Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922

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(Read John xvi, 23-31 ; also Acts ii, 1-11.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the coming of the Holy Ghost was first made known by he sound as of a mighty wind, which stirred the souls of the disciples and laid open the entrance to their hearts. This is the usual mode which the Holy Spirit adopts in order to dispose a soul to receive Him. He opens the heart to the sound of His voice, and to the invigorating breath of His inspirations, by which the soul is awakened and prepared for the coming of the heavenly guest. But if the soul gives no heed to these inspirations but continues to slumber on in her negligence, assuredly the Holy Spirit will not enter therein.

APPLICATION:  How far have you been prompt in giving ear to the inspirations of God? Regret your negligence in the past. Henceforth be more attentive to the inspirations of heaven, if you would that the Holy Spirit should descend also upon you.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:. Bring to the Lord glory to his name: adore ye the Lord in his holy court. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters: the God of majesty hath thundered. (Ps. xxviii, 2, 3.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that, after the sound had come as of a mighty wind, the Holy Spirit descended on the head of each one of the disciples in the form of fire and in the shape of a tongue. This was to signify that as it is the property of fire to purify, illuminate and inflame, so likewise this fire of the Holy Spirit came to those in the cenacle to purge them from every earthly affection, to enlighten their minds and to inflame their hearts with heavenly love. The Holy Spirit descended in the shape of tongues, because He would teach the Apostles, that it was by means of the preaching of the gospel that they were to spread this fire among all the nations.

APPLICATION:  As you have great need of this divine fire to purify your desires, to illuminate your mind, and to inflame your heart with divine love, so must you fervently beg for it of our Lord. Blessed indeed will you be if you are found worthy to receive this fire abundantly. For then your life and works will be most meritorious in the sight of God, and most helpful to many souls.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Thou who makest thy Angels spirits: and thy ministers a burning fire. (Ps. ciii, 4.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that it is the property of ordinary fire not to remain still, but to rise up on high. On the contrary, the property of the divine fire is to descend and to dwell in the hearts of the faithful. It sat upon every one of them. (Acts ii, 3.) It descends from above, because, Every best gift and every perfect gift is from above. (James I, 17.) It remains permanently with us because the divine Spirit never departs from us, if He be not driven from us by our own fault: that He abide with you for ever. (John xiv, 16.)  With the apostles the Holy Spirit abided still more firmly, because they were confirmed in grace.

APPLICATION: May we not hope that on this most holy day we shall have, in some measure at least, received of this most divine Spirit, that our minds have been enlightened, and our hearts inflamed. But what will this avail us if we strive not that the Holy Spirit may dwell within us permanently, and never be compelled by our own fault to depart from us?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  We depart not from thee, Thou shalt quicken us: and we will call upon thy name. (Ps. lxxix, 19.)

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The Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things. (John xiv, 26.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY the effect wrought on the apostles by the coming of the Holy Spirit. The first was on their minds, which being illuminated by the living light of heaven, discovered to them the falseness of temporal maxims and the truth of those eternal. It made them clearly recognise the vanity of all things present, and the supreme importance of the future. Whereas the apostles had before striven among themselves for the first place, as to which of them should seem to be the greater (Luke xxii, 24.) they would now, through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, esteem him to be the most honoured who was most ill-used and oppressed for Christ's sake.

APPLICATION:  You also should greatly desire to possess this supernatural light in which up to now you have been so much in wanting. For you have regarded the approval and esteem of men as a great good. You have been influenced by human respect in your actions. You have regulated your life according to the dictates of the world and its maxims. Beg of the Holy Spirit that He will enlighten you with a ray of heavenly light, so that you may see the mistakes you may have made, and so change the maxims and principles which have ruled your mind.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thou lightest  my lamp, O Lord; O my God, enlighten my darkness. (Ps. xvii, 29.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  the second effect which the Holy Spirit produced in the hearts of the apostles. They had before been so timorous that they all basely abandoned their master during His sacred passion. St. Peter their leader even still more shamefully had denied Him, and that at the words of a mere maid-servant. On the contrary, after the coming of the Holy Spirit, they all showed themselves to be so brave and fearless that they boldly devoted themselves to preaching the faith of the crucified one, not fearing insults or threats, scouring or martyrdom which they had to encounter for the sake of Jesus.

APPLICATION:  If a spark of this fire which inflamed the hearts of the Apostles could but penetrate into your heart also, it would suffice to work a similar change there. For just as you have been solicitous in the past to seek your own ease and convenience, and to flee from all suffering, so much the more readily would you now become a generous lover of the cross. You would embrace suffering willingly for the love of our Lord, just as in the past you have sought your own satisfaction for your own individual pleasure.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  He uttered his voice, the earth trembled. The Lord of armies is with us: the God of Jacob is our protector. (Ps. xlv, 7, 8.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY a third effect which was wrought in the Apostles by the Holy Spirit, namely that of changing even their very speech. Before the descent of the Holy Ghost, they had discoursed much on earthly things and of temporal interests. They had even concurred with Judas who through avarice had found fault with the generous devotion of Magdalen, in anointing the feet of our Blessed Lord with precious ointment. Now they spoke none other than the language more of heaven than of earth, discoursing on the greatness of God and the glories of Jesus Christ: We have heard them speak the wonderful works of God. (Acts ii, 11.)

APPLICATION:   Examine what has been your manner of speech up to the present. Reflect how easily you have allowed yourself to censure and discredit your neighbour, to murmur against those in authority and to condemn them. Beseech the Holy Spirit that He would now give you the gift of speaking as it were a new tongue, if not that of an apostle, at least that of a true Christian. As St. James says, If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man (James iii, 2.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  I said:  I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue. I have set a guard to my mouth. (Ps. xxxviii, 1-2.)

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It is not you that speak, but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you. (Matt. x, 20.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that at the sound of the mighty noise which was heard throughout the city of Jerusalem, there quickly assembled a vast crowd, drawn partly by curiosity and partly by divine impulse. The apostles burning with zeal set themselves at once to preach the greatness of Christ. See here the tender providence of God in calling the people by means of this sound to hear and to be converted by the preaching of the apostles. Reflect moreover on the loving means employed by God to draw and to invite you to the practice of Christian perfection, which you have to such a great extent neglected. Observe also how the apostles did not fail to employ the gift bestowed on them by the Holy Spirit in co-operating for the salvation of souls.

APPLICATION:.  How do we, according to our state in life and opportunities, help on the salvation of our neighbour by our words and works, by our prayers and good example? Not only priests and religious, but those also living in the world owe a duty to God and to their neighbour in this respect. How do we stand in this matter?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth; and their words unto the ends of the world. (Ps. xviii, 5.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  what the apostles preached: They spoke according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. (Acts ii, 4.) They preached, moved by the impulse of the Holy Spirit, and not from motives of vanity nor from self-esteem, but with the pure intention of glorifying God and of making known to the people the greatness of Him Who had been crucified. They preached the divine word in all sincerity, nothing solicitous for elegance of language or show of learning: Not adulterating the word of God. (2 Cor. ii, 17.)

APPLICATION:  Endeavour in all you do to have a right intention of labouring for God alone. Let your mode of working ever be for the edification of your neighbour, if you do not wish that it be said of you: You have sowed much and brought in little. (Ag. I, 6.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  I will extol thee, O God my king: and I will bless thy name for ever. (Ps. cxliv, i.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that as the people saw the apostles who were poor fishermen, simple and uncultured, speaking with such wisdom, explaining the divine mysteries with so much eloquence, preaching the glory and the divinity of Jesus crucified with such ardour of spirit and making themselves understood in so many different languages, they were amazed and wondered, saying: What meaneth this? (Acts ii, 12.) There were not wanting, however, some who mocked at their zeal and set them down as drunken men, as if wine, forsooth, could have conferred that gift of tongues and their heavenly wisdom.

APPLICATION:   Is it not to be wondered at that there are always to be found those who are ready to censure virtue and to mock at even the most holy works. Be very cautious therefore in blaming or condemning the actions of your neighbour. For it is only too easy to judge wrongly even the most virtuous. Moreover in making yourself judge of what does not concern you, you render yourself deserving of rigorous judgment at the tribunal of God.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Enter not, O Lord, into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight no man living shall be justified. (Ps. cxlii, 2.)

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He that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do, and greater than these shall he do. (John xiv, 12.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the apostles seeing themselves treated as fools and laughed to scorn by the people, did not in consequence abandon their enterprise or cease from preaching and announcing the greatness of God. On the contrary from the ridicule and insults of the people they drew occasion to teach and declare the divine mysteries all the more. It is a real mark of true apostolic spirit to seek the glory of God and the good of souls, casting aside all fear of becoming the reproach of men.

APPLICATION:  But how different it is with you. You are ready enough to exercise those duties which seem to bring you credit but you hold back where you fear to lose your reputation. Thus you show clearly that in your work you do not aim at labouring for the glory of God but rather at fostering your own self-love!

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Redeem me from the calumnies of men: that I may keep thy commandments. (Ps. cxviii, 134.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  how St. Peter, the head of the apostles, with more than human wisdom made all these people understand, that he and the other apostles were not drunk with wine, but filled with the Holy Spirit of God promised by the prophet Joel. With admirable courage he reproached them with the crime of deicide committed by the killing of Jesus, the true Son of God, Who had risen triumphantly from the tomb. With such fervour of spirit did he speak that all who heard him were astonished and convinced. Hence whereas at first the apostles had been jeered at as drunk with wine, they were now recognised as teachers of the heavenly truth. Such is the fruit obtained by those who have the true spirit of God, and who preach the word of God with a holy freedom without fear of human respect. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor. iii, 17.)

APPLICATION:  If you are consecrated to this sacred ministry learn from the apostles how you should exercise it. If not, then beg God to give the true apostolic spirit to those who have to exercise it, and do not yourself neglect to help and edify your neighbour by your private conversations.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall be always in my mouth. (Ps. xxxiii, 1.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY the consolation and the joy of the apostles in witnessing, at one and the same time, the conversion to the faith of three thousand people, and at another of five thousand. They did not become proud nor vain at such conversions. Rather they attributed them all to the efficacy of the blood of Christ which it was His will should avail also for those who had taken part in His death, and that in virtue of the prayers He offered on the cross: Father, forgive them. (Luke xxiii, 34.)

APPLICATION:   When it is granted you to do something fruitful of good for your neighbour, do you also rejoice for the glory it gives to God. But learn also how to attribute all to God without giving way to vain-glory, remembering that without the special help of God you could not do any good, either for yourself or for others: Without me you can do nothing. (John xv, 5.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  The heavens show forth the glory of God: and the firmament declareth the works of his hands. (Ps. xviii, 2.)

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A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another as I have loved you. (John xiii, 34.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY what was the manner of life of these first Christians who were converted to the faith. They were assiduous in hearing the teaching and instruction which the apostles gave them. Each day they came together to receive Holy Communion; and they persevered in the exercise of prayer, whether vocal in common or mental in private.

APPLICATION:  Behold here a model which you should try and conform yourself in order to live a truly spiritual life. The mind of these first Christians were enlightened by the word of God which they heard. They were strengthened and sanctified in spirit by the devout and frequent reception of Holy Communion. By diligent and regular prayer they led a life that was more supernatural than human. If you experience not similar effects, it is a sign that you either neglect these means, or that you do not practice them with the diligence that you should.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Let my prayers be directed as incense in thy sight; The lifting up of my hands, as evening sacrifice, (Ps. cxl, 2.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  how these first Christians were inspired by the Holy Spirit to embrace evangelical poverty. They laid all their goods at the feet of the apostles, together with the value of their possessions, in order that they might all live in common: They had all things in common. (Acts ii, 44.) This renunciation of earthly possessions which is the chief foundation of evangelical perfection was most exactly observed by the first Christians. We may gather this from the punishment of sudden death inflicted on Ananias and Sapphira, who secretly kept back part of the price of the sale they had made when they laid it at the feet of the apostles.

APPLICATION:  Not all are called to make an act of poverty as these first Christians did. Still all of us like them must ever strive to live so detached from temporal goods, that they may never be able to become a grave obstacle in our duties to God or to our neighbour, or in the practice of virtue. How are our hearts disposed with regard to riches and money, alms to the poor and an aid to good works? In one word how far are we attached to mere creatures and not to God?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The just shall see and fear, and say: Behold the man that made not God his helper, but trusted in the abundance of his riches. (Ps. li, 8,9.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY the union and the perfect bond of charity in which the primitive Christians lived. The multitude of believers had but one heart and one soul. (Acts iv, 32.) It was by this mutual love for one another that they were at once recognised by the heathen as disciples of Christ. In astonishment they said to one another: See how they love one another and how they are ready to die for one another.

APPLICATION:   How far is this mark and distinction so proper to the disciples of Christ, to be seen in you? How far do you maintain charity with your neighbour? Remember that it does not suffice to keep this love stored up in your heart. It should be visible to all men, as the divine Master declared: By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if ye have love for one another. (John xiii, 35.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Acceptable is the man that sheweth mercy and lendeth, he shall order his words with judgment. (Ps. cxi, 5.)

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They will lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues. (Luke xxi, 12.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the number of the faithful increased in the city of Jerusalem through the preaching of the apostles, and the wonders wrought by them in the name of Jesus. Hence the chiefs of the synagogue were aroused, and commanded that the apostles should not again dare to preach the resurrection of Christ nor that He was the Son of God. For as they would not acknowledge Him as such, neither would they that the people should so acknowledge Him. Herein we see in the infant Church the beginning of that persecution by the enemies of Christ which lasted for many centuries, and ever increased in strength. But neither have these same persecutions ceased in our own days. For if it be true that tyrants no longer exist among us, yet the persecutors and deriders of virtue are not wanting: All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Tim. Iii, 12.)

APPLICATION:  Do not expect therefore to attain any great degree of virtue without suffering some contradiction, either from those of your own household or from others. For the virtue of those, who devoutly labour to promote the kingdom of God  and the good of their neighbour, is purified and refined by such opposition.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thos hast saved us from them that afflict us: and hast put them to shame that hate us. In God shall we glory all the day long: and in thy name we will give praise for ever. (Ps. xliii, 8.9.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that the apostles were nowise dismayed by the prohibition and threats of the chiefs of the synagogue, nor did they cease from preaching the resurrection and Divine Sonship of Christ. They were bound, they said, to obey God rather than man, and therefore could not cease to preach and testify to what they had seen and the wonders and glories of Christ: If it be just in the sight of God, to hear you rather than God, judge ye. (Acts iv, 19.)

APPLICATION:  Learn from this reply, made by the apostles, with zeal you should proceed in the service of God. Whenever you encounter those who would oppose you, and seek to turn you away from your good purpose, say: I wish to obey and to please God rather than men. With this maxim will you overcome all human respect, and be victorious over all your persecutors.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:.  Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, and thy glory over all the earth. (Ps. cvii, 6.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the chiefs of the synagogue seeing that the apostles made no account of their prohibition, condemned them to be ignominiously beaten. How did the apostles bear themselves under this suffering and humiliation? They came forth from the tribunal, joyful and contented that they had been deemed  worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus. They went from the presence of the Council rejoicing, that they were accounted worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Jesus, (Acts v, 41.) and they continued to preach more courageously and generously than before.

APPLICATION:  If ever it should be your lot to suffer some little slight or hardship for having remained firm in pleasing God rather than men, blessed then will you be. How you should rather rejoice and show your contentment thereat! But how often for fear of some little word, a remark from your companions, or from some other motive of human respect, have you neglected your duty and left undone some good work in the service of God! Ask pardon, and beg of the Holy Spirit to infuse into your heart a zeal similar to that of the apostles.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Do ye manfully, and let your heart be strengthened, all ye that hope in the Lord. (Ps. xxx, 25.)

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I am not come to call the just but sinners. (Matt. ix, 13.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that when the preaching of the apostles and the faith of Christ  had been scorned and rejected by the Jews, God so disposed that it should be received by the Gentiles in the person of Cornelius. He was a devout man fearing God, given to prayer and almsgiving to the poor: A religious man and fearing God with all his house, giving much alms. (Acts x, 2.) Hence because of his good works he was warned by an angel to receive and to embrace the faith taught by the apostle Peter.

APPLICATION:  It was from no merit on your part that you were born in the very heart, as it were, of Christianity and that you received from God the gift of faith in Holy Baptism? The precious gift of faith. (Wisdom iii, 14.) Do not then neglect to thank Him, for so great a gift denied to so many. Make frequent acts of thanksgiving and gratitude to God for His goodness and mercy to you above so many others, who would have served Him better.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Save us, O Lord our God, ... that we may give thanks unto thy holy name and may glory in thy praise. (Ps. cv, 47.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that when God wished to make known to St. Peter His desire that he should especially apply himself to convert the neglected Gentiles rather than the obstinate Jews, He gave him to see in a vision as it were a great linen sheet wherein were to be seen all manner of animals, and at the same time He made him to hear a voice that said: Arise, Peter, kill and eat. The apostle not understanding the meaning of the mysterious sign answered: Far be it from me, Lord, for I did never eat anything that was common and unclean. In this reply Peter showed that he understood not the mystery of the divine ordinances. At the same time he manifested his eager desire to observe the law, and not to violate it even at the invitation of heaven itself.

APPLICATION: And how often have you yielded to the invitation of your ill-regulated inclinations which induced you to break the commandments of God? Blessed indeed would you be if you also could say that you have never neglected the observance of the divine laws, nor ever indulged in any pleasure contrary to it.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: How sweet are thy words to my palate! More than honey to my mouth. (Ps. cxviii, 103.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY the reply which St. Peter received from heaven: That which God hath cleansed do not thou call common. By this answer the Almighty God taught St. Peter that those animals which it had been given to him to see, signified the souls of the Gentiles. Moreover as Jesus Christ had shed His blood to cleanse and sanctify them, he should not regard them as unclean, but by means of the true faith and holy Baptism, he should purify them from their sins and incorporate them into the Church. This the apostle understood when he heard himself called by Cornelius to instruct him, and later when the Holy Spirit descended at one and the same time upon many of the Gentiles.

APPLICATION:   This answer, That which God hath cleansed do not thou call common, certainly ought greatly to encourage you to promote the salvation of the worst of sinners. Neglect no means of exhorting them, of praying for them, and of giving them good example, according to your opportunities. Thus labour to gain them for Christ, Who ransomed them at the price of His precious blood.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  A fainting hath taken hold of me, because of the wicked that forsake thy law. (Ps. cxviii, 53.)

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Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99