The Church is Plunged in a Great Storm

Note : This article was first published on the Canada Fidèle website on 17 January 2019.

One of the Faithful answers to a friend…

Dear friend,

You had asked me which congregation Father Pierre Roy belongs to, but I must explain his wise position. He belongs to no congregation. The reason for this is because the Church is in a turmoil, as you noticed.

I must say I was very impressed with you, because I had also left my religion many years ago, however, when I was not practicing, I also was not praying and, unlike you, I was not as interested in prayers. I was impressed when you asked for the Our Father, and for the sequence of prayers in The Rosary. You also showed me your favorite prayer, from Saint Francis, Lord, Make me an instrument of Thy peace… Really, it’s impressive for a person who is not practicing.

I, like you, was confused about the decay in the Church. I recall reading about Our Lady of La Salette about 40 years ago, but I did not understand it. She was saying that the Church will be in «eclipse» and she was warning us about the corruption, even at the highest level of the Church. However, she was not speaking for those days, she was warning us of what was to come, which is NOW, HERE, our days of turmoil and deception.

The Beast of the Apocalypse. Those who will adore it and those who will resist it.

Yes, the Church is now in «eclipse» because the official head is obviously NOT from God. Unfortunately, some are so disillusioned they lose courage and leave the faith of their fathers, the only one true Church instituted by Christ.  However, we can have great reassurance as we are not abandoned, because our loving heavenly Mother knew all this ahead, and she warned us so we could take measures not to fall for the lies and traps meant to ensnare our soul. She wants all of us to be saved, but we are being put into a huge test of faith.

The very persons who are supposed to help us have sided with the Evil one, but because Christ and His beloved Mother want our salvation, they have provided us with saintly people to guide us

Monseigneur Marcel Lefebvre could not follow the deceptions the Freemasons had inserted in Vatican ll. Thank God, Archbishop Lefebvre had the strength, the faith, and the perseverance to resist the errors. Because of him, we can still have the Latin mass, the unchanged liturgy, and the teaching of the true faith passed down by the apostles.  The mass today, 90% of priests today, and worst of all the «pope» today, are all the result of the action of the Freemasons.

In order to preserve the deposit of faith and its true teaching, Monseigneur Marcel Lefebvre founded The Society of Saint Pius X, (SSPX). Consequently, in this Congregation, the seminarians would be taught the same teachings as taught by the Holy Catholic Church for almost two thousand years.

Father Pierre Roy, privileged by God, was brought up by parents and grandparents who followed the true teaching of Christ.

Unfortunately, the devil did not appreciate the Latin mass and all the good these priests were doing, so he sowed problems into the Society, convincing those leading it that they should be attached to the «pope» who was teaching a different religion, by his words, by his actions, and by his scandals.

Since the death of Archbishop Lefebvre, the Society always had as a principle not to go back to modernist Rome until they come back to the real faith and tradition of the Church. But unfortunately, at least since 2012, this principle has been abandoned, in the Saint Pius X Society.

It is at this point that Father Pierre Roy, along with many others, separated themselves from the Society, in order to remain faithful to their heroic founder.  Father Roy, after speaking publicly against this adulterous union, was asked to stop talking or to leave. Many of these priests, like Father Roy, remain independent. They are attached to the teaching of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Church of Christ, but not to a «pope» who teaches heresy. One must realize we are living in difficult times, and grace is given to souls searching for truth.

All these problems were announced by our Lady at LaSalette, at Lourdes, at Fatima, by Our Lady of Good Success, by many saints like Catherine Emmerich, Padre Pio, Bernadette, Lucy, Marie-Julie Jahenny, and many other stigmatizes and mystics who were approved by the Church before Vatican ll.

I hope this helps you to see that in these dark times of confusion, one sometimes have to take drastic measures to remain loyal to God and His teaching. The love of truth has guided Archbishop Lefebvre to hold on to the faith, in spite of the lies, deceptions, and false accusations. Because of him, and priests who are totally dedicated, we have so much to be thankful, for all the graces we are benefiting, because of their incredible zeal to save souls.

I remain your faithful friend in Christ,

A grandmother happy to have found truth

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99