News and Events 2017
Consecration in Dartmouth
Note: This article first appeared on the Canada Fidèle website on 17 October 2017.
Here are some photos of the Consecration of our Missions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary in Dartmouth on Sunday 15 October, 2017.
On that day, we were surprised to receive a large cake to celebrate the event from someone who, without frequenting our Mission, had learned of the event.
The consecration was made that same day in Lakeville, NB, St John's, NFL and no doubt in many humble homes. Blessed be God.
A Rectory for Our Lady of Joy Mission
Note: This article first appeared on the Canada Fidèle website on 30 September 2017.
On Friday 29 September, the feast day of the great Archangel Saint Michael, Our Lady of Joy Mission was able to purchase a rectory, located 900 metres away from Our Lady of Joy Church in Lakeville, New Brunswick. Deo gratias!
After numerous difficulties, the closing of the transaction was meant to occur on the 28th of September. A new, unforeseen obstacle postponed things until 29th September. We believe that this was a sign that the “Prince of the Heavenly Hosts” was to watch over the new house, as we did not know who was to be the patron saint of the rectory.
The rectory was blessed 29 September at 6:00p.m., after the recitation of the Exorcism Prayer of Pope Leo XIII, in which is found a beautiful prayer of supplication to Saint Michael the Archangel.
We wish to sincerely thank all those who made possible the purchase of this property which shall much facilitate the apostolate of the Mission.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle!
Consecration of the Missions of Eastern Canada to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Note : This letter first appeared on the Canada Fidèle website on 28 September 2017.
Dear Faithful,
As announced in last week’s parish bulletin, on this 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (13 May – 13 Oct., 1917) and the Miracle of the Sun (13 Oct., 1917), the time is right to fulfil her request for devotion and consecration to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
It is my hope and prayer that each of you will embrace this consecration and make it a part of your daily life, that you may grow in sanctity and enter the heavenly courts, when your pilgrimage on earth comes to an end.
Sacred Heart Statue in the Saint-Louis de l’Isle aux Coudres church
We shall make this consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary on Sunday, 15th October, 2017.
The Consecration will take place both in Dartmouth, at Our Lady of the Assumption Mission, after the 10:00am Mass, and in Lakeville, at Notre-Dame-de-Joie, after the 6:00p.m. Mass. Since our missions cover a large area and it would be impossible for all the faithful to make this trip to attend, I ask you to unite yourselves in spirit on this day and recite the prayers of the consecration within your families.
It would be good for all of us to observe a period of penance and prayer, in preparation for this solemn occasion. This is why I am sending you a novena which can be said from the 6th until the 14th of October 6th. I will bring copies of this novena with me when visiting the missions. As for the text of the Consecration itself, you will receive it a little later.
As you may guess, I cannot but feel daily the burden of leading your souls in these difficult times of crisis for Holy Mother Church. I have no doubt that you too feel how heavy a task it is today to save one’s soul in these dark days, and to raise a Catholic family. Let us consecrate ourselves to the One who said: “My yoke is sweet and my burden light” (Matt. 11, 28) and to our Holy Mother. They will help us imitate the Faith of the faithful remnant in the time of St. Athanasius. Here are a few words from this holy bishop:
« May God console you! … What saddens you … is the fact that others have occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the outside. It is a fact that they have the premises – but you have the Apostolic Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith. You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you. Let us consider: which is more important, the place or the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in the struggle – he who keeps the premises or he who keeps the Faith? True, the premises are good when the Apostolic Faith is preached there; they are holy if everything takes place there in a holy way … You are the ones who are happy; you who remain within the Church by your Faith, who hold firmly to the foundations of the Faith which has come down to you from Apostolic Tradition. And if an execrable jealousy has tried to shake it on a number of occasions, it has not succeeded. They are the ones who have broken away from it in the present crisis. No one, ever, will prevail against your Faith, beloved Brothers. And we believe that God will give us our churches back some day. “Thus, the more violently they try to occupy our places of worship, the more they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the Church; but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from it and going astray. Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, it is they who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.”
Dear faithful, let us live our life in such wise as that as we see death approach, we may say as St Paul, “I am even now ready to be sacrificed: and the time of my dissolution is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. As to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge will render to me in that day: and not only to me, but to them also that love his coming.” (2 Tim 4:6-8)
May God bless you all!
Father Pierre Roy
Preparatory Novena to the Consecration
(Prayers to say between the 6th and the 14th of October)
Prayer of Preparation
O Divine Heart of Jesus, come dwell among us, for we love Thee. Most beloved Heart of Mary, which is but one in the Heart of Jesus, shelter us from every danger to body and soul, for we are Thy most needy children.
Most merciful and loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we praise and we thank Thee for all the many graces and blessings Thou as bestowed upon each one of us and our missions, up to this very day.
Most Precious and Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary united, come and visit our missions, as we wish to place them under Thy care, and bring them into intimate union with Thee.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus and Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, no one has ever loved us as Thou hast loved us, and we wish to love Thee now and in eternity. We also wish to love Thee more, in reparation for those who do not love Thee.
Sweet Jesus, Thou art our King and our Redeemer. Dearest Mary, Thou art our Queen and our Mother. Since so many scorn and reject Thy royal titles and the heavenly courts of Thy Kingdom, we desire that Thou wouldst take possession of each of us and our missions and join them to Thy Kingdom. We shall reserve a place of honour for Thee. We desire that they be places of comfort to Thee, where Thou shalt find a people who will love and serve Thee with their whole heart, mind and soul.
Grant that the day of Consecration be both for our missions and for Thee a day of great joy. May it be the beginning of a new life, truly in submission and intimate union with Thee. All our thoughts and actions must be in harmony with Thy Sacred Law. We wish to cast aside our disordered self-love and to love our neighbour as Thou hast loved us, and dost continue to love us.
Living in a world, which has returned to paganism and no longer knows Thee, O infinitely lovable Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we ask for Thy gracious presence in our lives, that we may have the charity of the first Christians, of the Apostles, and of the Martyrs. Grant that by this consecration to Thee, our missions, which seek to belong to Thee completely, may embrace Thy charity and be an example to others, who are caught up in worldliness, forgetting the importance of working out the salvation of their soul. May our zeal and love for Thee reach out to others, that thus from parish to parish and family to family the entire globe may submit to Thy reign.
O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, perfect model of fidelity to the Most Holy Trinity; along with glorious St Joseph, patron of the Universal Church and faithful protector of Jesus and Mary, extend and strengthen within our hearts and our families the reign of humility and charity that dwelt within the Holy Family. With our hearts thus enflamed with holy love, may we accomplish the Divine Will of God, in all things and at all times, for the greater love, honour and glory of God. Amen.
Litany of Our Lady of Fatima
(For private use only)
Our Lady of Fatima ~ Pray for our beloved country.
Our Lady of Fatima ~ Sanctify our clergy.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Make our Catholics more fervent.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Guide and inspire those who govern us.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Cure the sick who confide in thee.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Console the sorrowful who trust in thee.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Help those who invoke thine aid.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Deliver us from all dangers.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Help us to resist temptation.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Obtain for us all that we lovingly ask of thee.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Help those who are dear to us.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Bring to Holy Catholic Church those who are in error.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Give us back our ancient fervour.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Obtain for us pardon of our manifold sins and offenses.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Bring all men to the feet of thy Divine Child.
Our Lady of Fatima, ~ Obtain peace for the world.
O Mary conceived without sin, ~ Pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, ~ Pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Let Us Pray.
O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in Thy dear Mother, whom we invoke under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of Fatima, and grant us by her powerful intercession all the graces, spiritual and temporal, which we need. Through Christ Our Lord.
R. Amen.
Thank You to Father Nicolas Pinaud!
Note : This article first appeared on the Canada Fidèle website on 27 September 2021.
Many thanks to Father Nicolas Pinaud, on behalf of all the faithful of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Mission in Québec, for coming to visit us once again during the month of September!
We also thank the faithful of France for kindly lending us Father Pinaud for a few weeks each year. His presence is much needed and appreciated.
Father Nicolas Pinaud in front of the Chapelle Saint-Pierre, at a place called "Anse des grandes mares", on the Isle-aux-Coudres, Québec, during a visit with Father Pierre Roy
Parish Picnic in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia – 27 August, 2017
Note: These photos were first published on the Canada Fidèle website on 30 August, 2017.
Thanks be to God for this beautiful parish day in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
After the 10:00 am Mass, parishioners gathered in a nearby park for a picnic.
We experienced a sudden downpour of rain from on high. Fortunately, we were able to take refuge under a roof and finish eating in the shelter.
The rest of the afternoon went well, between discussions on topics of our Faith and teaching catechism to the many children present.
The joy of spending time together when every family is so isolated in this world.
The sky is clouding over ...
Everybody inside!
Deo Gratias! Mission Notre-Dame-de-Joie Inc./Our Lady of Joy Mission Inc.
Note: This news first appeared on the Canada Fidèle site on 24 August, 2017.
Good news! Our association Mission Notre-Dame-de-Joie Inc. / Our Lady of Joy Inc., created on 2 March, 2017 under the New Brunswick Companies Act, has become a charitable organization registered by the revenue agency of Canada on 1st August, 2017.
We will therefore now be able to issue charitable receipts for any donation made within Canada, and operate as a charitable organisation in particular with regard to the purchase of buildings for worship, which will facilitate our apostolate.
Blessed be God!
Thank you to Sainte Anne for this beautiful day!
Note: These photos were first published on the Canada Fidèle website on 22 July, 2017.
Mass at 6:00 am in our little chapel at Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse, which is becoming more and more beautiful thanks to the care of the faithful.
Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene, penitent: Nobis quoque peccatoribus!
Sainte Anne gave us a beautiful day: sunny but not too hot.
Departure of the pilgrimage to the church of Saint-Louis-de-Courville.
Blessing of the pilgrims: In viam pacis et prosperitatis!
A pilgrimage: a time of prayer and penance for our faults.
The Carillon du Sacré-Coeur was valiantly carried on the road so often traveled by our valiant and pious ancestors.
In the courts of this basilica where shineth the glory of thy name...
Blisters on my feet, but a smile on my face and peace in my soul
Tradition-Québec after a turbulent year: we survived!
And with the grace of God we shall survive!
O good saint, hear my prayer; to thee my heart gives itself without return; I want to love thee and serve thee on earth, so that in heaven I may one day contemplate thee!
Photos of Corpus Christi 2017
Note: These photos were first published on the Canada Fidèle website on 22 June, 2017.
Blessing of houses at Epiphany
Note: This article first appeared on the Canada Fidèle website on 6 January, 2017.
There is a pious custom found in the Roman Ritual which consists of blessing houses on the day of Epiphany. For this, we read at the entrance of the house the Prologue to the Gospel of Saint John, we say an Our Father, we read the Collect of the feast of the Epiphany, and finally, we make the inscription above the front door with the chalk blessed by the priest.
Registration for this year is:
20 + C + M + B + 17
The numbers show the year in which the listing is made.
The letters have two meanings:
They are the initials of the names of the three Three Kings:
Gaspar (Caspar), Melchior and Balthasar.
They are also the abbreviation for Latin words:
Christus mansionem benedicat. May Christ bless this house.
The crosses represent the protection of the Precious Blood of Christ, whose sacred name we invoke, and also the holiness of the three Magi, sanctified by their adoration of the infant Christ.
The inscription is made above the front door of the house (and not above the doors of the different rooms of the house, as some do), so that all who enter and leave the house house during the year can receive God's blessing.
The inscription is made with chalk, a product of clay, which recalls the human nature taken by the Adorable and Eternal Word of God in the womb of the Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
To bless your home on this day of Epiphany, first read the Prologue to the Gospel of Saint John (see below), followed by the Our Father and the Collect of the Epiphany (see below). below); then, write the inscription for that year above your front door with the blessed chalk.
Prologue to the Gospel of Saint John
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made: in Him was life, and the life was the Light of men; and the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to testify concerning the Light, that all might believe through Him. He was not the Light, but he was to testify concerning the Light.
That was the true Light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him to them He gave power to become sons of God, to them that believe in His Name, who are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us: and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Our Father
Epiphany Collect
O God, Who by the guidance of a star this day didst reveal Thy only-begotten Son to the Gentiles; mercifully grant that we who know Thee now by faith, may come to behold Thee in glory. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
20 + C + M + B + 17