Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922

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Do this in commemoration of me. (Luke  xxii, 19.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that Jesus comes to us under the sacramental species, not only to dwell with us, but also that He might offer Himself for us as an unbloody victim in the sacrifice of the Mass. Here the sacrifice of Calvary is daily renewed in order that we may understand how greatly He desires that we remember His death on the cross for us. The sacrifice and death on the cross is represented in the Mass in various ways. It is represented mystically by all the divine blood being placed  separately under the species of wine, and the divine Body under the species of bread. It is represented morally by the body of Christ remaining under the form of the accidents in a state as it were of death.

APPLICATION:  May it not possibly happen that you assist at this representation of the death of the Son of God for you, with less attention and with less affection than you would at the representation of some imaginary tragedy upon a stage?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  I will give praise to thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will relate all thy wonders. (Ps. ix, 2.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that in the sacrifice of the Mass the sacrifice offered on Calvary to the divine Father is not only represented but is moreover renewed, as is as pleasing to Him as was the sacrifice of the cross. In the Mass the same victim is offered by Jesus Christ Himself. He offers it to His divine Father for the same end, and with the same love, as when He offered the first sacrifice. This renewal of the sacrifice of the cross which is daily made on our altars was left to us by Jesus Christ, in order that we might be able thereby to render daily to God the service we owe Him. We must honour Him, and for that end the Mass serves, inasmuch as it is truly a holocaust. We must appease God for our sins; for this the Mass also serves as a propitiatory sacrifice. We must thank Him for benefits received and also beg those we stand in need of, and for this the Mass serves as a sacrifice of reconciliation. Oh what a great mystery there is in all this!

APPLICATION:  In assisting at Holy Mass endeavour to offer and direct It for the ends and intentions, of honouring the divine Majesty, of making satisfaction, of thanking and of supplicating Him. If you will unite this your offering with that which Jesus makes in the Mass as the chief high priest, it will be more acceptable to God and more beneficial to you.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of justice, oblations and whole burnt offerings. (Ps. l, 21.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the holy sacrifice of the Mass is not less profitable to us than that of the cross. The sacrifice on Calvary was the universal cause, by which all the treasures of the merits of Christ were amassed on behalf of all mankind. The sacrifice of the Mass applies and dispenses this treasure for the benefit of each soul in particular, by giving to each a part in proportion to the disposition and co-operation to be found in it.

APPLICATION:   When you consider that in the Holy Mass there is a treasure of such infinite value offered by Jesus Christ to enrich you with, can you bring yourself to pass it by? Rather ponder with deep gratitude the greatness of the mystery, and excite within you those acts of piety and of religion, which are necessarily requisite in order to render this divine sacrifice profitable unto you.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   The sacrifice of praise shall glorify me; and there is the way by which I will shew him the salvation of God. (Ps. xlix, 23.)

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He that eateth my fless and drinketh my blood abideth in me, and I in him. (John vi, 57.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that in the same way as our most loving Redeemer wished in the Mass to make a renewal of the sacrifice of the cross, so likewise in Holy Communion He would make an extension of the mystery of the divine Incarnation. By this sacramental union He would give to him who worthily communicates those immense benefits, which His most holy Humanity enjoyed by personal union with the Divine Word. Consider what honour and dignity it was for Jesus Christ, inasmuch as He was Man, to be raised to intimate companionship with the divinity Yet He would not rejoice in these prerogatives for Himself alone. He desires that we also should in some degree participate in them by means of Holy Communion. And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them. (John xvii, 22.) These words Jesus said in the cenacle to His Divine Father after having given Holy Communion to the disciples, thereby signifying that He made His disciples partakers of that glory which He had received by union with the Word, in giving them sacramentally His body and blood.

APPLICATION:  Oh liberality of Jesus! As you ponder such divine favours from our Blessed Lord, fail not to thank Him intensely and strive more and more to appreciate this supreme mystery.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thou hast made him a little less than the angels: thou hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Ps. vii, 6.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that this sacramental union, although inferior to the substantial union existing between the divine Word and the humanity of Christ, is none the less the closest and most intimate which we can have in this life. For therein is to be found a union with Christ which is corporal, spiritual and moral. First a corporal union: it unites us by a physical contact with His most pure flesh which sanctifies our bodies. A spiritual union: for it unites us to the divinity which is intimately joined with the humanity of Christ. A moral union, as it makes us mystical members of the body of Jesus, animated by His divine spirit and raised to a divine life: He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. (1 Cor. vi, 17.) This divine life, which the sacramental union infuses into us, Our Blessed Lord made known to us when He said: I live in the Father; so he that eateth me shall live in me. (John vi, 58.)

APPLICATION:  Can we release this and believe that Jesus is so intimately united to us , and yet live with our thoughts and affections so far removed from Him! Let us rather exclaim with the Apostle: I live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me. (Gal.ii, 25.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   What have I in heaven? And besides thee what do I desire upon earth? (Ps. lxxii, 25.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the sacramental union with Christ is called communion, because by means of it He communicates to us all the treasures of His merits and of the satisfaction which He won for us. There is no li9mit to this communication than that of our own dispositions and capacity. In all things you are made rich in him. (1Cor. I, 5.) And thus it is that we enter into the possession of all the riches which Jesus Christ, the Father hath with him given us all things. (Rom. Viii, 32.) Hence likewise Christ in giving us Himself in Holy Communion gives us also all His gifts.

APPLICATION:   Ask yourself what fruits you have brought forth after so many Communions. One single communion would suffice to make a saint, and yet so many Communions have not yet sufficed to make you live as becomes a fervent follower of Jesus Christ.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   Trust in the Lord, and do good, and dwell in the land: and thou shalt be fed with its riches. (Ps. xxxvi, 3.)

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My flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed. (John vi, 56.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that Holy Communion serves us as medicine, a weapon and our strength. It serves as a medicine to cure the diseases of our unruly passions, which we have contracted with the infected nature of our first parents. Jesus Christ comes to us in Holy Communion to heal these diseases by the most intimate union of His divine flesh with us in the form of food. Hence as by our union with the flesh of Adam, the transgressor, we have contracted our infirmities, so by union with the flesh of Christ our Redeemer, we receive the remedy and their most efficacious cure.

APPLICATION:  Conclude therefore that when you feel your passions most tumultuous and most rebellious, it is then that you must have more frequent and devout recourse to Jesus in Holy Communion, which is the most universal means to heal all the diseases of the soul.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Thou hast prepared a table before me, against them that afflict me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil; and my chalice which inebriateth me, how goodly it is! (Ps. xxii, 5.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that Holy Communion is the best weapon we have against the assaults of the devil, as having a special power to put the infernal spirits to flight and to vanquish them. It was foreshadowed in Gideon's bread which overthrew the army of the Madianites. If we are fortified with this heavenly food we can never be vanquished by the attacks of the demons, who are fearful of him with whom Jesus is present and Who even after the sacred species has disappeared, does not cease to defend him with His loving providence. If the sign of the cross serves to put to flight the infernal spirits, how much more Jesus in person. If God be for us who is against us? (Rom. viii, 31.)

APPLICATION: Often receive Holy Communion and strive to remain firmly united with Jesus. Thus shall you be victorious over all the enemies of your soul.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   Thou, O Lord, remove not thy help far from me, look towards my defence. (Ps. xxi, 20.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that Holy Communion gives us strength to work and suffer for God. It invigorates us more efficaciously than the unleavened bread, which God gave to Elias whereby to journey for forty days and to ascend the Mount of Horeb. In the pilgrimage of this earthly life you also lack the strength to climb the summit of virtue and to overcome the obstacles of your corrupt nature. Behold then how Jesus prepares for you the table of His most sacred body to succour your weakness, to animate you in overcoming your difficulties and to fill your heart with a generous spirit, so that you may run in the way of virtue.

APPLICATION:   May you also know how to avail yourself of this sacred banquet whereby to cure your infirmities, to arm yourself against your enemies and to remedy your weakness.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   He hath led me on the path of justice: though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. (Ps. xxii, 3, 4.) 

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This is the bread that came down from heaven. . . . He that eateth this bread shall live for ever. (John vi, 59.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the Holy Eucharist alone of all the sacraments is given to us in the form of food. The other sacraments are like so many channels by which a measure of sanctifying grace is communicated to us, but the blessed sacrament of the altar gives us the source itself of all graces. Nor indeed could this gift of God be given us in a better manner than in the form of food, to denote that closest union which Jesus Christ desired between Himself and us.

APPLICATION: When thus you see Jesus Christ your God, your Creator and your Redeemer coming into your bosom and giving you the complete possession and gift of Himself, will you not once and for all let Him also take full possession of you, placing yourself entirely in His divine hands, so that He may dispose of you with perfect liberty.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  God opened the doors of heaven, and rained down manna upon them to eat, and gave them the bread of heaven. (Ps. lxxvii, 23, 24.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that this sacrament is given to us in the form of food, to denote that it produces in the soul the effects that material food produces in the body. For the sacraments are at the same time signs and causes which operate that which they signify. Hence if it be the property of material food to maintain and increase the life of the body, so it is likewise the function of this spiritual food to maintain and increase the life of the soul. There is however this difference. Material food serves to maintain the life of the body up to a certain point only and to keep death in check for a short time only. The eucharistic food, on the other hand, serves to increase the life of the soul without limit and to render it immortal. It is called the Bread of life, because it bestows all the benefits of life, giving the life of grace, the life of glory, and on the last day it will give the life of immortality to the body also.

APPLICATION:  Are not all these gifts sufficient to awaken you an insatiable hunger for this divine food? But observe here that as material food avails but little to increase and maintain life if the body be duly disposed, so is it with the Eucharistic food. You have received Holy Communion many times and it has perhaps borne but little fruit in your soul, and this because you have partaken of this heavenly bread without disposing your soul by holy reflection, and possibly with your soul infected by sin.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   Man ate the bread of angels: he sent them food in abundance. (Ps. lxxvii, 25.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the Eucharistic banquet was instituted by Jesus Christ under the species of bread and wine, to denote that He gives you a complete refection for your spirit just as bread and wine form a complete refection for the body. Of what can one have need who is fed by God Himself, the source and origin of all good things? A soul that is full shall thread upon the honeycomb. (Prov. xxvii, 7.) A heart that is full of God, cannot but despise all the miserable pleasures that the goods of this world can give. All the other gifts that we receive from the divine liberality are less than God Himself, neither can we in them rejoice as fully as in God. Only at the Eucharistic table do we rejoice in God Himself, Who becomes for us there our true food and our true drink.

APPLICATION:   Ought not this truth to extinguish in you all hunger and thirst for earthly things? For what is the good thing of him and what is the beautiful thing, but the corn of the elect and wine springing forth virgins? (Zach. ix, 17.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  What have I in heaven? And besides thee what do I desire upon earth? (Ps. lxxii, 25.)

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He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (John vi, 55.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that of him who is nourished by the sacramental body of Jesus it is not said that he shall have everlasting life, but that he hath everlasting life. For in giving us Himself as our food our Blessed Lord gives us so sure a pledge of future glory that it is equivalent to the actual possession of it. Moreover this pledge which we hold in security is of no less value than the good itself which we hope for. Who could ever doubt the promises of One Who should leave no other than Himself as a surety for them?

APPLICATION:  Can you doubt the promises of a God Who gives you Himself in the Blessed sacrament as a pledge of the glory to come? Each time you communicate say with all your heart: Be thou, my God the sustainer of my hope, Who by coming on earth to dwell humbly in my bosom, givest me a sure confidence that one day Thou wilt receive me into Thy bosom in glory. Let him hope in the name of the Lord and lean upon his God. (Isa. l, 10.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  The Lord is my refuge: and my God the help of my hope. (Ps. xciii, 22.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a pledge, and the pledge of future glory. He is a pledge which at the same time helps and facilitates for you the acquisition of the life of glory. For He gives you aid to repress concupiscence, to resist temptation and to do all that is necessary on your part to merit that glory. The primary end which He had in instituting this divine sacrament was to serve you as food for the journey which leads you to eternal rest.

APPLICATION:  Every time therefore that you communicate dispose yourself to receive Jesus by way of viaticum, as if it were for the very last time, and as if you were about to depart this life. If you do so, with the intention of fulfilling the desire of communicating at the last moment of your life, you will reap the benefit of it, even though you should be hindered by a sudden death from receiving Holy Communion in that hour.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   Though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff: they have comforted me. (Ps. xxii, 4.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that in Holy Communion the words of our Lord as recorded by St. Luke are verified: Lo, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke xvii, 21.) For we receive within us all that constitutes the blessedness of the citizens of heaven, and are given at the sacramental table the very food which is the delight of the angelic spirits. The only difference is that the blessed intelligences feed on God in the light of glory, and we in the light of faith. The blessed are present at the banquet with the fullness of delight, we with an increase of grace and of merit.

APPLICATION:  For this food then which satisfies all heaven do you not feel an insatiable and continual hunger? The blessed never suffer any separation whatever from the supreme Good Whom they enjoy in the light of glory. You also should never be separated from the supreme Good Whom you likewise enjoy by the light of faith. You should always live united to Him by love and by frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament, by a loving remembrance of Him and by sacramental and spiritual communions, saying with the apostle: It is good for us to be here. (Matt. xvii, 4.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  He rained down manna upon them to eat, and gave them the bread of heaven. (Ps. lxxvii, 24.)

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Conformity to the likeness of Jesus Christ.

If any man enter in he shall be saved; and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pastures. (John x, 9.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the most sure sign of your spiritual progress is that you be more and more conformed to Jesus Christ, even as a copy is to its original. Whom God foreknew, He also predestinated to be made conformable to the image of His son. (Rom. viii, 29.) As then the adopted sons must hereafter in heaven be conformed to the image of their glorious eldest brother, so likewise should they also be conformed to their suffering model on their way thither: As we have borne the image of the earthly let us also bear the image of the heavenly. (1 Cor. xv, 49.) Hence according to the degree of conformity which we shall have with Christ on earth, will correspond the degree of conformity which we shall have with Him in heaven.

APPLICATION: And how better attain to this life-giving conformity than by entering into the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Himself. If any man enter in he shall be saved. There we shall come to a more perfect knowledge of Himself, His virtues, His intentions and desires. To open the door to us, Jesus would have His sacred side pierced by a lance.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  This is the gate of the Lord, the just shall enter into it; thou art become my salvation. (Ps. ciii, 23.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY  that God wished Christ to be the firstborn among many brethren. Hence He could not make us His adopted sons and partakers of the glory of paradise, except by giving it to us as a reward of our conformity with His firstborn, with His life and His sufferings. Hence it is that in the path of our Christian life thorns and crosses are to be met with everywhere, but all are made sweet by the love and the grace of our elder-brother. In fact, it is more in the power of each one, and far easier, to become poor like Christ than to abound in riches, to humble oneself than to command, to obey than to govern, and so of all the rest.

APPLICATION:  So, too, as Jesus Christ quitted the bosom of His Father without ceasing to be united to Him in order to find treasures unknown even in heaven, let us also go out to find in practice the virtues we have contemplated in that Human Heart, yet always united and trusting to It.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   Man shall go forth to his work, and to his labour till evening. (Ps. ciii, 23.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that to strengthen your resolve to acquire more perfectly this resemblance, return often to this loving Heart, there to find pastures in the consideration of the examples which Jesus has left for you of poverty, humility, obedience, and meekness. Observe well the difference there is between your true model and the copy presented perhaps by your own soul.

APPLICATION:   It is only in this constant entering in and going out on our part that we shall find in that Sacred Heart those pastures of peace to our soul, refreshment in our labours, alleviation of our burden which Jesus Christ has so solemnly promised to those who will come to Him.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:   Trust in him, pour out your hearts before him; God is our helper for ever. (Ps. lxi, 9.)

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If any one love me, he will keep my word. (John xiv, 23.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the words and precepts of Christ are like those simple herbs of the earth which are endowed with marvellous virtue, but which the ignorant shepherd thinks unworthy even of a glance. He carelessly treads over them under foot; whereas an expert seeks and collects them diligently, preserving them with the utmost care in order to make use of them to the profit of many. And the same happens with regard to the precepts of the gospel. He who knows not their marvellous virtue makes little account of them, whereas he who understands them well considers them carefully, stores them up and keeps them.

APPLICATION:  If there were to be found a herb that had power to keep death far from you for many centuries, would you not study to search it out? Would you not carefully preserve it? With how much more care and industry ought you not to preserve the words and precepts of Jesus Christ, which have the virtue of keeping you safe from death and that through all eternity?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  How sweet are thy words to my palate! More than honey to my mouth. (Ps. cxviii, 103.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY how it is that the precepts of Christ possess such virtue. We are subject to a double death, the death of the body and the death of the soul. As to the death of the body, he who keeps the precepts of the Lord shall not see death for ever. (John viii, 51.)  Not indeed because he does not die once for all in this world, but because after death he is destined to live a far more excellent life in heaven. Thus it is he will not see death in eternity, as alas! The souls that are lost will, who live a life of torment which is rather a living death. As to the death of the soul, which is mortal sin, he who observes the precepts of our Lord shall not see death. For he who live according to the teaching of our Lord, shall never lose the life of grace: Keep my commandments and thou shalt live. (Prov. vii, 2.) It is either by the disorder of internal passions, or through the dangers of evil occasions, or by the assaults of diabolical temptations, or through all these three things together, that the life of grace is lost. Now the precepts of the Lord have especial power to regulate our passions, to preserve from the danger of occasions, and to repel assaults of temptation.

APPLICATION:  Consequently see how great their value is and how you ought to prize them; My son, hearken to my words: for they are life to those that find them. (Prov. iv, 20, 22.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: .  By thy commandments I have had understanding: therefore have I hated every way of iniquity. Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths. (Ps. cxviii, 104, 105.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY  how you should keep these divine precepts to your own great advantage. You must keep them in your heart, in your words and in your works. In your heart, by meditating on them from time to time, loving them with the affection of your will, and recalling them often to your memory most especially when you are in danger of sin. In your words, showing that you value them by gladly speaking of them and never being ashamed openly to profess them. In your works, by fidelity in keeping them in the various duties of your state in life.

APPLICATION:   Does it seem to you that this is too much to ask? Reflect that the fruit will be very great indeed. For it is the fruit of life, of the words of life and of life eternal.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  I will be mindful of thy wonders from the beginning, and I will meditate on all thy works. (Ps. lxxvi, 12, 13.)

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Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99