So that those who wish be not deceived

Response to the Editorial in Le Carillon no 22

Note : This article was first published on the Canada Fidèle website on 21 November 2018.

Le Carillon no 22 has just been published, alleluia!

Yes, though finally, this alleluia is mixed, because this Editorial leaves us perplexed, let us say.

If we have nothing to say about the first part of this text, because it is an entirely reasonable dissertation on the birth and spirit of sects, Father Couture's conclusion is more than surprising. We must even admit that it is difficult to believe that it is not wilfully misleading. Let us leave this judgment to God ...

Beware of Lost Sects

To the uninformed reader, Father Couture's conclusion seems to be clear: let us submit to the Conciliar Church under pain of becoming a sect.

How to reconcile these words with the famous Spiritual Itinerary written in 1990 shortly before his death, which Mgr. Lefebvre said was his spiritual testament? :

"The will of Vatican II to want to integrate non-Catholics such as they are into the Church is an adulterous and scandalous will. The Secretariat for the Unity of Christians through mutual concessions - dialogue - results in the destruction of the Catholic faith, the destruction of the Catholic priesthood, the elimination of the power of Peter and of the bishops, the missionary spirit of the apostles, of the martyrs, saints, is eliminated; As long as this Secretariat keeps false ecumenism as its orientation and the Roman and ecclesiastical authorities approve it, it can be said that they will remain in open and official rupture with the whole past of the Church and with her official Magisterium. It is therefore a strict duty for any priest who wishes to remain Catholic to separate himself from this conciliar Church, as long as it does not regain the tradition of the Magisterium of the Church and of the Catholic faith. (Spiritual Itinerary, Divine life, p. 29)

Let us take a closer look at Le Carillon no. 22 editorial, so that those who wish be not deceived.


A serious problem of conscience for Catholics

Here is the conclusion of Father Couture in his editorial:

“Hence the importance of knowing one’s catechism which teaches us that "The Church is the society of all those who profess the faith of Jesus Christ, who participate in the same sacraments, and who are governed by their legitimate pastors under one visible leader”. (Petit Catéchisme du Québec)

Three elements together constitute membership in the Church: faith, sacraments, and government. Eliminating one causes it to fall either into heresy or into schism. We absolutely need all three.

Good. So far no problem. Canadians are reassured: they have been quoted from the Petit Catéchisme du Québec, and have nothing to complain about.

But it is the following that becomes really problematic:

A sectarian tendency that is encountered today is to keep the faith and the sacraments, and to say that the current government of the Church is so bad that it is no longer needed, or no longer exists. This is even found among some who promote the traditional Mass. It is the same spirit as that of Luther that could be expressed in a new formula, the Sola Missa. Which means that as long as we keep the faith and the traditional Mass, we will be saved. It is wrong. The connection with the Church is missing. A sign of this sectarian tendency is clearly the spirit of independence.

Mgr. Lefebvre understood this well, he, who wanted neither to be a heretic nor a schismatic. (End of the citation)

Here! Full stop! Nothing else! Join the ranks, ok, you disobedient and schismatic people!

Please understand: we do not deny at all the words of the catechism and the need for the three elements it gives us in order to be part of the true Church. What we deny is that submitting to Francis is necessary or even legitimate to belong to the true Church. On the contrary, we believe that submission to Francis is what causes Catholics today to fall into heresy and schism. 

Recalling Catholic doctrine is quite good. That is not the problem. But to speak of this membership in the Church without mentioning the serious problem which faces the conscience of Catholics today is quite dangerous and inappropriate. If we recall today the duty of submission to the Church, we must also absolutely mention the fact that the Conciliar Church (the Church which made and promotes Vatican II) is in reality a false Church to which one must not submit if one wishes to remain Catholic. Father Couture cannot fail to know this!

Sects : Do not fall for it!

Does Francis belong to the Church?

First of all, it must be said that the three elements that catechism gives us as a condition of belonging to the True Church apply to all Christians, no doubt. So let us start with the one who is supposed to be the most prominent member of the Church of Jesus Christ right now, Francis. The same thoughts obviously apply to Francis's ill-remembered predecessors.

Francis, to be a member of the Catholic Church must "profess the Faith of Jesus Christ, participate in the same sacraments" that are in use in the Church. As to the third point, being apparently the visible head of the Church, he does not have to be ruled by the lawful pastors under one visible head, but rather he has to rule in the name of Jesus Christ. Good.

Does Francis profess the Faith of Jesus Christ? We are not talking about his interior dispositions which only God knows. We are talking about the exterior profession of the Faith, which all can judge, and this is the question we ask Father Couture: Does Francis profess the Faith of Jesus Christ?

That Francis does not profess the Catholic Faith has become something so well known in Christendom that it seems un-necessary to us to establish it by long treatises. Let us be satisfied with a few quotes. Those who wish to explore the subject in more detail can refer to the book Three Years with Francis, The Bergoglian Imposture by Miles Christi and distributed by Editions Saint Rémi.

For those who still doubt it, let us listen to Francis profess the Catholic Faith: 

"I wish to turn in my thoughts to the dear Muslim immigrants who are beginning the young of Ramadan tonight, with the wish of abundant spiritual fruits."(8 July, 2013)

“The greatest evils plaguing the world are youth unemployment and the loneliness in which the elderly are left."(24 September, 2013)

“I believe in God. Not in a Catholic God, because there is no such thing as a Catholic God." (1st October 2013) 

“It is wonderful to see that young and old, men and women of Islam are able to devote time each day to prayer, and to participate faithfully in their religious rites." (24 November, 2013)

“Share our experience in carrying the cross to tear from our hearts the disease that plagues our lives: it is important that you do this in your meetings. Those who are Christians, with the Bible; those who are Muslims, with the Koran. The faith your parents instilled in you will always help you move forward. "(19 January, 2014)

"Dialogue does not mean giving up your own ideas and traditions, but the pretension that they are unique and absolute." (24 January, 2014)

Let us stop there so as not to disgust unduly our readers who as to them, we hope, profess the Catholic Faith.

As for the second element, who does not know that Francis celebrates every day what Mgr. Lefebvre rightly called "the mass of Luther", that he is the heir of those who destroyed the faith, the Mass, the sacraments, and all the other treasures of the Church?

How can we not believe that the prophecy of Leo XIII in his Exorcism against Satan and the apostate angels is being fulfilled before our eyes?

“The Church, bride of the Immaculate Lamb, here is saturated with bitterness and watered with poison, by very cunning enemies; they have laid their ungodly hands on all that she desires most sacred. Where the seat of blessed Peter was established, and the chair of Truth, there they set the throne of their abomination in impiety; so that the shepherd being struck, the flock may be scattered. O Saint Michael, invincible leader, therefore make thyself present to the people of God who are grappling with the spirit of iniquity, give them victory and make them triumph."

So if Father Couture rightly preaches to us in his editorial that we must profess the Catholic Faith in order to be part of the Church, we ask him the question: do you therefore want to question Francis' membership in the Catholic Church saying that you have to have the Catholic Faith to be part of the Church?

Caution : Sects

Submit to infidels?

The next question we ask ourselves as we read this editorial is, since when has submission to people who are adulterous in their faith become a condition for belonging to the Church? Is not that why the catechism takes the trouble to insert the little word "legitimate" after the word "pastor"? Is a pastor who does not profess the Catholic Faith a legitimate pastor?

It would also be interesting for the Carillon editorial to explain to us why, in 2018, we would worry about being subject to the Church of Francis to be part of the Catholic Church. For forty-six years (since the Declaration of 21st November, 1974) we "have refused the Rome of neo-modernist and neo-liberal tendency as it manifested itself in the Second Vatican Council.” Was this Conciliar Church that we rejected a simple separate idea, without concrete reality?

Who has not noticed, moreover, that during the final Chapter Declaration of 2018, the superiors, although saying that they adhered to the entire Declaration of 21st November, 1974, were careful not to quote anything that could remind us that a False Church reigns at the moment in Rome, for example: "On the other hand, we refuse and have always refused to follow the Rome of neo-modernist and neo-Protestant tendency which manifested itself clearly in the Vatican Council II and after the Council in all the reforms which resulted from it. "

Another little reminder: The Open Letter of the Superiors of the FSSPX to Cardinal Gantin (1988), of which Father Couture was a signatory: 

"On the other hand, we never wanted to belong to this system which calls itself a Conciliar Church, and is defined by the Novus Ordo Missæ, indifferent ecumenism and the secularisation of the whole Society. Yes, we have no part, nullam partem habemus, with the pantheon of the religions of Assisi; our own excommunication by a decree of your Eminence or of another dicastery would only be irrefutable proof. We ask nothing better than to be declared ex communione of the adulterous spirit which has been blowing in the Church for twenty-five years, excluded from impious communion with the infidels. We believe in one God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, and we will always be faithful to His one Bride, the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church.

To be publicly associated with the sanction imposed on the six Catholic bishops, defenders of the faith in its integrity and its entirety, would be for us a mark of honour and a sign of orthodoxy before the faithful. They have a strict right to know that the priests to whom they are addressed are not of the communion of a counterfeit Church, evolutionary, Pentecostal, and syncretistic. "

Ah! when the salt becomes insipid, it is only good to be thrown out and trampled on! The good Master said it well!

Suddenly, in 2012, we realized in Menzingen that since 1974 we have forgotten the third element necessary for belonging to the Church! Do not be afraid, we are straightening the boat out!



We could go further into the subject, but that is of little interest. We would only like to end by proposing to Le Carillon a modification of the layout, since we are frequent readers of it. Perhaps we could publish this in a new section called Readers’ Mail?

Indeed, we cannot believe that Father Couture meant that it is necessary to submit to the Conciliar Church in order to be Catholics. After having signed the Open Letter to Cardinal Gantin of 1988, it is not possible that one can think so.

So there is only one possible explanation: one page in the Carillon is not enough for the Editorial. We would have to go to two pages to have enough room to make the distinctions that are absolutely necessary today when we recall certain truths of the Faith which concern the Church.

We sincerely hope that this layout change can contribute to more clarity in the future.

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99