, and this is not the first time, it is becoming more and more evident. The Lord is showing us more and more clearly that Rome does not have the faith. What the Virgin Mary had said at La Salette, that is, Rome lost the faith. Yes, the Virgin Mary told us: Rome will lose the faith. It will become the seat of the antichrist. And if this is not happening in front of us, dear faithful, well I wonder what could be more obvious. The Lord shows us, day by day. It is not the first time. As I tell you, think, remember that meeting in Assisi where in 86, where really explicitly, very clearly, we lived the negation of the 1st commandment of Our Lord Jesus Christ: "I am the Lord your God, you will have no other God than Me”.

But I would say that this last word of Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation made everyone react. This is the action of the Lord, it is the action of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost shows, not only to ourselves but to all people, everywhere around us, everyone sees: this is not Catholic. It is the opposite of the Catholic faith. So I think that if we do not have the courage to separate ourselves clearly from the one who announces another gospel than the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lord Jesus Christ will allow our minds to be in darkness, will let our wills be weak. Because he who does not love Our Lord Jesus Christ, who does not love the truth above all things, how can he hate sin, how can he reject the sin in his life?

You know, there has been a lot of discussion in the midst of Tradition all the time, since, after the Council, to know: are the current authorities of the Church legitimate, is the Pope is pope, are bishops bishops? I think this question has only divided us, but the question we have to ask ourselves is: are these people Catholic? Are these people Catholic? Do these people preach the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Do they teach the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Or are they teaching a different gospel than the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ? I believe that if we settled on this truth, there would not be all of these divisions that we find among us. Yes, we must establish ourselves on Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Truth. "I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life".

So when we tell a lie, even though we are not talking about Our Lord Jesus Christ, every time we tell a lie, we are rejecting Our Lord Jesus Christ. And when we live in a lie, we live apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ. And if we prefer to cherish the lie rather than the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we are building on something other than Our Lord Jesus Christ.

And to continue telling you the truth which, once again, will be asked of me one day before Our Lord Jesus Christ, I will be called to account, I must tell you that I am really worried, really worried about what is happening right now, you know that too. I have kept silent until now but I am really worried about what is happening between the head of our Society and Rome, apostate Rome. You know, more and more, the will is expressed clearly, more and more clearly in the Society, to want to succeed in coming to terms with these people. To want to at least receive approval from them, so that these people can declare us Catholic. And I think this problem stems from the fact that we are not sufficiently established on this truth. The Lord gives us the evidence, day after day, the Lord shows us: these people teach a different gospel than the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And that we must, therefore, follow this command of Saint Paul, that is to say that they are anathema, and singled out as non-Catholic, not to fall into this illusion that these people are Catholic. Remaining in this illusion that we have the same faith as these people is impossible, it is impossible, it is a lie, it is the opposite of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So I am very worried, yes, I am very worried that you might come to think that we can get along with these people, that we can settle on them, on the same foundation that these people are based on.

As you know, Monsignor Pozzo, who is the head of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, in a recent statement he made, said: “The doctrinal differences that exist between the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X and Rome will no longer be an obstacle now so that an agreement can be reached”. No longer will be an obstacle, that means, if I translate into a Catholic language, that means: from now on we will agree to agree on something other than Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will agree to agree on something other than the truth, that is to say the doctrinal truth, on Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are ready to agree on something other than Our Lord Jesus Christ. And this, I think in conscience that I cannot tell you that it is correct, I cannot tell you that it is something that is good, I cannot tell you that it is something that is not we will not be reproached on the day of our judgment.

So yes, I am worried. Many priests, like me, are worried. If we have so far kept silent, it is always in this hope that these leaders who are leading us at this time can find the way, can find the light again. So now this is what we pray for, this is what I ask you to pray for. I ask you to pray that we get out of this illusion, that we come back to the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that we anathematise these people, that we show these people who preach another gospel than that of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as enemies of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

While I was praying to the Lord, while I was asking him to enlighten me on all these things, I came across the Book of Psalms, Psalm 139, and the Book of Psalms said, "Lord, Lord, despiseth Thou thine enemies? ". And the Book of Psalms answers: "Yes, I will despise them, I will despise them with perfect hatred and I shall not be silent about them, for they have become enemies to me".

And I think, of course, that we should always have mercy on special people who are wrong. But when it comes to those who want to establish themselves in error, we have to come out clearly, we have to speak the truth clearly.

So I pray to the Lord and I would like you to pray with me. I pray to the Lord that we will establish ourselves on this truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ and that none of you enter into this lie, none of you accept this lie in your life. And if one day the Lord shows us that we must enter the catacombs like the first Christians, well we will, because we want to remain established on Our Lord Jesus Christ, because we prefer, we do not want to prefer anything as Our Lord Jesus Christ. So, like I am telling you, see… these are the words, these are the things I have on my mind, these are the things I see, these are the things I want to tell you so you will not be subject to illusion.

Remember this Gospel of the Good Shepherd last Sunday. Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us: the Good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep, the Good Shepherd sees the wolf coming, he sees the wolf coming, he warns the sheep, he gathers the sheep, he does not want to leave the sheep to be devoured. The mercenary, on the contrary, is the one who flees. Why ? Because he is not interested in sheep. He is not concerned with the salvation of the sheep. Let the sheep be devoured by the wolf, by lies, by error, by sin, well that is not something that bothers him. Non pertinet ad eum de ovibus: he has no love for his sheep.

So I tell you what I see, what scares me, about this danger that I see coming before us and I ask the Lord to protect us, to protect us from this danger, to protect us, may He keep us always established on the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And that He does not grant us to accept this lie, to establish ourselves in the communion of heretics, the communion of those who have abandoned the faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, I was able to observe recently that among our superiors, in fact, some recently rejoiced in the fact that we are considered as Catholics, rejoiced in the fact that issues such as ecumenism, religious freedom, the New Mass, etc. are topics of discussion, how happy we are that Rome tells us that ecumenism, religious freedom, Vatican II, are topics of discussion, etc.

Well, that is still a mistake, it is still an illusion. These are not topics of discussion. These are things that have been condemned by the popes of the past. And we do not have the right, before Our Lord Jesus Christ, to agree to say that these things are subject to discussion. It is as if we said that we can discuss the 1st commandment of God; it is as if we said that we can discuss the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ that was shed for our sins. No, we are not allowed. We must maintain the faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Rome tells us that we are not in full communion but that we are on the way towards communion and we respond by saying: we do not know what full communion is, we are simply saying that we are in communion. But how can we say that we are in fellowship? How can we say that we are in communion with people who teach us something other than the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ? So each of you, each of us will have to make our choices if these things come up. Everyone will have to make their choices. I say to you, as the pastor of your souls, I say to you: establish yourselves on the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, establish yourselves on Jesus Christ. Any other foundation on which to establish our souls will be lost, we will lose our souls, we will move away from Our Lord Jesus Christ.

And this desire to fix things, precisely, always comes from the fact that we always want human solutions for these things. We believe that we have this mission to convert those who have abandoned the faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ. While I think that what Our Lord Jesus Christ asks of us is to keep the faith, to remain faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep the true faith, to keep the true sacraments, to keep the true Mass, have the courage to point the finger at those who have strayed from Our Lord Jesus Christ, those who preach another gospel. And then put ourselves back in the hands of the Lord. It is the Lord who watches over us. As Saint Paul tells us, you were once in darkness, you returned to the Shepherd of your souls, that is to say to Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the only one, who is the way, the truth and the life.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 

Father Pierre ROY, FSSPX

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99