News from the Maritimes and Beyond - 4
7th March 2021
November 2019 was the date of our last letter. So many things have happened since then; it is somewhat difficult to remember them all!
As usual, let us take a quick look at the various missions served by Our Lady of Joy Mission.
Saint Joseph Church - Stilesville, NB
The year 2020 began in Lakeville, in the small church we had been renting since August of 2015. As you know, the health measures put in place by civil authorities put us in quite an uncomfortable situation, lockdown conflicting with our desire to continue religious services uninterrupted. Let us not forget: the Mass celebrated in our Mission is the only traditional Mass celebrated daily in all of the Atlantic Provinces. By the grace of God, the Holy Sacrifice has been celebrated without interruption until now.
In February, we placed an offer on a former Protestant church which was for sale for one hundred and seventy thousand dollars ($ 170,000). We decided to only offer one hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($ 130,000), (which was more within our means), and to see it as God's will whether the offer was to be accepted or refused. Our offer was accepted, and on 30 April, we became the owners of the future St. Joseph Church at 1270 Gorge Road in Stilesville. The faithful’s generosity and Saint Joseph’s blessing allowed us to make the purchase without incurring any debt.
We got down to work immediately, and have now practically finished with the church renovations. It was mainly a question of enlarging the church and of building a sacristy. The faithful were most edifying in their determination to put their hands to work to get the job done. Five months of hard labour allowed us to forget the madness that has taken hold of our Godless world, and to fix our "conversation in heaven." (Philipp. 3, 20)
We learned in August that the property just behind the church was in the process of foreclosure by the bank. This property is a thirty-seven-acre (or fifteen-hectare) sugar bush covered with mature forest - a rarity in our consumerist society. Thus we decided to place an offer, hoping to acquire it and move the Lakeville rectory closer to the new church. An offer of two hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars ($ 285,000) was accepted by the owner, and on 9 September we became owners of this magnificent property. Located at 1278 Gorge Road in Stilesville, it will allow us to live a properly religious life surrounded by the beauties of nature which the good Lord has made. We can now walk from the church to the rectory, along a scenic path, in just a few minutes’ time.
The Lakeville rectory was then put up for sale. We accepted an offer of one hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($ 147,500). This sale of the old rectory allowed us to reimburse the faithful who generously loaned the money needed to purchase the new property. Thank you to Saint Joseph and to all our benefactors.
Saint Joseph Church - Summer 2020
On 18 August, the feast of Our Lady of Joy, Brother Pierre-Marie joined us in Stilesville. The doctrinal position of the Society of Saint Pius X and their willingness to submit in one way or another to the authorities of the New Church had been weighing heavily upon him for several years. He decided to join us to remove himself from a situation which burdened his conscience. His arrival at the Mission is a true blessing, and we are very grateful to the Lord, to Our Lady and to good Saint Joseph. Ryan Mercer, another man from Prince Edward Island also came to Stilesville on 12 September (the seventh anniversary of our founding), to study his vocation. Pray that God will guide these new members of our community.
We would also like to mention the name of Véronique Delarosbil, a young girl from Moncton, who has been helping us faithfully for several years now. Véronique still lives with her parents, but she comes to the church every day to live the community life with us and to help us with her talents as cook, seamstress, painter and even organist. We pray that the Lord will send us at least one more young girl and a suitable place which will allow them to begin a proper religious life together. By the grace of God.
The divine office is now chanted every day at Saint Joseph Church when Father Roy is present. Prime, Mental Prayer, morning Mass; Sext at noontide; evening Vespers and Rosary around 5:30 p.m., and Compline at 8:00 p.m.: there is now a stronghold in the Atlantic Provinces where the Church sings in adoration of God. “Seven times a day I praise Thee, because of the laws of Thy righteousness.” (Psalm 118; 164)
Easter 2020 saw the abjuration and / or baptism of nine adults across the Mission. We pray for our newly baptised and ask God to give the light of true faith to many more - for there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ and His Church. Many of these adults were Protestants, had joined the Novus Ordo, and soon realized that this was not the true Church founded by Christ, but the end-time Counter-Church which has been prophesied to us so many times over.
Star of the Sea Mission – Charlottetown
The Charlottetown Mission is doing well. However, celebrating Mass has become more difficult due to the health measures put in place by the government. The faithful were delighted to see their border with New Brunswick finally open in July. They were quick to come and discover the new church in Stilesville. Unfortunately, this respite was short-lived, and we are once again in a difficult situation to cross the Confederation Bridge, (which now bears its name quite badly).
The faithful of Prince Edward Island are very courageous and strong in their faith, and we are most grateful to them for their support of the Mission.
Our Lady of the Assumption Mission – Halifax
More of the same difficulties have been presenting themselves for gathering in Nova Scotia. In an effort to avoid excessive sanitary measures, we have, for the time being, had to cancel the celebration of Mass in the Dartmouth funeral home chapel. In spite of this, access to the Mass and to the Sacraments has been maintained. A fine atmosphere of friendship and faith illuminates each one of our gatherings. Masses are held at several locations in Nova Scotia rather than being concentrated in Dartmouth. This allows all the faithful who so wish to practice their faith without too much hassle.
Amherst’s little Mystical Rose mission in Nova Scotia perseveres and continues to have regular Masses. Its proximity to Stilesville allows several of its members to travel regularly for Mass when border control permits.
Queen of Angels Mission - Tracadie-Sheila
Queen of Angels Mission, our second in New Brunswick, had the joy of seeing two of its members married in Lakeville in May – a rare event in our dark days. Deo Gratias! Three New Brunswick families have been blessed with a child in recent months. Each birth is a source of joy and hope for the future of the Mission.
We have also seen a few new faces since the start of the year. Each conversion is a beautiful event that brings comfort to all.
Saint Athanasius Mission - Saint John’s
Saint Athanasius Mission has a beautiful little chapel. Seeing this little place of worship shine on the Island of Newfoundland, one can easily imagine how in many places, we shall have to descend into the catacombs in order to get through the times of tribulation that await the Church before the Lord's return.
Pray for the members of the Saint Athanasius mission. Their access to the Mass remains very limited, but their faith seems unwavering and their perseverance unfailing.
The new chapel in St. John’s
Mission Saint-Jean-Baptiste - Québec and Ontario
Masses continue in Québec. In fact, they have never stopped – despite everything that has happened since the start of the year. Mass is held a little less often (every month-and-a-half, for now). Public gathering places are closed. Masses must therefore be multiplied, but the Lord continues to watch over “la Belle Province”.
Father Pinaud's autumn visit could not take place. We pray the Lord may grant us again the joy of his visits as soon as possible. By the grace of God!
Our little Ottawa mission has moved to Brinston, near Cornwall. About fifteen faithful gather at each visit, and are determined to persevere despite all obstacles. God bless them!
We would like to highlight here the death of Irma Crosara, a friend of the Our Lady of Joy Mission. Despite her discretion, Irma remained a constant support of the Mission; we can now say that without fear of reprisals for her. Irma even wrote to Brother Pierre-Marie, a few days before her death, to tell him of her joy in learning that he had joined our Mission. May she rest in peace!
The Maccabees by Gustave Doré
Thus concludes our brief overview. We would like to end this little letter with some words of encouragement taken from the Book of the Maccabees – words which could easily be applied to the present situation of the Church:
“Now the days drew near that Mathathias should die, and he said to his sons:
Now hath pride and chastisement gotten strength, and the time of destruction, and the wrath of indignation: Now therefore, O my sons, be ye zealous for the law, and give your lives for the covenant of your fathers.
And call to remembrance the works of the fathers, which they have done in their generations: and you shall receive great glory, and an everlasting name. Was not Abraham found faithful in temptation, and it was reputed to him unto justice? Joseph in the time of his distress kept the commandment, and he was made lord of Egypt. Phinees our father, by being fervent in the zeal of God, received the covenant of an everlasting priesthood. Josue, whilst he fulfilled the word, was made ruler in Israel. Caleb, for bearing witness before the congregation, received an inheritance. David by his mercy obtained the throne of an everlasting kingdom. Elias, while he was full of zeal for the law, was taken up into heaven. Ananias and Azarias and Misael by believing, were delivered out of the flame. Daniel in his innocence was delivered out of the mouth of the lions.
And thus consider through all generations: that none that trust in him fail in strength… You therefore, my sons, take courage, and behave manfully in the law: for by it you shall be glorious.” (I Maccabees 2:49-64)
May God grant us the strength of the Maccabees to defend the holy traditions of our fathers. May He give us a firm hope that all those who trust in Him will never be confounded.