Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922

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(Read Matt. xxviii, 18-20.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the most distinctive mark of all the Catholic faith is the holy mystery of the most Sacred Trinity, by which we believe in one only God, and in one sole divine essence in three Divine Persons: in One God Who in Himself contains every kind of infinite perfection, our first beginning and our last end, our supreme Master and Monarch. See ye that I am, and there is no other God besides me. (Deut. xxxii, 39.)

APPLICATION:  In this lies the foundation of all your duties, namely to obey and serve God only, to acknowledge Him as the sole author of all your good, to hope only in Him for all your true happiness, to keep your heart turned towards Him, and to love Him above all things as your supreme good. But how many times have you placed your ill-regulated inclinations before the divine will? How little have you thanked Him for all the good He has done you? How littler have you placed your trust in Him? And how much more have you loved poor, miserable creatures than your God and supreme happiness? Be ashamed, and with contrition say with St. Augustine : Too late have I loved Thee.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:. For thee my flesh and my heart hath fainted away. Thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion for ever. (Ps. lxxii, 26.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  how in God Who is one in essence, there are three divine persons. For God, the Father, contemplating and comprehending Himself fully generates an image of himself , substantial, complete and most perfect, which is the Divine Word, God the Son. The Father in contemplating this perfect image, the brightness of his glory and the figure of his substance, (Heb. I, 3.) loves It infinitely, and the Word again in return loves Him infinitely Who begot Him. This mutual love of God the Father and of God the Son is God the Holy Ghost, Who thus proceeds from the Father and the Son. Hence one God in three distinct divine persons, Who are infinitely perfect and perfectly equal in all things. Jesus prayed in the cenacle, that this union which is among the three Divine Persons, might also be in the faithful. That they may be one as we also are one. (John xvii, 22.)

APPLICATION:  Consequently it is this unity which you should above all things strive to attain to, namely unity with God, with those placed over you, and with your neighbours. Thus you will resemble as far as you can, the perfect union among the three Divine Persons.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. (Ps. cxxxii, 1.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that you are made to the image of God and of the most august Trinity. For the Creator has endowed you with a soul, which comprises three powers essentially united in themselves, and yet quite distinct from each other.

APPLICATION:  Seeing then that you are the image of God, all your perfection must consist in resembling your divine original. Not indeed by the imitation of His power, as Lucifer unhappily tried to do, nor of His knowledge as Adam strove to do, but it is in the imitation of the holiness of His ways that God has expressly designed that you should resemble Him. Be ye holy for I am holy. It is for this that He is most especially adored and glorified in heaven by the angelic spirits, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God. (Apoc. iv, 8.) It is to this holiness of the divine ways that it behoves you to strive to conform yourself in your life, as far as possible.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Generation and generation shall praise thy works: and they shall declare thy power. They shall speak of the magnificence of the glory of thy holiness: and shall tell of thy wondrous works. (Ps. cxliv, 4, 5.)

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He will show you a large dining-room furnished, and there prepared ye for us. (Mark xiv, 15.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY in order to prepare yourself in these days preceding the solemnity of Corpus Christi, what was the preparation made by Christ for the institution of the Blessed Sacrament. First He sent two disciples to prepare a supper room large and furnished. Jesus was such a lover of poverty that a manger sufficed Him at His birth, and at His death He had not as much as a drop of water to assuage Hid thirst. Why then did He seek a large room furnished in which to prepare the Eucharistic banquet for the poor fishermen? The reason was that you also might learn the preparation which you must make when about to approach this holy table and receive your God within your heart.

APPLICATION:.  Examine yourself as to what as been your preparation up to the present moment when going to the altar to receive Holy Communion? Have you gone there well prepared, or only through custom and as it were to some very ordinary duty?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Man ate the bread of angels: he sent them provisions in abundance. (Ps. lxxvii, 25.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY that the preparation was to be in a large supper room. Such also should be your heart in order to receive this divine guest, a large and capacious one. According to the measure of the abode you prepare for our Lord, He will pour His divine treasures into your soul. That your hearts then may be rendered capacious, it behoves you to empty it of all disorderly, evil or earthly affections. That it may be large you need only to dilate your desires and longings.

APPLICATION: Perhaps you have gathered but little fruit from many Communions which you have received up to the present time. It is because you have approached the holy table with your heart laden with ill regulated affections and desires. It was these that extinguished the desire and took away the hunger for that heavenly bread. In order then that your soul may be truly nourished at this divine table, empty out your heart of earthly things and thus you will feel hunger and receive profit from your Communions. He hath filled the hungry with good things. (Luke I, 53.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt. Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. (Ps. lxxx, 11.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the cenacle was also itself decorated and adorned with precious vases and other objects of value. This teaches you that you should also enrich and adorn your heart with virtue, whenever you approach Holy Communion.

APPLICATION:   The acts of virtue before Communion should be those of true humility and of true contrition. Consider on the one hand your vileness and your sins, and on the other hand the dignity and majesty of your divine Lord. He has been so basely offended by you, and yet He comes down from heaven with such infinite condescension and refinement of love to dwell in your heart. After Holy Communion you should adore Him with acts of divine worship, thanking Him for such goodness, and beseeching Him to help you in all your necessities. For He Who comes with such love to give you His whole being with all His treasures, cannot deny you anything you ask for the good and sanctification of your soul.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  Make the way known to me, wherein I should walk: for I have lifted up my soul to thee. (Ps. cxlii, 8.)

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You know that after two days shall be the pasch. (Matt. xxvi, 2.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY the motives which induced our Blessed Saviour to dispose that the supper of the paschal lamb should precede the Eucharistic one. First, to intimate that as the supper of the paschal lamb was to the Hebrews the greatest solemnity and the chief mystery of the Mosaic law, so like wise the Eucharist supper is the chief solemnity and the greatest mystery of the New law, of which the supper of the paschal lamb was but a shadow and figure. Now the Hebrews by the command of God solemnised this their mysterious supper, with much preparation, with many rites and with impressive pomp. With how much more preparation and devotion should the great mystery of the Eucharistic Supper be celebrated by the faithful of holy Church!

APPLICATION:  Up to the present you have perhaps too little valued this great mystery. Begin at least now to ponder more deeply its greatness, and to practice more solid piety towards this most august Sacrament.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:. The Lord ruleth me, and I shall want for nothing. He had set me in a place of pasture. Thou hast prepared a table before me, against them that afflict me... (Ps. xxii, 1-5.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  another motive for which the paschal supper was placed first. It was because, in the same way as the Hebrew people solemnly ate the paschal lamb in memory of their liberation from the slavery of Pharaoh, so too the Eucharistic supper serves as a memorial of our delivery from the slavery of sin, of the devil, and of hell, through the immaculate blood of Jesus.

APPLICATION:.  The benefit of our delivery from the slavery of sin, and the eternal death fo the soul, by virtue of the divine blood of Jesus, is incomparably greater than was that of the liberation of the Hebrews from the slavery of Pharaoh and the temporary death of the body. Hence it is right indeed that we should approach with far greater devotion and preparation to the partaking of the Eucharistic banquet.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  A memorial hath the merciful and gracious Lord made of his marvellous works. He hath given meat unto them that fear him. (Ps.cx, 4-5.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the paschal supper of the Hebrew law was celebrated once a year, because it was only once that they were liberated from the servitude of Egypt. But for us who are daily freed from our sins by virtue of the blood of the Redeemer, this sacramental feast is celebrated also daily, for it is both in remembrance of the benefit which our Lord has done us in ransoming us, and in addition a renewal of our redemption itself. Moreover the feast of the Blessed Sacrament is in reality the greatest solemnity which is celebrated during the whole year. All the other principal festivities, such as those of the Nativity, the Resurrection and of the Ascension are only memorials and representations of these particular mysteries: whereas we have in the Blessed Sacrament and actual renewal of the sacred passion and death of Jesus Christ.

APPLICATION:   Bestow more serious reflection upon this truth, and you will both adore the Blessed Sacrament in the churches and assist at Holy Mass with greater devotion and piety. You will also make a more careful preparation, when about to approach the holy table.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  My cup that inebriateth me, how goodly it is. . . that I may dwell in the house of the Lord unto length of days. (Ps. xxii, 5, 6.)

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I being your Lord and Master have washed your feet. . . I have given you an example that as I have done to you so you do also.. (John xiii, 14-15.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that our Blessed Redeemer, before the sacramental supper, laid aside His garments and girding Himself with a towel, filled a basin with water and kneeling on the ground even as their least servant, began to wash His disciples feet. This He did in order to manifest to what a degree He abased Himself for us in the Blessed Sacrament. For herein He despoils Himself of all majesty, and hides Himself beneath the appearance of bread and wine. He descends from the bosom of the Father to enter the bosom of a man, to wash him with His own precious blood and to nourish him with His own sacred flesh.

APPLICATION:  The astonishment and tenderness of St. Peter were so great at seeing His divine Master thus abased at his feet, that in utter amazement he exclaims: Thou shalt never wash my feet. (John xiii, 8.) How much more astonishment and reverence should arise in your heart, at beholding by the light of faith Jesus in such a state of humiliation under the appearance of mere bread. He did this to wash you in His blood, and to feed you with His flesh!

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Come and hear, all ye that fear God; and I will tell you what great things he hath done for my soul. (Ps. lxv, 16.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that, before communicating the apostles, Jesus wished to wash their feet to show the cleanness of soul which is needed for Holy Communion. This cleanness means complete freedom from mortal sin, as far as may be from venial sin also and from affection to it. If then you are certain of mortal sin in your soul, it is necessary that it be cleansed in the sacrament of penance before Communion. If however you have no mortal sin upon your soul, remove also all stain of venial sin either by confession or at least by acts of contrition.

APPLICATION: Thank the good God Who has made this great Sacrament so easy of approach. Go to Holy Communion often. Such is the desire and the spirit of the Catholic Church. Frequent and even daily communion is recommended to all, as the sure and solid means of piety, virtue and increasing growth in all holiness of life.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sins. (Ps. l, 4.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that upon this occasion our Lord would teach you the need of two virtues, which are specially dear to Him. They are those of humility and of charity according to the example which Jesus has given you. For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also. (John xiii, 15.)

APPLICATION:   You also must practise these two virtue of humility and of charity towards our Blessed Lord, Who so abases Himself in order to show the extreme perfection of His charity in this most holy sacrament. Let it not be that, as Jesus enters your heart, He should have to administer to you the same reproof which He gave to the Pharisee of the gospel: I entered thy house, thou gavest me no water for my feet (Luke vii, 44.), that is to say, no salutary compunction of heart that should at one and the same time wash my feet and your own soul: My head with oil thou didst not anoint: that is, by pouring forth from your heart the fragrant ointment of devout affections: Thou gavest me no kiss (Luke vii, 44.), as a sign of love and of a peace that shall never be dissolved.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  How lovely are thy tabernacles! My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. (Ps. lxxxiii, 2, 3.)

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Having loved His own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. (John xii, 1.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY the intense refinement of the love of Jesus Christ in instituting the Blessed Eucharist. Firstly, it appears in the gift He makes you, in bestowing upon you under the form of the sacred species His flesh, His blood, His soul and His divinity with all the treasures of His grace. In this sacred banquet our Blessed Lord gives you all that is most precious in His divine treasury.

APPLICATION:  Will you not then at least thank Him for such a gift? Do you not feel moved to love Him in return? Each little gift you receive from men as a mark of love, touches your heart and evokes a return of affection. Yet when God in the excess of His love gives you Himself, He is not able to succeed in winning your heart and obliging you to love Him in return. Do you not feel ashamed of the poor manner with which until now you have repaid the divine liberality?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: What shall I render to the Lord for all the things that he hath rendered to me? (Ps. cxv, 12.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  His love as seen in the perfection of the manner in which He gives Himself to you in the Holy Eucharist. He descends from the bosom of the divine Father and clothes Himself with the sacramental species in order to enter your heart and to unite Himself to you in the form of food. Thus He joins intimately His most holy body to your flesh, and His spirit and divinity to your soul. There is nothing which can so closely become one with us as food, which when once distributed throughout our members cannot again separate from us.

APPLICATION: How do you correspond to this intimate union invented by the love of Jese? How far do you endeavour to remain united, with all your heart and mind, in love with Him? I fear that even during the time that He is actually within your bosom you are far from this in thought and affection.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  My heart and my flesh have rejoiced in the living God. (Ps. lxxxiii, 3.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY  the end intended by Jesus Christ by means of this sacramental union. It is to sanctify our bodies by His most pure flesh and to sanctify our souls by His spirit and divinity. Thus animated by His spirit we live a life more divine than human, so that we may say with the Apostle: I live, now not I; but Christ liveth in Me. (Gal. ii, 2.) The alchemists of old claimed to bestow upon inferior metals the beauty and value of gold by the power of fire. Our Blessed Lord unites Himself with us in the sacramental species by the work of His divine spirit in order to render us like unto Himself.

APPLICATION:   Thank God devoutly for this excess of love and for this perfection of divine charity. But what will all these loving inventions profit you, if notwithstanding Jesus being intimately present with you, you do not endeavour to remain recollected in His divine presence? In order to enjoy the fullest fruit of this blessed union, in receiving our Lord your heart should withdraw itself from created things, and your spirit should be as it were in a state of solitude so as to give entrance to your God alone. Thus you will verify that saying of the prophet Isias: only in thee is God (Isa. xiv, 14.), with Jesus only in your memory, Jesus only in your intellect, and Jesus only in your will.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  Thou art great, O Lord, and doest wondrous things; I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart. (Ps. lxxxv, 10-12.)

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Jesus knowing that his hour was come. (John xiii, 1.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY how greatly this wondrous mystery of the Blessed Eucharist is enhanced by the circumstances under which it was instituted by our Blessed Lord. Knowing that the hour had come for Him to leave His disciples, he wished to complete the work of our salvation, by supplying in His sacramental presence for the loss of His visible presence. He had descended to earth and clothed Himself in human flesh without leaving His Father; so without leaving the disciples He would now return to the Father. He showed thus how strongly bound in love He was to the disciples, from whom He could not and would not separate Himself even in death. My delights were to be with the children of men. (Prov. viii, 31.)

APPLICATION:.  Jesus does not wish to separate Himself from men were it even for a moment. How is it then that you are little solicitous to hasten to where He awaits you in the Blessed Sacrament ? There He offers Himself as your guide, your physician, your comforter and your strength. Come to me, all ye that labour and are burdened, and I will refresh you. (Matt. xi, 28.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Our God is our refuge and strength, a helper in troubles. (Ps. xiv, 2.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  another great marvel regarding the time in which the Blessed Eucharist was instituted as thus noted the Apostle: in the same night that he was betrayed. (1 Cor. xi, 23.) So it was that He wished to compensate an excess of perfidy by an excess of charity, and to render His bounty more luminous amidst the darkness of human wickedness. The light shineth in the darkness. (St. John I, 5.)

APPLICATION:. Is it not a thing to astound any mind to behold our Lord securing, by such wonderful prodigies on that night, still to remain in the world among men whilst they were actually plotting to drive Him from it, and to prepare, as He did, a banquet of heavenly delights for His disciples that same night in which He was to be betrayed by one of them, denied by another, forsaken by all  and left in the hands of His enemies? From such examples of perfect charity will you not learn to return good for evil, and to love those who hate you?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  He hath set me in a place of pasture. He hath brought me up on the water of refreshment. (Ps. xx, 2.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that Jesus in instituting the most divine Sacrament, foresaw that this excess of love towards us on His part would be met by an excess of outrage on ours. By unbelievers His sacred body has been trampled under foot, and insulted in many most unworthy ways. What is still worst is that, even by the faithful who believe in His real presence in the sacred host, He is left alone and neglected on His altars. He is insulted by innumerable irreverences, and also sacrilegiously receive into many hearts that are stained by grievous sins. And notwithstanding all of this, Jesus Christ did not cease to make His excess of love and invincible patience shine forth amid so much darkness. He shall entertain and feed, and give drink to the unthankful, and moreover He shall hear bitter words. (Ecclus. xxix, 31.)

APPLICATION:   If Jesus Christ for your salvation abased Himself so far as to bear such injuries in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar, why should you not also bear willingly some affronts for His glory? Why not try on your part to make up to Him for the outrages He suffers from the greater part of mankind. Frequent visits of adoration will only cost you a few moments. Humble your spirit in His sacred presence, and bow down to adore Him and give Him a complete worship by exterior and interior acts.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I will come into thy house; I will worship towards thy holy temple, in thy fear. Conduct me, O Lord, in thy justice: because of my enemies, direct my way in thy sight. (Ps. v, 8,9.)

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Behold I am with you all days even to the consummation of the world. (Matt. xxviii, 20.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that Jesus dwelling in the Blessed Sacrament endeavours to renew for our advantage those benefits which He wrought upon earth by His visible presence, enlightening our minds, healing our infirmities and strengthening us in the practice of virtue. Firstly, He would enlighten and instruct us by remaining in the tabernacle. He will not cause the teacher to flee away from thee any more. (Isa. xxx, 20.) And what truths profitable to your salvation are there that Jesus does not teach you? He send from His sacred Host rays of light to illuminate your mind, and by interior inspirations to instruct your heart. I will speak to her heart. (Osee ii, 14.) St. Thomas learned more by devoutly remaining before the Blessed Sacrament than by reading the most learned volumes: and they that approach to his feet, shall receive of his doctrine. (Deut. xxxiii, 3.)

APPLICATION:  What a happiness therefore is yours in being able at any hour to hear such a teacher! But how far are you anxious to learn this heavenly doctrine? And in order that you may receive instruction it suffices not that you be present in body only, but you must approach our Blessed Lord in spirit also. Place yourself like Magdalen at His sacred feet and hear His voice and His teaching.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:. Come ye to him and be enlightened. (Ps. xxxiii, 6.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that Christ remains on the altar to heal you even as the bronze serpent raised up by Moses healed the Jews who had been bitten by serpents: which when they were bitten looked upon, they were healed. (Num. xxi, 9.) During the time that our Blessed Redeemer was visibly present on earth He continually wrought wonderful miracles, for the good of those who were suffering from divers diseases of the body. But still more frequently now does Jesus, veiled under the sacramental species, work greater miracles of grace in favour of those souls who have devout recourse to Him.

APPLICATION:  How many in fact there are who having recourse to the Blessed Sacrament are healed of the evil infirmity of their souls! See then whether if you fail to cure completely the evils of your soul, because you neglect to have the same recourse to Jesus, Who alone can give you health.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Say to my soul: I am thy salvation. (Ps. xxxiv, 3.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that Jesus remains on the altar also, in order by His example to animate and strengthen you in the acquisition of virtue. For there He recalls to your mind the virtues practised by Him during His mortal life. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a memorial of all He wrought and suffered for you, and therefore it is called by St. Auguatine: A Sacred Memorial. This memorial being, as it really is, living and animated infuses into the soul strength and vigour to follow in His divine footsteps. But still more does Jesus strengthen and animate you, by the example of virtue which He actually presents to you under the sacramental species, namely of obedience in descending from heaven at the voice of the priest: of humility and of patience in remaining thus hidden under the accidents of bread and wine, and so subjecting Himself to many irreverences and insults for your sake.

APPLICATION:.   Place yourself in the presence of Jesus and diligently consider both the virtues which He displayed during His lifetime, and also those which He now actually exercises in the Blessed Sacrament. Picture to yourself the Eternal Father saying to you from the tabernacle: Look and make it according to the pattern. (Exod. Xxv, 40.) In this way you will animate yourself to practice the virtues there taught you.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Come and hear, all ye that fear God: and I will tell you what great things he hath done for my soul. (Ps. lxv, 16.)

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Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99