Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922
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(Read Matt. ii, 1-12.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY the consolation and ineffable joy of the Magi when they saw the star appear once more, after they had been informed by the priests as to the place where Christ was to be born. And so it happens to those, who remain faithful and constant in time of desolation letting themselves be directed by their spiritual guides. But how much greater must have been the wonder of the Magi when they saw the star standing over a poor wretched hut, and pointing out the place where was born the King, proclaimed from above.
APPLICATION: Whosoever then would find Jesus must not seek Him amidst comforts and in grandeur, for He is only to be found in humility and in poverty.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hear me, for I am needy and poor. (Ps. lxxxv, 1.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that when they crossed the threshold of the cave, it at once appeared to the eyes of their souls as an abode more splendid and striking than any royal palace. Whosoever finds Jesus in humility and in poverty discovers how precious these virtues are. By the rays of glory which emanated from the Holy Babe, and still more by the interior light which illuminated their souls, they knew Him to be in very truth the King of the Jews and the true Son of God. Prostrating themselves therefore in body and with profoundest sentiments of humility of soul, most profoundly did they adore Him with divine worship, and with tender affections of devotion and of love.
APPLICATION: If only a bright ray of light and of faith did but illuminate your soul and make known to you your Lord Who, becoming little in the Sacred Host, so constantly enters into your bosom, with how much greater reverence would you receive and adore Him! At least unite with the holy kings in offering to Him all the affections of your heart.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Direct me in thy truth and teach me, for thou art God, my Saviour. (Ps.xxiv, 5.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that the Magi, not content with worshipping the Child Jesus, offer Him also precious gifts of gold, of myrrh, and of incense, thus mystically confessing Him true king by their gold, mortal man by their myrrh, and eternal God by their incense. But how far more liberally were they rewarded by our Saviour for these their offerings, receiving as we may well believe the gift of wisdom for their gold, the gift of perfect purity and of great increase in grace for their myrrh, and intense spiritual consolations for their incense.
APPLICATION: It is not enough that you should worship Jesus with sentiments or affections alone. You must confess Him in your life and by your deeds. Renew in the depths of your heart the offerings of the gold of your love, the myrrh of mortification and of self-conquest, the incense of prayer and devotion. If you are faithful in your promises to the Infant Jesus, He will not be out-done in generosity, but will give Himself in all His fullness to you.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: All the kings of earth shall adore Him: all nations shall do Him service. (Ps. lxxi, 11.)
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(Read Matt. ii, 12.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY what great consolations the wise men had during that night, which they passed in the presence of the Divine Child, as He spoke silently to their hearts, as they listened to the Blessed Virgin explaining to them the hidden mysteries of redemption. How little they thought of the discomforts of their journey. Sweet is all fatigue in the search of Jesus by those, who have the joy of finding Him, and they never weary of His divine presence.
APPLICATION: Do you also stay willingly with the Holy Child? Do you also rejoice in conversing with Him and with His Holy Mother? That is the surest sign that you have found Jesus.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Let all the kings of the earth give glory unto thee, O Lord, for they have heard all the words of thy mouth. (Ps.cxxxvii, 4.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how the wise men being in doubt as to whether or not they should fulfil their promise to Herod and return to Jerusalem, had recourse to God in order that He should make known to them His Divine holy Will. Then by means of an angel they were bidden in their sleep to return to their home by another way, so as not to imperil the life of the Holy Infant.
APPLICATION: See here the surest way of a solution in all your doubts, namely to have recourse to God for light, at the same time to avail yourself of all the means which human prudence may dictate, taking counsel of wise and experienced persons. God does not wish to do all of Himself, but requires that we on our side should co-operate with Him. But your trust must above all be in the fatherly care of God. If you act thus our Lord will always show you, as He did the wise men, the surest way of escaping all dangers.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord ruleth me and I shall want nothing. (Ps. xxii, 1.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that when they had been told by heaven to change their road, they made no account of the greater length or difficulties of their journey, not of the promise which they had made to Herod of returning to Jerusalem. Consequently, those wise men after they had found and adored Jesus, returned by another way into their own country.
APPLICATION: You also when God or your superiors show you the way that you must follow, learn to pay no heed to human respect or to worldly reasonings, and to fear no difficulties that may present themselves. You may be always sure of walking with perfect safety when the Will of God is your guide. Like the Magi too, return you also by another road after having made a complete offering of yourself to the Divine Babe. When you came you were proud, return now by meekness and mildness; you ran after vanities and the goods of this world, embrace now the poverty of the Gospel and seek only true goods which are those of heaven: This is the way that leadeth to life.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord is my helper and protector; my heart hath trusted in Him and I have been helped. (Ps. xxvii, 7.)
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(Read Matt. ii, 16-18.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that Herod who had been troubled by the first report of the new-born King, became maddened with fury at finding himself deceived by the wise men. Consequently in order to make sure that his kingdom should not be taken from him, he determined to have all the male infants of Bethlehem put to death, without a moment’s thought as to so barbarous an injustice and so horrible a massacre of so many innocent children. Such was the precipice into which this tyrant’s mad ambition for rule cast him.
APPLICATION: How many there are who for something far less than a kingdom have descended to unjust and unworthy actions, one through ambition of place, another through jealousy or rivalry against an enemy. Examine yourself and see what unconquered passion prevails most of all within you. Strive to overcome it by mortification and frequent prayer to God, so that it may not prove your ruin.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Enlighten mine eyes, that I sleep not ever in death, lest mine enemy say at any time: I have prevailed against him. (Ps. xii, 5.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how Herod in order to be quite certain of killing the new-born King of the Jews, gave orders for the massacre of not only all the infants who were born in Bethlehem at the time of the star, but also of all those born in the outskirts and vicinity of Bethlehem, from two years old and under in all the borders thereof. By such means and by such precautions Herod thought still to keep his kingdom in his wickedness, yet gained not the end he had in view because there is no wisdom and no counsel against God.
APPLICATION: And ought not you to adopt similar precautions, in order to make sure of the eternal kingdom which is prepared for you in heaven, by attacking and destroying not only whatever passion most predominates in you, but also any others that may in course of time arise within you, and deprive you of so glorious a kingdom!
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Behold thine enemies, O Lord, behold thine enemies shall perish, and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. (Ps. xcii, 10.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY what a scene of horror it was to behold the tears of so many sorrowing mothers, and the blood of so many innocent children most cruelly murdered by that tyrant, who even in this life suffered the chastisement of God by a most painful death. On the other hand consider how Almighty God made use of Herod’s ambition in order to crown those infants in the glory of heaven, and also to make more clearly known upon earth the birth of the true Messiah.
APPLICATION: Learn to recognise in the evils which befall you or others the loving providence of God. If an enemy tries to injure you, God so disposes that it turns to your greater profit and to His greater glory, so true it is that whoever plots evil against his neighbour works ruin for himself and crowns for others.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: O grant us help in trouble, for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do mightily, He will bring our enemies to nought. (Ps. cvii, 13-14.)
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(Read Matt. ii, 13.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how the Heavenly Father in order to save the life of the Infant Jesus from Herod’s snares, send an angel to warn His parents to withdraw Him from danger by flight. Almighty God could have freed Him from danger in many other ways, without exposing Him to so much suffering and discomfort, but He did not will to do so.
APPLICATION: Hence we may learn the special care God takes of His most favoured servants, not only when He caresses and comforts them, but also when He tries them with persecutions and trials as He did His beloved Son.
AAFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Because he hath hoped in me, I will deliver him; I will protect him because he hath known My name. (Ps. xc, 14.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that the angel’s warning was delivered to St. Joseph as head of the family, and that the Blessed Mother took it not amiss to be as it were passed over in favour of him who was so far inferior to her. She knew full well that God chooses to make known to us His will through the medium of those whom He has placed over us, even though they be of less merit or learning or virtue.
APPLICATION: Learn once for all this truth, when you would be certain of God’s will you must follow the advice of your spiritual guide and the orders of your superior, although it may seem to you that in many ways you know better than they. This is the way by which God wishes to lead you along the sure path of salvation.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Direct me in thy truth and teach me; for thou art God my Saviour. (Ps. xxiv, 5.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY the circumstances of this flight ordered by the Angel. Joseph as he sleeps is told to cut short his needful repose, to start on this journey at midnight, to go not to a friendly country such as would have been that of the three kings, but to the hostile and barbarous land of Egypt, and there to stay until he received further commands. In spite of circumstances so trying, St. Joseph hesitated not to obey with promptitude of will, and with entire submission of his own judgment, happy in fulfilling the Divine Will.
APPLICATION: Examine your manner of obeying, and see how you act when you are ordered something which disturbs your peace and obliges you to leave a place you like and to live perhaps in discomfort, unknown and uncared for. Learn that in proportion to the generosity with which you give yourself up to the obedience of those who are over you, the more apt instrument will you become to do great things for God.
AAFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy, and teach me thine ordinances. (Ps. cxviii, 124.)
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(Read Matt. ii, 13-15.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how much Jesus and His parents suffered during their long sojourn of seven years in Egypt. They lived quite unknown and in extreme poverty in that heathen land, and no one offered the needed help to that holy family. Hence St. Joseph had to obtain their necessary sustenance by the labour of his hands and the sweat of his brow.
APPLICATION: Such was the condition to which the King of glory reduced Himself for your sake. When have you ever had to suffer so much poverty either in the course of God’s Providence or by the commands of superiors? At least, seek not superfluities in God’s service. What happiness did not the good St. Joseph find in his labours to maintain and save the life of Jesus. You too must find comforts in the labours you undertake for God’s service and say with the Apostle: I suffer but I am not discouraged. (2 Tim. i, 12.) If you have Jesus with you as Joseph had, no work will be hard to you, nor will you find it difficult to live in the poorest corner of the world.
AAFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I fear no evils, for thou art with me. (Ps. xxii, 4.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how, amidst so many trials, noting so much distressed that holy family as the blindness and impiety of that barbarous nation which worshiped the devil in their idols. They did not however weary of helping those poor idolaters by their holy words and their devout example.
APPLICATION. If there were in your heart true zeal for God’s honour, you would feel more the offences against Him than for your own interests. He who has at heart the glory of God and the salvation of souls endeavours in all places, at all times and in all conditions of life to benefit his neighbour. If you go not as far as this, at least strive never to be a stumbling-block or bad example to others.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My zeal hath made me pine away; because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. (Ps. cxviii, 139.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY how the idols of that land fell to the ground in presence of Jesus, it not being possible for those false gods to stand unmoved in the sight of the true God.
APPLICATION: How can the idols of your heart remain unmoved in your heart, when your God takes sacramental possession of it? As many as are the evil affections of pride, of anger, of inordinate love of your own reputation and ease which you cultivate, so many are the idols which reign in your heart. How comes it that these idols do not fall to the ground when Jesus enters the Egypt of your heart, Who humbles Himself so exceedingly under the sacramental species, Who bears so many outrages and Who comes not to save His own life from the snares of Herod, but to rescue you from eternal death and to give you a life of everlasting happiness.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord is great and highly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods; for all the gods of the Gentiles are devils. (Ps. xcv, 4-5.)
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(Read Luke ii, 42-50.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how the Child Jesus went up according to the custom of the Jews to the temple for the great feast, and there remained unknown to His parents in order to teach you two important lessons. The first is that of being exact and careful in the observance of all prescribe customs which concern the honour of God, even though they be not obligations. Christ was not so bound on account of His tender age, but He wished to give this good example in order that you might not neglect to do the same with regards to others. The second lesson is to teach you that where there is a question of God’s honour, you must not yield for a moment to human respect.
APPLICATION: Our Blessed Lord could never have feared that His parents would have interfered with His long stay in the temple. Nevertheless He remained there secretly to the intense grief of His Mother and of St. Joseph, because He knew well what a serious hindrance it would be for you to make known to your friends and relatives those things you intend to do for the service of God. Consequently, He would have you learn from this His example, not to be afraid of giving displeasure even to those who are most dear to you, when it is a question of giving pleasure to God.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy law. (Ps.cxviii, 57.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph on their return from the temple, seeing that the Divine Child was missing, feared that this had happened through some fault of their own. So in their bitter grief they set themselves to seek Him till at last they found Him on the third day.
APPLICATION: Even now also is Jesus wont to hide Himself from those who return and leave the temple, that is, from those who go back in His service by omitting their customary devotions and penances, neglecting their regular duties and thinking little of deliberate venial sins. He hides Himself by depriving them of His lights, His consolations and of His timely help, and so in their unhappy state they go from bad to worse. Woe then to you were you ever to become such a one as these, but woe all the more, did you not by repentance for your negligence diligently seek to find Him again.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: In the day of my trouble I sought God. (Ps. lxxvi, 3.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY where Jesus was found. Not among His relatives nor among His friends, but in the temple among the Doctors.
APPLICATION: Is Jesus hidden from you? If you would find Him seek Him in the temple, seek Him among the Doctors. In the temple by withdrawing yourself from unnecessary conversations, by treating more closely with God in prayer, by keeping more recollected and more watchful over yourself. Seek Him among the Doctors by reading holy books, and by going to your confessor or spiritual director to be guided in the way of finding Jesus. You must also have special recourse to the Blessed Virgin and to St. Joseph, that they may obtain for you the grace of finding Him so securely as never to lose Him any more.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: In thy fear I will worship towards thy holy temple, and give glory to thy name. (Ps. cxxxvii, 2.)
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(Read Luke ii, 51-52.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how Jesus remained up to the age of thirty years in the little house and shop of Nazareth. He grew not only in years but also in the most holy example He gave before God and men, of piety and zeal towards His Father, and of charity and meekness towards His neighbours.
APPLICATION: As your years in life lengthen out, do you also grow in devotion and union with God, in charity and meekness towards your neighbour? Please God be you not of those rather who go back and as they advance in years neglect prayer and regular observances, who seek after greater liberty and ease and thus endanger even the salvation of their souls.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have sworn and am steadfastly purposed to keep the judgments of thy justice . (Ps. cxviii, 106.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY what was the occupation of Jesus during all those years. He was subject to them, obeying His Mother and St. Joseph in all things they commanded Him. This He did in order to teach you that the perfection of virtue does not consist in the quality of the work one has to do, but in the perfection of the obedience with which he carries out the orders of those whom God has placed over him. It is this obedience which supernaturalises all his actions, even to the least of them, and renders them exceedingly precious in the eyes of God.
APPLICATION: You also can render all your actions still more precious by offering them to your Heavenly Father, in union with the merits of those in which Jesus was occupied in obedience up to the age of thirty years.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Set me, O Lord, a law in thy way, and guide me in the right path. (Ps. xxvi, 11.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY in what manner Jesus accomplished all the smallest things that were commanded Him. He did everything, with that same love and for that same end of glorifying His Father and meriting our salvation, as He showed later in preaching or when He offered Himself a sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, a victim of expiation for our sins.
APPLICATION: If you wish to arrive quickly at true holiness try always to do God’s will in the smallest thing that is commanded you by obedience, as He wills and for what He wills. In this consists all your perfection. God in all His works, even the smallest, acts always for the very best, because He does them all according to His most perfect will, according to the perfect exemplar in the Divine mind, and only for the most perfect end of His glory. You by doing what God wills of you, as He wills and for the end He wills, will so be doing what is for the very best.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: That I should do thy will: O my God, I have desired it. (Ps. xxxix, 9.)
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The cometh Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan, unto John, to be baptised by him. (Matt. iii, 13.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how Jesus Christ before He began to preach the gospel and to spread among the people the light of His heavenly doctrine, went first to the Jordan to be baptised among the publicans and sinners by His precursor, John the Baptist. He would perform this act of extreme humility as a preparation for the great work of our redemption, thus publicly declaring Himself a sinful man like the rest.
APPLICATION: . And you when you have some work to do for God’s service, whether it be in preaching, or in mission work or the like, be careful to prepare yourself by study and all the means you think useful for the end you have in view. Remember however that the best preparation of all is that which Jesus teaches you by His example of humility. You must not neglect the means that human prudence dictates, but most of all you must humble yourself and honestly acknowledge before God your incapacity, imploring Him to grant you that aid which He bestows so generously upon the humble, but which He refuses to the proud who presume on themselves.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thou wilt save the humble people, but wilt bring down the eyes of the proud. (Ps. xvii, 28.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how St. John, perceiving by a revelation of the Holy Spirit that it was the Redeemer Who came to him, rejoiced exceedingly to know Him and with the greatest humility adored Him. But learning that He came to be baptised by him, he ceased not to refuse until Jesus said to him: Suffer it to be so now: for so it becometh us to fulfil all justice.
APPLICATION: It was as if Jesus had said: By My humiliation in appearing as a sinful man, and by your obedience in giving me baptism, all justice will be fulfilled, because in obedience and humility all other virtue is made perfect. What value have you yourself set hitherto upon these two virtues so precious?
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:Thou hast regarded my humiliation; thou hast saved my soul out of distress. (Ps. xxx, 8.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY how Christ by being Himself baptised instituted the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Consequently at that very moment the heavens were opened above Him, the Holy Ghost descended upon Him in the form of a dove, and the Father declared Him to be His Beloved Son. It was to teach us thereby that that this sacrament of baptism by cleansing us from sin opens to us the Kingdom of Heaven, draws down upon us the Holy Spirit with His gifts and raises us to the dignity of adopted sons of the Divine Father.
APPLICATION: How comes it that you thank Him so little for so great a benefit of which so large a part of mankind is deprived? How far do you remember to correspond to the debt of gratitude you owe?
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and strengthen me with a perfect spirit. (Ps. l, 14.)
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