Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922
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(Read Luke viii, 4-15.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that this earth of our can never produce anything of itself but thorns and briars, if it not be ploughed and worked by the husbandman. So too the ground of your heart is incapable by itself of producing the smallest act of virtue, if the divine husbandman does not sow in it the heavenly seed of His grace. Had you acquired more habits of virtue than the greatest saint the world has ever possessed, you would not of yourself be able to conceive even a single good thought without the actual help of divine grace.
APPLICATION: This certain truth of faith you must retain vividly impressed upon your mind, in order to preserve humility and to have recourse more ardently and more frequently to the help of God.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I stretched forth my hands unto thee; my soul gaspeth unto thee, as a land where no water is. (Ps. cxlii, 6.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that the divine husbandman never ceases to sow His heavenly seed in our hearts, sometimes more and sometimes less, to the end that it may bring forth a harvest of virtue. This seed consists of those lights which illuminate our mind, in those movements and interior inspirations of the heart, in good examples, in sermons and in familiar conversations by which the will is animated and stimulated to the practice of virtue.
APPLICATION: Reflect here upon the many spiritual lights, inspirations and helps which God has lavished upon you up to the present moment. See how far you have corresponded, because you can only blame yourself for the scanty fruit produced thereby.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? (Ps. xxvi, 1.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY what has been the chief reason why you have lost the fruit of so much good seed. It can easily be reduced to the three impediments spoken of in the Gospel. First, some fell by the wayside. You have lived with your heart open as the public way to every thought and affection towards creatures, thus leaving no room for divine inspirations for which your heart should always be kept guarded and ready. Second, some fell upon the rock: and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. Your heart has become hardened by careless habits, and you do not seek to soften it with piety and discourse with God in prayer. Third, other some fell among thorns. Your heart resembles a bush thick with thorns, choked up by too much solicitude for the things of earth, for your pursuits, your employments, and still more perhaps for superfluous amusements and useless cares.
APPLICATION: Keep guard over your heart, attend resolutely to your religious practices and be persuaded that the things of eternity are the only ones of importance. In this way the seed of the heavenly husbandman bear and bring forth good fruit in you.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord shall give goodness, and our earth shall yield her fruit. (Ps. lxxxiv, 13.)
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If God were your father, you would indeed love me.... You are of your father the devil. (John viii, 42-44.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how the devil invites all, and that with special insistence, to live at their ease and procure for themselves pleasure and amusements regardless of God and the ruin of their own souls. Our Lord, on the contrary, lovingly and urgently invites all to penance, to mortification and to His holy cross.
APPLICATION: Now which of these two invitations do you wish to accept? In holy baptism, and still more so by your Christian profession, you have renounced that of the devil in order to give yourself wholly to the following of Christ. But what is to be said of you, if you are to be found among the number of those who turn their backs on our Lord and give themselves up to the pursuit of ease, of pleasures and honours according to the dictates of Lucifer.
AAFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God, and defend me from them that rise up against me. (Ps. lviii, 1.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how different is the fruit gathered by the followers of Christ, and those who follow the invitation of Lucifer. Jesus invites to the cross of humiliations and of mortifications, but He gives the help of divine grace to overcome the repugnance of corrupt nature. He sweetens all the bitterness with spiritual consolations and the peace of a good conscience, so that all the joys of the world are not so delightful as the tears shed at the foot of Jesus crucified. Lucifer, on the other hand, whilst inviting to pleasure, in reality makes his followers feel only thorns and anguish. He mingles with that atom of sweetness which he proffers them so much anxiety of mind, that all his comforts avail not to dissipate the continual torment of their souls.
APPLICATION: Could you but enter into the heart of one, who forgetful of his Christian profession has let himself be allured by the seductions of the devil, how more full of bitterness and discontent you would find him, than him who is careful to mortify himself and to embrace the cross of Christ!
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Great peace have they that love thy law, and for them there is no stumbling-block. (Ps. cxviii, 165.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY the recompense which, at the end of life, is received by those who follow the invitation of Lucifer and those who follow the invitation of Christ. The former after having treated his followers so ill during life offers them nothing but flames after death. The Gabaonites crucified their enemies alive, and when dead they burned them. The devil does the same. Jesus on the contrary gives his followers whilst on earth a life of grace sweetened by a thousand spiritual consolations, and afterwards a life of glory, an eternal life, a life in which they are plunged in an ocean of happiness. I am come that they may have life, a life of grace now, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John x. 10.)
APPLICATION: Will you not then make a firm resolve to renounce entirely the following of the devil, and seriously to place yourself on the side of Christ, consecrating yourself wholly to His divine will?
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Set me, O Lord, a law in thy way, and guide me in the right path, because of my enemies. (Ps. xxvi, 11.)
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Bind his hands and feet and cast him into exterior darkness. (Matt. xxii, 13.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how the damned in hell are threatened with darkness, and that of two kinds, interior and exterior. The exterior darkness will be a pain of sense, and will be most grievous both as to place and its disposition, and also from its very nature. Regarding the place, this will be the furthest possible removed from heaven, like unto a sepulchre without even the least gleam of light: And they went down alive into hell, the ground closing upon them. (Num. xvi, 33.) As to its dispositions, the bodies of the damned will abide there heaped and massed up in such a manner that they can never move from that spot: I have trodden them down in my wrath. (Isa. lxiii, 3.) Lastly, as to the nature of this darkness, the bottom of this sepulchre will be a lake of burning sulphur: the pool of fire, burning with brimstone (Apoc. xix, 20), sending forth volumes of the most terrible flames mixed with smoke like unto a very storm of darkness.
APPLICATION: What would be you feelings if you were to find yourself in that place? How much better now to live in the strictness of a good life in order that you may never come to fall therein!
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: This their way is ruin... they are laid in hell like sheep; death shall feed upon them. (Ps. xlviii, 14-15.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY the interior darkness that will fill the souls of the lost. It will proceed first of all from the privation of all divine light; secondly, from the fearful torments endured, which will prevent their minds from ever thinking of anything else; thirdly, from the passions which will oppress the intellect and the will. A great passion of anger alone suffices to overcome a wise man. What then will be the implacable hatred of the damned against God, Whom they will blaspheme and hate without ever humbling themselves before Him, they are themselves reduced to so abject a state?
APPLICATION: Humble yourself now before God so that you may never come to find yourself in conditions so pitiable.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: It is good for me that thou hast humbled me, that I may learn thy ordinances. (Ps. cxviii, 71.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that the most violent storms are of short duration, but that of the damned will be eternal. And he shall never see light. (Ps. xlviii, 20.) Even during one sleepless night in the darkness you cannot bear to keep in one and the same position. How then will you endure to stay bound down amidst fire and horrible darkness, without any hope of escaping from it or of seeing light again for all eternity?
APPLICATION: If you would not find yourself hereafter in that darkness, do not now close your eyes to the light of the inspirations of God and of the gospel truth, to avoid seeing the obligations of your state of life. If you are now a friend of darkness you are also a co-operator in your own damnation. And how many there are who, having professed themselves Christians, are now buried in eternal darkness because they loved darkness rather than light! (John iii, 19.)
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Enlighten mine eyes that I sleep not ever in death. (Ps. xii, 5.)
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Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able. (Luke xiii, 24.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that to enter heaven by the narrow gate is not as easy as it may first appear. Christ tells us that we must use violence. He uses the word fight to denote the struggle and conflict there must be between the spirit and the flesh. The latter wish not to pass through so narrow a door as that of mortification, penance, humility and obedience, but the spirit sees that we must needs pass thereby, since there is no other door to enter paradise than that through that which Christ Himself has passed. Hence it is that there is always struggle and combat between them, so much so that one may often endure much anguish.
APPLICATION:Therefore it is necessary that you should fight with a great heart and manfully, seeing that there is so much at stake, Happy is your lot if you enter by the narrow gate and truly miserable if by any other.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: This is the gate of the Lord, the just shall enter into it. (Ps. cxvii, 20.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that when you entered on a better life, helped by the grace of God, you fought bravely in separating yourself from all those things that endangered perseverance. But in order to gain heaven this is not enough, as it has not proved sufficient for the many who have not continued fighting to the end. Discouraged by the continual opposition and contradictions of their senses, they grew tired and despaired of victory. And so after having achieved many victories over their enemies, they have finally missed the gate of heaven.
APPLICATION: If you do not wish to fall into the same dreadful misfortune, you also must continue to fight to the very end.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord is the protector of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? (Ps. xxvi, 1.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that when a man begins to neglect to fight and to struggle in order to enter heaven, he will not be able to take up the combat again when he may wish to: They shall seek to enter and shall not be able. (Luke xiii, 24.) After having laid down his arms and allowed the senses to win too many victories, he will no longer know how to fight when he desires that the spirit should gain the mastery. He will find himself enervated by the force of habit, and wanting in those strong graces which he needs to achieve victory.
APPLICATION: The easies and surest manner then of fighting to the end, is to keep to spirit accustomed to combat continually against the senses. In this way only will victory be secured on all occasions. Vince teipsum. Overcome yourself in all your inferior nature would refuse to the dictates of reason and to the will of God.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:I have cried unto God, and the Lord will save me. (Ps. liv, 17.)
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No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke ix, 62.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY what Christ meant to teach the young man who wished to follow Him in the apostate, but asked leave first to acquaint his relatives and to set in order his family affairs: No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. In the first place He meant to say that whoever would put his hand to the plough, that is to say, whoever wishes to follow Christ, which is an effort as trying to our corrupt nature as ploughing the ground is for the husbandman, will not thereby be fit for the Kingdom of Christ on earth, in which there is constant labour, nor for the Kingdom of Christ in heaven, where there is only joy, unless he embraces this effort with generosity. He must set his face against all blame for so doing; he must despise all human respect. It is an enterprise that requires resolute souls, such as are detached from earthly things and despise all that the world most esteems.
APPLICATION: When you began a better life, for what end, and from what motive did you do so? Was it really to follow Christ and to cultivate in your soul, and in the souls of your neighbours, the virtues He taught, or was it rather for human motives and interests? If for the former and to labour in His Kingdom, then thank God and continue as you have begun; if for the latter acknowledge now your error and make amends for it, by resolving earnestly not to have any other wish in life except to serve Christ and to labour for His glory.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Direct thou the works of our hands over us; yea, the work of our hands do thou direct. (Ps. lxxxix, 17.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that Christ also intended to convey by these words, that such a one is not fit for the kingdom of Heaven who, after having put his hand to the plough and having generously begun a better life, does not remain firm in the pursuit of his holy enterprise, who does not persevere in his good resolutions, but who again falls away either from inconstancy, cowardice or sloth.
APPLICATION: Reflect seriously on the good resolution you have heretofore made, in order that you may be fit for the Kingdom of Christ, and see how far you have kept them. It will avail you little to have promised and not to fulfil, to have begun and not to persevere. You began with fervour and now you proceed with tepidity. Fear lest there be verified in you: -Because art lukewarm, and neither cold, nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. (Apoc. iii, 16.)
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Set me O lord a law in thy way, and guide me in the right path. (Ps. xxvi, 11.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that Christ by these words signified chiefly that no one is fit for His Kingdom, who takes back again what he has once abandoned for God. This looking back and turning back is not only applicable to those who entirely abandon a good life and return to one of sin: vessels of wrath, fitted for destruction. (Rom. ix, 22.) It likewise means those who remain attached to the things which they have once given up for God, and go back to them in desire and affection.
APPLICATION: Consequently persevere with a courageous heart in God’s service, cutting yourself off from all inordinate affections and attachment to earthly or dangerous objects. Thus you will be fit for the Kingdom of Christ upon earth by your virtuous life, and fit for the Kingdom of Christ in heaven in enjoyment of the fruit of your good works.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Our heart hath not turned back, neither hast thou turned aside our steps from thy way. (Ps. xliii, 19.)
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The chalice which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? (John xviii, 11.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how Christ in addressing these words to St. Peter who wished to defend Him in the garden of Gethsemane, teaches you the reply you should give your rebellious senses, when they incline you not to receive with readiness the tribulations which God sends you. First of all our Lord lessens the dread of suffering, which was so awful that it was called by the prophets a sea and a deluge, by calling it a chalice.
APPLICATION: So when God sends you some humiliation or affront or infirmity, instead of dwelling on the reasons which make the trial appear greater than it really is, you should on the contrary try to make it seem as light and as small as a chalice. Christ looked upon His terrible passion as a small chalice in comparison with His intense desire to suffer for you. Try also to have some love of suffering for Christ, and then every great trial will seem to you only as a chalice. Or again, by weighing it with the sins you have committed, with the grace that comforts and helps you, and the glory that is to crown you, it will appear to you as exceedingly light.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are just, and in thy truth thou hast humbled me. O let thy mercy be my comfort. (Ps. cxviii, 75-76.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how Christ said that the chalice had been given Him not by Judas, not by His enemies the Jews, but by His own beloved Father: which my Father hath given me. This was to teach you that, in your troubles, you must not stop to thin k of your adversary or of the immediate cause of your trouble. You must raise your eyes to your most loving Father who has arranged all for your good, and Who acts like a true father even when He corrects you: For whom the Lord loveth, He chastiseth; and as a father in the son he pleaseth himself. (Prov. iii, 12.) Observe also that Christ did not say the chalice that my Father gives, but the chalice that my Father gave, in order that you might understand that this trial was intended for you by God when He destined you to eternal glory. And that it was to be a means to attain that glory.
APPLICATION: If then you evade or refuse an occasion of suffering, you may be opposing the will of God in your regard and even be exposing your soul to danger. Salvation must depend more upon suffering than on anything else. All that have pleased God passed through many tribulations, remaining faithful. (Judith viii, 23.)
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I am with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and I will glorify him. (Ps. xc, 15.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY how Christ said, Shall I not drink it? To show us that His passion was a remedial chalice not indeed for Himself but for us, which would presently an end. So too that trial which is sent you by God is a remedy which also will soon end. At the moment of taking a remedy you taste all the bitterness of it, but this passes away and health is restored. How long will this suffering last? A few years, a few months, a few days, and the salvation which it secures for you will be eternal.
APPLICATION: Receive then the chalice from the hands of your Father and courageously drink of it, because though bitter it is a wholesome and salutary draught, giving life and life eternal.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Let me know that this is thy hand, and that thou, O Lord hast done it. (Ps. cviii, 27.)
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If the householder did know at what hour the thief would come, he would surely watch. (Luke xii, 39.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that that our Lord encourages you to be watchful against His coming, and if He threatens it is only because He would not that death should take you by surprise. If unfortunately death should come upon you and find you unprepared, it will be your own fault. He warns you that He will come at the moment you least expect it, in order that you may in the best interests of your soul watch for Him at every hour.
APPLICATION: How little do you reflect on all this. It is just as if the threat that he who is not watchful will be taken by surprise, were made for others and not for you.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Who is the man who shall live and shall not see death? (Ps. lxxxviii, 49.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how our Lord warns you also in the Apocalypse (iii, 3) that He will come upon you in death like a thief when you least expect Him, and He adds: thou shalt not know at what hour I will come to thee. Why therefore does He speak thus? To make you understand that, when He comes thus as the unexpected thief, you will not even perceive His arrival and no one will tell you. Physicians and all your household He will so take by surprise that no one will say to you: Behold here is the thief!
APPLICATION: Know you not that numbers die suddenly by accident and even without realising that they are dying. Even so our Lord warns you that this may happen to you also. A sudden death may be the chastisement of the man who fails to watch, though he has been frequently warned to do so.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Except ye be converted he will brandish his sword, he hath bent his bow and made it ready, and in it he hath prepared the instruments of death. (Ps. vii, 14-15.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that if you are really watchful and expecting your Lord, He will not come to you as a thief but rather as a friend. You will be living detached from all inordinate affection to the things of earth, so that at death He will not have to divest you of temporal and mere worldly things, but will give you those that are heavenly and eternal.
APPLICATION: Let therefore your soul be at all times prepared for the coming of your Lord. Watch over your heart that it may not be drawn away and become attached to perishable things, so that at your death Christ may come to you, not as an unexpected thief, but rather as a long expected friend.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: For thee my soul hath thirsted; for thee my flesh longeth, O how exceedingly. (Ps. lxii, 2.)
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