Letter of Father Pierre Roy to a Confused Faithful

Note: This article first appeared on the Canada Fidèle web-site on 17 January, 2019.


Here is a letter from Father Pierre Roy to a perplexed faithful. Believing it may be of use to other perplexed faithful, we are posting it.

Dear Mr. S.,

forgive my delay in responding to you. My schedule is often busy ...

Thank you for your letter. As for the Society of St. Peter, I do not believe that there have been any recent remarks, nor that these people can be qualified as "disobedient". Since July 1988, they have made an act of submission to the New Church, that of Vatican II.

I will therefore rather speak of the Society of Saint Pius X, which I know better. What must be understood is that Rome is occupied by wolves under sheep skins, and this since at least the 1970s. This New Church mainly asks - this is increasingly clear - the submission of true Catholics. So what has been done recently by the SSPX is an act of submission to this False Church: we recognise your authority to recognise us as Catholics. Therefore, we, the SSPX, recognise in Francis the heretic, the authority to allow us to confess in his name, to marry in his name, while Francis has no authority over the True Church so much and so long that he does not convert.

The beast of the Apocalypse. Those who will adore it and those who will resist it.

I therefore maintain my objections on the basis that true Catholics are not obligated and should not submit to anyone who does not profess the Catholic Faith. This is a serious duty of conscience, as Archbishop Lefebvre said in 1990: "It is a strict duty for every priest and every faithful who wishes to remain Catholic to clearly separate himself from this Conciliar Church." The book of Revelation (ch. 18) is no less clear: "Come out of her, O my people, that you may not share in her works and that you do not share in her afflictions." 

We are living at the end of time. As prophesied so often by the saints of the past (Marie-Julie Jahenny, Anne-Catherine Emmerich, Padre Pio, etc.), a False Church has settled in Rome, with the aim of deceiving - if it was possible - the elect themselves. We must resist this False Church and remain faithful to the Faith, the liturgy and the sacraments of our Fathers in the Faith. The end of the True Church eclipse is fast approaching and only those who have refused the False Church will be praised.

Hoping that this answers your questions somewhat, I wish you a Happy and Holy New Year 2019 and ask you to pray for me as I will not fail to do for you.

God bless you,

Father Pierre Roy

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99