Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922
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(Read Matt. viii, 23-27.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that while the disciples were in the boat with Christ, Who was sleeping, there arose so great a tempest that they were in danger of perishing. So also to just souls who are united with Christ by grace, violent agitations arise, and temptation and danger are not wanting. They are permits by Christ either in order to correct some tepidity or negligence, on their part, or to establish in them humility and to urge them to have recourse with greater fervour for Divine help.
APPLICATION: If then you find yourself in a violent agitation, try to humble yourself and have a firm confidence that the Lord does not wish to abandon you in that temptation or that trouble, but desires to prove your fidelity and to make you more faithful in His service.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have put my trust in thee, O Lord. I said: Thou art my God. (Ps. xxx, 15.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how the disciples seeing themselves in danger of perishing hastened to awaken our Lord from sleep, crying out to Him, Lord save us, we perish.
APPLICATION: This is just what our Lord wants you to do when you find yourself in peril amid a tempest of most violent temptations, or of really acute sufferings. He wishes you to humble yourself and recognise your own utter weakness, to shake off your lukewarmness, to have recourse with greater fervour to the aid of God Who for the negligent is asleep, but Who ever watches over all His followers. Learn from the prayer of the disciples how you should pray to Him in times of danger. Lord, save us, we perish. Thou Who art my Lord, and the Lord of all creatures, do not permit that I should perish and that Thine enemies should triumph at my destruction. Thou, Who alone canst defend us from them, save us.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; save me in thy mercy. (Ps. xxx, 17.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that the disciples were reproved by Jesus Christ, not because they waked Him from sleep, and cried to Him to save them from danger, but for the want of faith they showed in fearing the tempest too much, and in trusting little in their Divine Master: Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?
APPLICATION: Would that you never showed yourself thus doubly blameable, either because you do not have recourse to our Lord in your necessities, or because you turn to Him without that confidence which you owe to His infinite goodness. You thus do a great wrong to Christ and you injure yourself greatly. Have always a lively confidence in God’s help, because thus you will be less disturbed during violent agitations of passion, and the calm will come more quickly: And there came a great calm.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Do ye manfully, and let your heart be strengthened, all ye that hope in the Lord. (Ps. xxx, 25.)
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At what hour you think not, the son of man will come. (St. Luke xii, 40.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the bad life of Christians is usually the result of the persuasion that death will not come on them soon. They are like those slothful servants who, thinking that their master will prolong his stay in the city, neglect their household work, and waste their time in all sorts of excesses. So too do such Christians, who imagining that their Lord is still far off, live more and more carelessly, and put off the amendment of their life from day to day.
APPLICATION: O how important it is for you to bear always in mind that death will not delay, so that you may set your accounts with God well in order, and amend your way of life.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready. (Ps. lvi, 8.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that you have no difficulty in remembering that death will come to you some day, but that you have the greatest difficult in being willing to realise that it will come soon, for here is your real trouble. You go on deceiving yourself in a thousand ways, till death surprises you when you least think of it. Wherefore the wise man says to you: Remember that death is not slow. And if it is not slow, it is a sign therefore that it certainly will come without delay, for there is no one who can stop it. Death is not bound by place, by time, nor means; it may come upon you without your perceiving its approach, anywhere, at any hours, through any kind of illness, by a fall, a sudden accident.
APPLICATION: Now if nothing can stop the approach of death, how can you imagine that it will delay in coming to you? Remember that death is not slow.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: You like men shall die: and shall fall like one of the princes. (Ps. lxxxi, 7.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that these truths are well known, for who is there who does not know that he is mortal? Who is there who does not every day understand or see that very many, little and great, young and old, healthy and strong, are surprised suddenly by death? Nevertheless, how great is the necessity that you should remember death, although you try by all means in your power to banish the unpleasant spectre from your mind! God has filled the whole world with images of death: He filled all things with death, in order that wherever you go it may be present to you. Present in the gardens, when you see these flowers, which were just now blooming, fading away; and those trees, a moment before rich in foliage, become quickly bear and naked; present in the fields when you see the corn fully ripe, awaiting at any moment the scythe; present in the fountain, where the water after flowing from afar, comes out into the sunlight, and goes of itself to bury itself anew in the darkness; present in your own room, when you see the candle that lights it diminishing by degrees, and dying before your eyes.
APPLICATION: Make use of all such images, in order to remember, and to keep vividly before your mind the thought that death does not delay, and by these means you will accustom yourself to live only for that all-important thing, which is eternity.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I thought upon the days of old: and I had in my mind the eternal years. (Ps. lxxvi, 6.)
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To love one’s neighbour as one’s self, is a greater thing than all the holocausts and sacrifices. (Mark xii, 33.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that by these words our Lord teaches you that every kind action you do your neighbour for the love of God, as He has commanded you, i.e. as if it was done to His own person, is an act of supernatural charity, of greater merit than are acts of religion, such as sacrifices and burnt offerings, Such acts of supernatural charity honour God, at the same time as they benefit our neighbour.
APPLICATION: If this be so, how important is it that whenever you do some act of charity to your neighbour, you should accustom yourself to raise your heart to God and do it for the love of Him.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. (Ps. cxxxii, 1.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that these acts of charity towards our neighbour for love of Him, are so pleasing to our Lord that He easily permits acts of charity though not inspired by this supernatural motive, to be preferred to other acts of religion: and so He allows you, in order to help some sick person who has need of you, to omit to go to Mass sometimes on a Feast Day. And if again, in order to be useful to your neighbour, you forego the sacrifice of yourself, that you make by fasting and penance, the supreme goodness of God is content to set aside His own honour for your convenience.
APPLICATION: Learn then once for all to have a high esteem for such acts of charity, which up to now you have thought so little of. You may be a lover of penance, and yet at the same time utterly reluctant to trouble yourself to give your neighbour pleasure, nor will you pardon a sharp word from him, although you yourself in many ways hurt his feelings. The Lord cannot accept your lesser sacrifices, whilst you neglect the greatest of all, which are acts of charity.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? Or who shall rest in thy holy hill? He that speaketh in truth in his heart, who has not used deceit in his tongue: nor hath done evil to his neighbour: not taken up a reproach against his neighbour. (Ps. xiv, 1 and 3.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that you are bound to act towards your neighbour in a different way with regard to temporal and spiritual matters. In temporal thins such as money, comforts and similar matters in which your true good does not consist, give all that you can of them to your neighbour and then you will always be doing your duty. But in spiritual things which are the grace of God, the virtues of humility and obedience, and such like, which are your true good, you must not give them up to your neighbour. You must even have a holy rivalry with him. Be zealous for the better gifts, for they are spiritual goods, and of such a nature that many may possess them at the same time, without prejudice to one another.
APPLICATION: Now God wishes that as you are quick to bestow temporal goods upon your neighbour, so you will not readily yield to him at all in spiritual matters.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: His mercy is confirmed upon us: and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever. (Ps. cxvi, 2.)
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I have chosen you out of the world. (John xv, 19.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the word world in Holy Scripture often means all the earthly goods and possessions that come within a lifetime. Although this world can only offer temporal and transitory things, yet it expects you to cling to it rather than to go to God Himself, Who promises you the lasting gifts of eternity. Picture to yourself the world on one side, and God on the other, vying with one another to possess you. The world offers you pleasures, honours, riches, but only for the short time this life can last; if in the other life you fare badly it is your loss. But God offers you infinitely greater benefits, not in time which passes, but in eternity.
APPLICATION: It is for you to decide to which side it is to your best interest to attach yourself.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Better is a little to the just than the great riches of the wicked. (Ps. xxxvi, 16.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY how most men cleave to this world because living merely as an animal life they think of the present only and very little of the future.
APPLICATION: Look rather at the future than at the present, for thus you will not go with closed eyes along the path of the many, the easy road which invites you: The way of sinners is made plain with stones (Eccles. xxi, 11), but note, in their end is hell, and darkness, and pains. To the ambitious hell, to the avaricious darkness, to the unchaste pains. On the contrary the way of the Lord which leads you outside of the world in poverty, in chastity and obedience is narrow, but it leads to life. Does it not seem to you good to walk in the way of the Lord?
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The meek shall inherit the land, and shall delight in abundance of peace. (Ps. xxxvi, 11.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that St. James (iv,4) declares an enemy of God not whoever is in the world, but only him who would be the friend of the world, to make you understand that as it is possible, though it be rare because difficult, to live in the world without being a friend of the world, so also it is possible after having turned one’s back on the world to make oneself a friend of the world. Who is said to be a friend to another? He who has similar ideas, similar affections, similar aims. Oh how many Christians there are who be conforming themselves to the world become friends of the world, and consequently enemies of God!
APPLICATION: If you do not wish to fall into so sad a misfortune hate the maxims of the world, and detest all its wisdom so earthly, animal, and diabolical. Pray to our Lord that He may make you know well that true wisdom which He Himself in person brought to earth.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Decline from evil and do good, and dwell for ever and ever. (Ps. xxxvi, 27.)
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Fear Him that can destroy both soul and body into hell. (Matt. x, 28.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY how great is the number of those who are lost, for as a great number of men live badly reason dictates that they should also die badly. And will perchance the fact of having so many companions in misery be of any comfort? How foolishly many are in the habit of saying, “Well if I am lost I shall not go alone!” But, oh, how much more this fact will increase their misery and frenzy, when they are already unable to resist or to support their distress!
APPLICATION: Reflect on this and see what little comfort companionship such as this would bring.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Pierce thou my flesh with thy fear: for I am afraid of thy judgments. (Ps. cxviii, 120.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that the reason why so many are condemned is because they permit themselves to be led away even as irrational sheep. (2 Peter ii, 12.) They let themselves be drawn on by the multitude, and are enticed by bad companions, and worse than sheep they do these things with their eyes closed. This imitation of others in their bad practices is very prejudicial also to those with whom we live.
APPLICATION: Do not heed therefore what the worldly and the careless do. Be careful only of what you have to do yourself under obligation of your conscience and of your rule of life, if you would be saved.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Unless the Lord had been my helper, my soul had almost dwelt in hell. (Ps. xciii, 17.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that they who go to hell as sheep, as sheep shall death devour them. (Ps. xlviii, 15.) By death we must understand every kind of suffering that can produce death, or one may even take it to mean the demon of death who bears that name because he is the author of death, as Christ is called life because He is the author of life. It will be that demon who will never cease heaping on them every kind of most atrocious torture, for, having lived like sheep and having imitated the evil practices of others on earth, they will find themselves led to hell like flocks of sheep to the slaughter.
APPLICATION: And will you place yourself in this awful danger of being lost, merely because you are not ready to overcome miserable human respect, in withdrawing yourself from the bad examples of others?
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thou hast brought forth, O Lord, my soul from hell: thou hast saved me from them that go down into the pit. (Ps. xxix, 4.)
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Follow thou me. (John xxi, 22.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that one of the chief ends, for which our Lord came into this world was to teach and to animate us by His blessed example to walk on the way to Calvary. Hence the Apostle St. Peter (1 Peter ii, 21) reminds us of this alone, because for us it is most necessary. For although we have been already redeemed by Christ through His passion and death on the cross, and are enlightened by His evangelical doctrine, yet we cannot be saved if we do not resolutely set ourselves to follow Him along the way of suffering that He Himself chose.
APPLICATION: You must place yourself at the foot of the cross of Jesus Crucified, not only that you may contemplate Him with your eyes, and compassionate in your heart His sufferings, but also that you may follow Him with your footsteps, and closely imitate His example: Leaving you an example that you should follow His steps.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: In thy sight are all they that afflict me; my heart hath expected reproach and misery. (Ps. lxviii, 21.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that you must not let yourself be frightened, when you hear that you are strictly obliged to walk after the example of Christ Who suffered so greatly, for such an example was left to you, not that you should ever equal it exactly, but only that you should follow it. Now can you say that you follow it, if you always take the road directly opposed to it? Do you excuse yourself as not having the strength to follow in the way of such suffering as that of Christ? But you cannot excuse yourself for not co-operating with those helps which grace imparts to you for such an end, while you completely neglect to follow Him, and openly turn your back upon Him, seeking with all your power, your comfort, your ease, and your advantage.
APPLICATION: It is not therefore your weakness that prevents your following Christ to Calvary but your bad will. If you cannot suffer as much as Christ did, at least be desirous to suffer with Christ.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My soul hath coveted to long for thy justifications, at all times. (Ps. cxviii, 20.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that very many tread the path of suffering, yet do not follow Christ, because they suffer merely because they must such an infirmity as a humiliation and disaster. Now in order to follow Christ, it is not enough for you to walk in the way of suffering along which He passed – you must tread in His footsteps, and walk in the manner in which He walked. You must suffer with such a resignation of will, with such peace and perseverance as Christ Himself teaches you. Such is the meaning of following in His footsteps. My foot hath followed His steps. (Job xxii, 11.)
APPLICATION: If you want to encourage your heart, say often to yourself: Christ also suffered for us, a God for a man, the Creator for the creature! And how then shall I not suffer for Him, and suffer too with gladness?
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I will love thee, O Lord my strength. (Ps. xvii, 2.)
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Yea, I say to you, fear Him. (Luke xii, 5.)
CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the fear of the Lord is said in Holy Scripture to be the beginning of wisdom, because as in the art of building the first step of the work is to excavate and lay the foundation on which the building is to be raised, so the fear of God is the first work which Divine Wisdom begins in the heart of the just man, as the foundation of the whole spiritual edifice. This fear however is not that which is called servile, whereby is feared the punishment and not the fault. It is that filial fear which moves the just man, who realises how worthy God is of supreme honour and of supreme love, to submit himself to God with the reverence of a son to his father for fear of offending Him.
APPLICATION: Do you wish to know whether the Divine Wisdom has begun to establish in you the foundations of the spiritual edifice? See then whether the fear that predominates in you towards God be that of a son or rather that of a slave.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Holy and terrible is His name; the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Ps. cx, 9-10.)
CONSIDER SECONDLY that filial fear is not only a foundation, but also an essential foundation which, as the root, not only supports the tree but also nourishes it and strengthens it. The root of wisdom is to fear the Lord. (Ecclus. i, 25.) Just then as all the branches and flowers, all the leaves and fruits of the tree are utterly dependent upon the root, without which they would all wither away, so all the good works of the just spring from the holy fear of God. He that feareth God will do good. (Ecclus. xv, 1.) It imparts to them all their vigour, as the principle and root of their very life.
APPLICATION: See then how important it is to keep alive and active within us this fear of God. A root has most efficacy when its fibers are deep and vigorous.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: His salvation is nigh unto them that fear Him. (Ps. lxxxiv, 10.)
CONSIDER THIRDLY that you cannot know for certain that this holy fear of God, from which all good proceeds, dwells within you, for it is a hidden thing, like the roots of a tree that lie buried beneath the earth. It is for your good that God wills that you should not know it, in order that from the apprehension of not possessing this fear you may more perfectly preserve it. The more deeply a root is covered with earth the more vigour it has; and so it is with holy fear. It is true also that if the natural fruits of the root never fail, one may be morally certain that the root also is full of life.
APPLICATION: If you constantly refrain from evil from the motive of not offending God, and if you do good works in order to please Him, you may be morally sure that the root of the holy fear of God is alive within you. Whereas if you refrain from evil through human respect, and do good works simply in order to succeed, or to gain praise or for any other human motive, you can have no certainty that you possess this holy fear of God.
AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord; he shall delight exceedingly in His commandments. (Ps. cxi, 1.)
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