Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922

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(Read Matt. iv, 1-11.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the spirit which lead Christ into the desert where Lucifer had designs to tempt Him was the Holy Spirit. From this learn that God exposes just men to temptation because of the benefits which they derive therefrom. The first of these benefits is that they may be preserved in greater humility, seeing themselves liable to the greatest sins. The second, because in temptation they feel the need of living more closely united to God, and recognize that without the divine assistance by courageously resisting temptation they practice many acts of virtue, and acquire a rich treasure of merit.

APPLICATION: Consequently you must not give way to excessive fear in temptation. Remember it is the time to fight valiantly, in order that you may receive a more precious crown from our Lord. He will not refuse you the help necessary to conquer, provided only that on your part you do not fail in your duty.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: In my trouble I called upon the Lord, and the Lord heard me. (Ps. cxviii, 5.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY how Christ prepared Himself for the combat by prayer and a rigorous fast of forty days. Here are the weapons with which you also must fortify yourself that you may resist the assaults of the evil one. Fasting and mortification must weaken the rebellion of your stubborn nature, which leagues itself with the demon and works with him. Prayer must also unite you with God, otherwise you will not be able to resist an enemy who is so much more powerful than you.

APPLICATION: In imitation of our Blessed Lord learn to use these two means well, both when in imminent danger of temptation and also in the time of temptation itself. You may then rest assured that you will not be overcome thereby, but that with the divine assistance you will conquer, for God will not deny His grace to the man who does his best.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I sought the Lord and he heard me, and he delivered me from all my troubles. (Ps. xxxiii, 5.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY the three kinds of temptation by which Christ was assailed by Lucifer. The first was that of gluttony. This is the first also for not a few, who under the plea and pretext of health expose themselves to this temptation. The second was of vainglory and pride, if thou art the Son of God cast thyself down. It was in this manner that Lucifer himself was cast down from heaven, and Adam from out of the earthy paradise. And how many does it not likewise send to ruin in our own days, for pride is the beginning of all sin. (Ecclus. X, 15.) The third temptation was that of avarice and ambition, the devil falsely promising our Blessed Lord the dominion of all the kingdoms of the world: all these will I give thee, if falling down thou wilt adore me. There are many people, for whom such large promises as these are not necessary to induce them to bend their hearts and knees to Satan. With how much less does not the malignant spirit succeed in making them turn their backs on Christ to serve Lucifer?

APPLICATION: If you would be safe from these dangers imitate holy David. Take note of how he behaved in the midst of the assaults of the evil one. I was clothed with hair-cloth: I humbled my soul with fasting and my prayer shall be turned into my bosom. (Ps. xxxiv, 13.) Above all omit not to discover your temptations faithfully to your spiritual director, this being an excellent means both to conquer temptation and to prevent it. Thus you will not stand alone, but will have a trusted guide.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: It is good for me that thou hast humbled me, that I may learn thy ordinances. (Ps. cxviii, 68.)

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And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony, he prayed the longer. And his sweat became as drops of blood, trickling down upon the ground. (Luke xxii, 43-44.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY how our afflicted Redeemer, for having prayed to His Heavenly Father, there was sent an angel to comfort Him, whom we may believe to be the Archangel Gabriel who is called Strength of God. When you have recourse to God to be delivered from some trouble or anguish, you are surprised if your prayer is not answered immediately. But, if the divine Father delays to grant the fervent supplications of His beloved Son, how can you repine if God tarries to answer your prayers that are wanting in due reverence and fervour?

APPLICATION: When God delays to grant you favours it is not because He does not wish to do so. It is then that you must remember to dispose yourself by repeated acts of faith, of humility, and of other virtues in order to receive graces and favours more abundantly.

AFFECTION AND RESOLUTIONS: With expectation I waited for the Lord, and he was attentive to me. (Ps. xxxix, 2.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY that Jesus was not delivered by the Archangel by the inward suffering caused by natural dread of death of the cross. He was however strengthened in mind, by there being placed before Him the fruits that would result from His death to the glory of His divine Father, to the advantage of mankind, and to the exaltation of His own Sacred Humanity. It is also thus that God hearkens to the prayers of those who are most dear to Him. He does not deliver them from the affliction they suffer, but He gives them strength to bear them and to overcome the repugnance of nature.

APPLICATION: Whenever you are assailed by some trouble of body or mind, you do well indeed to seek help from God. But if instead of delivering you from your affliction, He gives you strength to bear it with resignation and even readiness, it will be all the better for you and will render you richer in merit and in virtue.

AFFECTION AND RESOLUTIONS: In my trouble I called upon the Lord, and the Lord heard me. (Ps. cxvii, 5.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY that as the sadness and fear increased in the soul of Jesus He experience the agony of death; being in agony, as St Like tells us. All the blood, which by the excess of natural fear had rushed to the heart, was forced out from His sacred veins and ran down in great drops from all parts of His sacred body: And his sweat became as drops of blood, trickling down upon the ground. Even to this intense degree did the soul of Jesus suffer in conforming itself to the will of His divine Father.

APPLICATION: What violence have you used up to now against the unruly suggestions of your nature? For you have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. (Heb. xii, 4.) With this blood which Jesus shed through His love for you, He has given you a salutary fountain wherein to cleanse you from your sins, and impart to you a more lively knowledge of their malice. The apostle Peter was aghast at seeing His divine Master kneeling on the ground at his feet to wash them with water. Can you then look unmoved on Jesus prostrated upon the ground, His soul in an agony of death, and shedding streams of blood from every member of His sacred body in order to wash away the stains of your sins? Strive to better realize better the excess of His love for you and at the same time the enormity of your misdeeds, for the cleansing of which so much of His sacred blood was needed.

AFFECTION AND RESOLUTIONS: What profit is there in my blood? (Ps. xxix, 10.)

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Judas one of the twelve… coming to Jesus, he kissed Him. And Jesus said to him: Friend, whereto art thou come?(Matt. xxvi, 50.) Dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss? (Luke xxii.48.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY the depth of iniquity into which Judas the Apostle fell. Not satisfied with conspiring against our Lord’s life and selling the blood of his divine master for a few pence, he headed a troop of soldiers and betrayed Jesus with a kiss of peace, and the welcome of a friend. Into such an excess did one of our Lord’s most intimate disciples fall, an apostle and one who had even worked miracles: and this because he had allowed himself to be overcome by the spirit of avarice, and had appropriated to himself part of those common funds which our Lord had confided to his care.

APPLICATION: Such falls are also to be found among those who let themselves be drawn away from the right path by some passion, and who do not fear to approach the sacraments with poison in their hearts as so give to Jesus Christ the kiss of a traitor. Consequently be watchful over your passions, stand in fear of yourself and confide with all your strength in the divine goodness.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Have mercy on me O Lord, for I am weak. (Ps. vi, 3.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY that although our Lord knew the treachery of Judas, He went forward with a peaceful countenance to meet him. He embraced him, He refused not the kiss of peace and called him by the familiar name of friend: Friend, whereto art thou come? If then Jesus received so lovingly the man who came to compass His death, may we not rest assured that he who comes to the feet of Jesus mourning over his sins, will be lovingly embraced by Him and taken back again in His favour?

APPLICATION: From the meekness shown by our Lord towards Judas, do you also learn not to refuse acts of kindness to one who may have given you displeasure. It is sad sometimes to behold even among those who profess a more perfect life, the omission not only of those special marks of love which belong to the counsels, but even of those which are of precept ; and this so far that, whereas the traitor Judas was treated by Christ as a friend, we sometimes see a friend and brother treated almost as a traitor. Examine therefore carefully how you behave towards any one who has caused you displeasure.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. They that sought my hurt spoke vain things and thought upon deceits all the day long. But I as a deaf man heard not, and I was as a dumb man that doth not open his mouth. (Ps. xxxvii, 13-14.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY that the gentle words used by Jesus to the traitor sufficed not to soften his heart, our Blessed Lord disclosed to him the enormity of his sin: Whereto art thou come? Dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss? Fear you not Judas, to betray your Master, your Redeemer and your God by a kiss of peace? And this our Blessed Saviour said to save as possible this perishing soul from the fatal precipice, it being true charity to use every available means to save one’s neighbour from impending evil. Nevertheless, neither these marks of love nor these warnings sufficed to touch the heart of Judas, hardened as it was by the spirit of avarice. Even when the soldiers fell trembling to the earth, he alone was not terrified, or softened, whom neither gentleness nor threats nor miracles could move.

APPLICATION: It was by degrees that Judas arrived at such blindness and hardness of heart. You also learn to resist your passions from the beginning, if you would not come to fall finally into the same precipice.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: If my enemy had reviled me I would have verily have borne it… but it was thou, a man of one mind with me. (Ps lvi, 13-14.)

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As soon therefore as he had said to them: I am he; they went backward, and fell to the ground. (John xviii, 6.) But this is your hour, and the power of darkness. (Luke xxii. 53.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY how went forth to meet the armed Jews and said: It is I. At these simple words they all fell to the ground terrified. Our Blessed Redeemer wished thereby to let them know the sovereign power of His divine person, in order that they might realize the enormity of their sin in seizing Him.

APPLICATION: Could you also but realise whom it is you offend, each time you offer some insult to our Lord, you likewise would immediately fall trembling to the earth. Whenever you are tempted to offend Him, beg of Him to enlighten you and to bring home to you that He is your God and Creator, your Redeemer and your sovereign Judge. Remember how far greater will be your terror at the hour of death and in the valley of Jehosaphat, at the final sentence resounding as thunder against the guilty.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Hear me, O Lord my God, enlighten my eyes that I sleep not ever in death. (Ps.xii, 5.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY that when, our Lord so willing, they were able to rise from the ground, He then said to them: This is your hour, and the power of darkness ; as much as to say, till now you had not permission to injury Me because the hour of My passion had not yet arrived. But now I give full liberty to you and in your persons to the powers of darkness to do your worst. But this our Lord would give us to understand that all the suffering He endured came to Him not directly from the violence of Hid persecutors, but by the free will whit which He delivered Himself into the hands of His enemies the Jews, in order to redeem us from the hands of our mortal enemies.

APPLICATION: If then Jesus for the love of you gave Himself up unreservedly into the hands of His enemies to be tortured and crucified, will you not now once and for all for the love of Him cast yourself willingly into the hands of His loving providence, that so He may dispose of your whole being according to His good pleasure?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Deliver me out of the hands of my enemies, and from them that persecute me… O save me in thy mercy. (, 16-17.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY how with this permission those insolent men began to strike our Blessed Lord and bind Him fast with ropes and chains, casting Him to earth and treading Him under foot. They then dragged Him through the public streets of Jerusalem, heaping blows and insults on Him as He passed along.

APPLICATION: See herein how you also have acted towards the Son of God when you have sinned. You too seize the divine person of Jesus and trampled Him under your feet: You have trodden under foot the Son of God, says St. Paul. (Heb. x,29.) To make satisfaction now for all the wrongs you have done our Saviour, let not the restrictions of the commandments of God or Holy Church seem too severe, nor the duties of your state in life too burdensome, seeing that for your sins Jesus has suffered so infinitely more.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. (Ps. 1, 4.)

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And they led him away to Annas first: the high priest therefore asked Jesus of his disciples and of his doctrine: one of the servants standing by gave Jesus a blow. (John xviii, 13, 19, 22.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY that Jesus, the sovereign judge of the living and the dead, is first of all dragged as a criminal before Annas, who ostentatiously examined Him and questioned Him regarding His disciples and His doctrine. Under this humiliating interrogation Jesus stood there humble and meek, a rope about His neck, and His sacred hands bound in fetters. About His doctrine He would make reply. About His disciples He answered not, because praise them He could not, blame them He would not.

APPLICATION: Such is the rule that our Lord would teach you by His example, never to speak of your neighbour when you cannot say good of him. How many times have you not transgressed this golden rule, how often criticized the defects of others, particularly when any one offends you? Remember what St. James says, that no one should think himself to be religious not bridling his tongue. (James I, 26.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, and a door round about my lips. (Ps. cxl, 3.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY How wise and prudent was the answer which our Blessed Lord gave the High Priest regarding His doctrine. He had always spoken and taught in public, and all those who heard him could testify of His teaching: Ask them who have heard me, what I have spoken unto them. (John xviii, 21.) Consider on the contrary how unjust and cruel was the blow which a mailed hand violently struck His face, with such force as to make the divine countenance on which the angels desire to look (I Peter I, 12.) all livid and covered with blood. Was it not a miracle in patience on the part of Jesus, not to have made all creation rise up against that insolent being to avenge the insult offered to their common Lord?

APPLICATION: Will you not then learn from this example of patience to bear meekly a hard word, an apparent slight, a passing affront, without giving way to resentment or taking revenge?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I became as a man that hearth not, and that hath no reproof in his mouth. (Ps. xxxvii, 15.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY how Jesus Who had remained silent under accusations, insults and other sufferings when He was struck, spoke gently in His own defence: If I have spoken evil, give testimony of the evil,: but if well, why strikest thou me? He would make answer for two reasons. The first was that all might see Hw was not irreverent towards the high priest and to set an example to all of the respect due authority, and particularly that of the Church. The second reason was His zeal to uphold and defend the truth of His divine doctrine. Jesus is silent then amidst personal insults and torments: He speaks only in defense of His doctrine. St. Augustine says: Even as a sheep He was silent, as a shepherd He taught, so that His silence might not prejudice the honour of God, or the injuries done your neighbour.

APPLICATION” But you perhaps do the contrary. Personal indignities you deeply resent, but reck little or nothing of the offences committed against God, or the injuries done your neighbour.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have set a guard to my mouth when the sinner stood against me. I was dumb and was humble. (Ps. xxxviii, 2-3.)

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And Peter followed Him afar off, even into the court of the high priest; and he sat with the servants at the fire, and warmed himself. (Mark xiv, 54.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY the cause of St. Peter’s fall, the first was because he followed afar off. The love in his heart for his divine Master had become cool and his desire to die with Him had grown less. Hence he gave way to fear at the cruel treatment he saw Jesus receive in the court of Caiaphas.

APPLICATION: In like manner is brought about the downfall of many souls who at one time have been fervent. They begin by becoming careless in their exercises of piety and their religious observance. They neglect prayer and self-denial they make little of venial sin. By degrees their heart and soul become more and more estranged from God. The consequence is that they feel the duties of their state more irksome, and they become ashamed of the slight humiliations often attached to leading a good Christian life.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My friends and my neighbours have drawn near and stood against me, and they that were near stood afar off. (Ps. xxxvii, 12.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY Another cause of St. Peter’s fall, namely, that he presumed too much upon himself. He heeded not what his divine Master had foretold him but boldly entered the courtyard of the high priest. He there began to converse with those ribald servants and warmed himself at their fire. Such were the steps by which he cast himself into the precipice. The first was his neglect of the warning made to him by our Lord, and his own presumption; the second was his fearless entrance into the company of the courtyard; and the third was his idle conversation which he held with the same.

APPLICATION: Observe here the difference between those who are fervent and those who are lax. The fervent fear their own weakness and fly the occasions of sin. They do not idly waste time but remain duly recollected and well occupied. The lax on the contrary have confidence in themselves and they fear no falls. They rush forward into the midst of danger, and spend hours and hours in idle amusement and in worldly conversation. Ask yourself to which of these classes you belong.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep Thy words. (Ps. cxviii, 101.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY how lamentable was the fall of this apostle. It was he, who in the garden had the courage to defend his Master against a body of armed soldiers, and to cut off the ear of Malchus with his sword. And here in the courtyard, at the word of a simple maidservant, who declared him to be a disciple of Jesus he lost all his courage and protested that he knew Him not: I know not the man. At the second interrogation he denied with an oath, and at the third with curses; then he began to curse and to swear. See here the terrible fall of the head of the Apostles and the chief pillar of the Church. Behold how those fervent protests he made at the last supper have all vanished like smoke.

APPLICATION: How much less confidence then ought you yourself to have in those protestations you have made to God in prayer, in the resolutions you have formed. Learn then to fear and not to presume as the Apostle teaches you: with fear and trembling work out your salvation. (Phil. Ii, 12.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Unless the Lord kept the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth. (Ps. cxxvi, 1.)

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And Peter remembered the word that Jesus had said unto him... and he began to weep. (Mark xiv, 72.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY what a bitter suffering it was for Jesus to see Peter fall, and to hear Himself so shamefully denied under His very eyes. What a sorrow for Thee, O Lord Jesus, to be first of all betrayed by Judas, then abandoned by the disciples, and last of all denied by the head of the Apostles, and this after so many promises and protestations of fidelity on his part. This injury was to the heart of Jesus the most bitter of all, because it was inflicted by him who was His most favorite friend.

APPLICATION: From this you may see how much more displeasing to our Lord are the offenses of those whom He has the more generously favoured. It is no strange thing if the votaries of the world deny Him, but if one who professes to be His follower and disciple deny Him and protest not to know Him, oh how grievously does He feel the affront! Reflect upon all the blessings and graces He has given to you in particular, if you would understand the gravity of your sins and the wrong you have done Him.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion for ever. (Ps. lxxii,26.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY how Peter came to recognize his sin and to rise from his fall. And immediately the cock crew, and Peter remembered the word of Jesus. (Matt. xxvi, 74-75.) Thus was recalled to him his Master’s prediction and the promises he had made Him in the upper chamber. Again, we read, And the Lord turning looked on Peter (Luke xxii, 61.) This look of Jesus gave him light to see the heinousness of his sin and the grace to detest it. Admire here the merciful goodness of Christ Who amidst all His sufferings is not unmindful of His faithless disciple, but come speedily to his aid.

APPLICATION: But how many times has not our Lord shown a like mercy to you after your falls? Remorse of conscience was the first warning He gave you; then followed illumination of mind and compunction of heart due to the loving glance the Lord in pity cast upon you. Will you not then thank Him, seeing that at the time when you lived most in forgetfulness of Him He never forgot you?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Turn not away Thy face from Thy servant, for I am in trouble, O hear my speedily. (Ps. lxviii, 18.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY the effects of Peter’s repentance: and going forth he wept bitterly. Stricken to the heart with intense sorrow at the look of Jesus, he left the court to hide himself in secret and to weep bitterly for his sin. Nor ceased he as long as he lived so to weep as often as he heard the cock crow.

APPLICATION: These then are the signs of true repentance. We must detest our sins and weep for them with tears that spring from a contrite heart. We must withdraw from the occasions which caused our fall, nor ever forget our past sins, in order to grieve for them and to do suitable penance for them. Exam and see if these signs are found in you. If not, implore of Jesus in His mercy to give them to you.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: A sacrifice to God is a troubled spirit; a contrite and humble heart, O Lord, Thou dost not despise. (Ps. l, 19.)

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Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99