News from the Maritimes and Beyond - 5
7 October 2022
How can we remember everything that has happened since March 2021, when our last letter was published? So much has happened!
We will nevertheless try to do our usual overview and remember the benefits of God. It will be an opportunity for us to give thanks to God for all his blessings.
We also worked hard to restore the men's community house, also called St Michael Rectory, to prevent it from being damaged: excavation work, painting, sanding and caulking of part of the wood of the house, installation of gutters, construction of new parking spaces, etc. A concrete floor was poured in the garage; we also removed the garage door to put a window there and be able to create two additional bedrooms. The men's house therefore now has four bedrooms.
The new window that replaces the garage door
Half of the outside of the house is now renovated
The new rooms in the old garage
Father Pierre Roy celebrated his ten years of priesthood in June 2021. A small party was organized on this occasion. The faithful offered him beautiful altar cards to add to the liturgical treasure of our chapel.
On 15 August, 2021, we marked the feast of the Assumption with a beautiful procession on the property, one of the first processions, given all the sanitary restrictions in place since 2020. On this occasion, we had a pig-barbecue which was memorable.
Cutting of the pig
Our communion rail was completed towards the end of 2021. We still have to build the altar and the rest of the sanctuary furniture. Our chapel being rather dark, it was difficult to choose the colours for the inscriptions which were painted there. The communion rail bears the words ITE AD JOSEPH, which means GO TO JOSEPH.
The new Communion Rail
In December, the faithful built us a chicken coop which produces fresh eggs every day; and in the spring of 2022, we started raising rabbits. About 100 rabbits were born on the farm this summer; many of them now are in the freezer.
The new chicken coop
The summer of 2022 has been very busy: visit of Bishop Ribeiro da Silva for the confirmations, tonsure and minor orders of Reverend de Haan, four weddings, the taking of habit of Sister Véronique de Jésus, etc. We also built the Convent of the Holy Face. We had to divide an acre and a half of the property, apply for the necessary permits and exemptions, make a new septic field, dig a new well, move the power lines, etc. On Sunday, 2nd October, we finally blessed the new convent.
Visit of Bishop Ribeiro da Silva
The Tonsure and the Minor Orders of Reverend Alexander de Haan
Sister Véronique de Jésus and her parents
The Convent of the Holy Face under construction
The blessing of the new convent
The Convent of the Holy Face in our magnificent autumn
Sister Véronique de Jésus has completed her postulancy and now wears the white novice veil. She follows formation courses every day: spirituality, liturgy, Sacred Scripture, etc. Reverend de Haan, for his part, began his theology and continues his course towards the priesthood.
Many blessings, time goes fast. Every day the community meets for prayer, meals, work. We are still few in number, but thanks to God well-united to work for his glory, and very happy in our respective vocations.
2021 has seen the relocation of many faithful to near Stilesville. Nearly a hundred faithful now attend Sunday Mass. Fifty-five baptisms have been celebrated by Our Lady of Joy Mission since 2016, more than half of which are adult baptisms. Ninety confirmations took place this summer. Six marriages have taken place in the last three years. Here are the photos of a few of them.
Marc-André Michaud and Heather Campbell
Joël Delarosbil and Madison Howe
William Bridge and Daïsha Saliba
Star of the Sea Mission – Prince Edward Island
The Star of the Sea Mission of Prince Edward Island has been reduced by the moving of most of its members to Stilesville during the year 2021. In addition, it has been difficult for the priest to get there from spring 2021 until summer 2022.
Thanks to God, travel is now possible there and a few faithful have joined the little flock which is holding firm despite all the storms. Circumstances have forced us to return to the domestic church, that is to say that we celebrate Mass during the week in houses for the moment for about twenty faithful.
Our Lady of the Assumption Mission – Nova Scotia
In Nova Scotia we now celebrate Mass near Truro, which is located in the heart of the province. This allows the faithful to come from everywhere: Cape Breton and New Glasgow, Amherst, Halifax and the Annapolis Valley mainly. Visits are also organized on Cape Breton Island and in Amherst (Mary the Mystical Rose Mission). About seventy faithful attend Mass when it is celebrated on Sundays every three weeks.
We want to express our gratitude to the families of Nova Scotia who have hosted the Masses of the Mission in their homes for nearly two years, with all the inconvenience, to allow divine worship to continue amidst the sanitary madness.
The number of faithful in Nova Scotia would certainly justify the purchase of a small church where Mass could be celebrated. Please pray for this intention. In the meantime, we meet in a room that we rent.
Queen of the Angels Mission – Acadian Peninsula
In the Acadian Peninsula, there are now two Masses celebrated on each visit. One takes place in Saumarez and the other in Bathurst. The number of the faithful remains stable but is divided in two. The test of time does not seem to get the better of the Acadians of the peninsula who persevere year after year.
The faithful come from everywhere: Dundee , Bathurst, Caraquet, Tracadie-Sheila, Saumarez, Shippagan, etc. The Acadian Peninsula has some very beautiful churches that bear witness to the faith in this part of New Brunswick.
Saint Peter in Chains Mission – Madawaska
The Madawaska faithful do not yet know that their mission is called Saint Peter in Chains Mission. This letter will tell them. We decided to name this new mission thus to honour the sufferings of which the Roman See is afflicted in this period of darkness. As St. Peter was delivered by a theophany from his prison, we pray and hope that the Papacy will be delivered from the hands of Freemasonry by the intervention of God.
This community of faithful in Madawaska joined our missions in the fall of 2021, a year ago already. Their geographical position, which is on the road to Québec, allows us to give them Mass every three weeks.
We have a building in sight that could become a permanent chapel in the area and we ask your prayers for this.
Our Lady of Compassion Mission – Newfoundland and Labrador
The Newfoundland mission received a new name for various reasons that would take too long to explain here. The faithful persevered and installed a permanent chapel in the basement of a house. Visits were difficult due to government mandates, but as soon as a door opened, they received a visit. The number of the faithful increased slightly to approach fifteen.
A profound piety is certainly the mark of this mission located at the most eastern point of our country. As you can see, Our Lady of Joy Mission extends over an immense territory. We need more workers to work in the Lord's vineyard. Lord, give us many holy priests!
St John the Baptist Mission – Québec and Ontario
After our easternmost mission, our westernmost missions. The St John the Baptist Mission of Québec and Ontario has about a hundred faithful. Providence allowed regular visits despite the health restrictions, and the celebration of the Mass, even if it was somewhat spaced out, was never interrupted. Masses now take place mainly in Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse and Beaumont, as well as in Candiac and Brinston in Ontario. There again, it is the domestic church, in the basements of the houses. However, it is necessary to rent a hall in Beaumont on Sundays because of the number of faithful.
Let us highlight the death of Sister Marie-des-Sept-Douleurs on 2nd September, 2022, an Oblate of the Society of Saint Pius X, who has always discreetly supported us despite her precarious situation in her community. She always welcomed our discreet visits with a big smile and did not hesitate to remind us of her disagreement with the orientations of her community in the direction of apostate Rome.
Joys and Crosses
Like all Christians, our life is marked with joys and crosses. We cannot express enough our gratitude to the Lord for all the blessings he has poured abundantly on us throughout the existence of Our Lady of Joy Mission. In September 2023 we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Mission.
We have for some time been under attack from those who have chosen to compromise in the Faith. We are accused of being wicked schismatics. This causes us suffering and turns away from us the faithful who allow themselves to be seized by the fear of being separated from the Church. In reality, it is the modernists who are separated from the Church, and they occupy all the positions of authority in the Church. These same people who attack us think that a notorious heretic may be the true Vicar of Jesus Christ and give their allegiance to an enemy of the Church, thus blaspheming the Papacy and the Church as established by Jesus Christ. Never in its history has the Church praised compromises and time will prove us right. Let us be patient.
We ask you to pray for the perseverance of the three members of our community: Father Pierre Roy, Reverend de Haan and Sister Véronique de Jésus. The balance of our community is delicate: we are few in number, and if we were to lose one or the other of us, life would be difficult. What would we do without either of us? For now, thank God, everything is fine and we ask for your prayers just so that we can persevere. We thank the faithful who give us their constant support through their prayers, their alms and the manual work they generously carry out.
Of course, we also pray that other young men and young women will hear the call of the Lord and leave behind this passing world to give themselves entirely to His service. This is probably what we need most at this time: holy priests, holy brothers and holy nuns.
May God bless you all abundantly!
Our Lady of Joy, pray for us!
Star of the Sea, pray for us!
Our Lady of the Assumption, pray for us!
Mary, the Mystical Rose, pray for us!
Queen of Angels, pray for us!
Our Lady of Compassion, pray for us!
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us!
Saint Peter in Chains, pray for us!
St. Joseph's Church – Stilesville
The summer of 2021 was marked by a lot of work on the 37-acres property that we bought in September 2020. Given the circumstances of the world, we thought it prudent to make large gardens. These allowed us to feed the community with their abundant fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, beans, squash, etc.