Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922

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(Read Luke vii, 11-16.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that it is not without a divine purpose that the gospels recount the raising from the dead by Christ of three persons, all of different ages, a very young girt, the daughter of a ruler of the Synagogue, a young man, son of the widow of Naim, and then Lazarus, the brother of Magdalen and Martha. We should learn therefore that death does not respect any age, nor exempt any condition of life. Armed with bow and sword, with the latter it strikes the aged to whom it is nearer, and with the former the young who think themselves quite out of reach.

APPLICATION: Whatever may be your age, be always prepared for death. As both the young and the old die daily, when they least of all expect it, be persuaded that it will be the same with you. Heed you not what our Lord says in the Gospel? Be you then also ready, for at what hour you think not, the Son of Man will come. (Luke xii, 40.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: He will brandish his sword; be hath bent his bow. (Ps. vii, 13.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY that in these three dead persons, raised to life by Christ, are represented three classes of people, who were dead in sin but have been raised to life by Christ. In the death of the young girl, are represented those people who fall into sin through ignorance and through weakness of nature; in the death of the young man, those who sin from impulse of vehement passion and in the death of Lazarus, those who fall into sin through the malice of their own will.

APPLICATION: Under which of these classes do your falls and sins place you? It may be that, by the earnest life you lead for God, you are ordinarily guarded from more serious falls and from mortal sins. Still it is very probable that you daily fall into venial sins. See then whether your daily falls arise from weakness of nature, or from the assaults of your strong passions, or with the full deliberation from the malice of your will. For even though all of them may be culpable yet not all are equally hurtful. Through weakness even the saints sometimes fall; by the force of passions not conquered the imperfect fall; and from malice of will, those who may easily fall further into mortal sin.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled, and my soul is troubled exceedingly: but thou, O Lord, how long? (Ps. vi, 3,4.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that Christ at the death of the child forbade all weeping, and that at the death of the young man, He said to the widow mother: Weep not. But at the death of Lazarus He not only suffered the two sisters Martha and Magdalen to weep, but He Himself also wept. Jesus wept. (John xi, 35.)

APPLICATION: By the death of Lazarus are represented, as we have meditated, those who fall through the malice of their will. Such as sin gravely, especially when and where they are furnished with much light and protection, will be more severely dealt with. For their fall is more wilful and malicious and most hateful in the sight of heaven.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: O Lord, my God, enlighten my eyes that I never sleep in death. (Ps. xii, 4.)

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If any man will come after me, let him deny himself. (Matt. xvi, 24.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that your enemy the devil delights in nothing more than in seeing you satisfying your every desire, and giving way to your disorderly inclinations. For he knows well that, like an uncurbed horse, they will little and little bring you to the precipice. Therefore it is a matter of joy when he perceives that you so easily leave the reins loose upon the neck.

APPLICATION: It is necessary therefore that you accustom yourself to deny your inclinations even in lawful things. Otherwise, from things permissible you will soon pass on to give way easily to things unlawful.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My soul hath longed greatly to desire thy ordinances at all times. (Ps. cxviii, 20.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY that this self-abnegation [Abnegation is the act of renouncing or rejecting something]   is imposed on you without limitation. Fasting, abstinence and prayer have for you their assigned times, but abnegation of your will has no appointed time. It must always be ready and at hand in all things. What time is there when a vicious horse does not need the curb.

APPLICATION:So it is with your will. You must always hold it in restraint and curb, so that it may not swerve from the right path or lead you over the precipice.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: O Lord, my portion; I have said, I would keep thy law. (Ps. cxviii, 57.) 


CONSIDER THIRDLY that you must not give way to fear as if this self-conquest were a matter of great difficulty, because by acquiring the habit it will become every day more easy for you. A horse not broken becometh stubborn. (Ecclus. xxx, 8.) It is hard to control and guide it, when it has been allowed its own way for any length of time.

APPLICATION:The same will you also experience with your own will, if you accustom yourself to subject it at all times, and in all that happens to you, whether by means of your superiors your equals, or your inferiors. For when your will finds that it cannot always obtain what it demands, it will cease to ask except for such things as it knows it may justly obtain. 

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Through God we shall do mightily, and he shall bring to nothing them that afflict us. (Ps. lix, 14.)

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Be you therefore perfect as also your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matt. v, 48.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that these words apply to all Christians. For all are bound to observe the law of the Gospel with greater perfection than were the Hebrews bound to observe that of Moses. The Mosaic Law was directed rather to the acquisition of earthy goods, and was a heavier burden because of the many precepts it contained, and of the much less help which the people  had to keep it. The Evangelical law is ordained entirely for the attainment of heavenly goods. It is a yoke much more bearable, and much greater is the aid which grace gives to bear it.

APPLICATION: You have had the blessing of being born in the bosom of Christianity, in the days of so sweet a law, and therefore enjoy so many helps of grace. Think how much more, then, you are bound to observe it. And how much greater will be your condemnation if you fail to do so. 

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:How I have loved thy law, O Lord; it is my meditation all the day long. (Ps. cxviii, 97.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY those words of the Apostle, Therefore ought we more diligently to observe the things which we have heard, lest perhaps we let them slip. (Hebr. ii, 1.) They apply most of all to those more worthy Christians, who, detached at5 least in mind and heart from the world, attend more exclusively to the practice of virtue.

APPLICATION: By you very name Christian, you are therefore bound to the more careful observance of all that God has taught you by His lights and by His divine inspirations. He gives you so many helps and devout inspirations, that you may ever become more perfect. Hence if you neglect these gifts and these lights He will be justly offended. Be thou instructed, O Jerusalem, lest my soul depart from thee. (Jer. vi, 8.) An ordinary goodness must not suffice you. Place yourself in the way of higher virtue, and thus you will assuredly profit by it.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I looked for thy salvation, O Lord, and I loved thy commandments. (Ps. cxviii, 166.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that these words of the Apostle apply especially to those, whose aim is to help their neighbour. For such have more need than others to be most careful to observe perfectly that which God requires of them. Otherwise they run the risk of losing themselves while seeking the good and salvation of others.

APPLICATION: If you be of this number, you must so let the gifts of God flow for the benefit of others as to keep many also for your own good. From time to time you must retire into yourself and think of your own soul and of its needs. For it will avail you nothing to gain the whole world if in this gain you lose your own soul. For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? (Matt. xvi, 26.) 

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Serve ye the Lord with fear and rejoice unto him with trembling. (Ps. ii, 11.)

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And he said to all: If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (Luke ix, 23.)

[alacrity means cheerful readiness or willingness] [abnegation means renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others]


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that Christ promulgated and addressed to all the faithful this great evangelical maxim of mortification and suffering: And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (Luke ix, 23.) Much more is this said, and in an especial manner, to all those who wish to lead a more holy and more perfect life, to be more intimate disciples and more faithful companions of Christ. For to be true disciples and companions of our Lord consists not merely in listening to His doctrines, but it consists, as our divine Lord declares, in denying yourself and bearing the cross, and following Him, treading in His footsteps marked with blood even up to Calvary.

APPLICATION: This assuredly deserves your serious consideration. Observe furthermore what Christ says: If any man will. For He desires that you follow Him of your free will and spontaneously, as the invitation of so loving a Lord deserves, Who for love of you went so far as to die  on the tree of the Cross. In your life then, as a follower of Him, you must certainly except to suffer somewhat and to be mortified in many things. See then that you bear then willingly for the love of your crucified lover, for this is what is pleasing to God. Notice that He does not say, let him bear, but let him take up his cross, to show you that that if you wish to be truly a follower of His, you must embrace your cross with alacrity and promptness. Do not wait until it be placed on your shoulder like the Cyrenean, nor must you drag it along as it were by compulsion. Blessed are you if you carry it gladly; you will merit more and you will suffer less.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: If thou hadst desires sacrifice, I would surely have given it. (Ps. l, 18.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY that the readily embracing and carrying of the cross is not a work for you for certain days only and certain times, but for all days and for all times. Let him take up his cross daily. By the word cross is to be understood any misfortune, tribulation or affliction that may come upon you. Now these crosses abound everywhere, whether in internal afflictions of soul or external ones of the body.

APPLICATION: Such then is the cross that you must willingly and even cheerfully embrace in all occurrences of life. Let him take up his cross daily. If you do this, what a great treasure you will also gain both in merit and of glory!

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Thine ordinances I will never forget, for by them thou hast given me life. (Ps. cxviii, 93.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that nothing so much hinders you in carrying your cross willingly, and under all circumstances, as your self love. Consequently Christ asks in the first place for the total abnegation of yourself. Let him deny himself. Have you understood what it means to deny yourself? It means that you must contradict all the inclinations and ill-regulated desires of your lower nature. Regard then and treat it as an enemy, because you have many times discovered it to be a traitor. You will never uproot entirely these perverse inclinations of yours. Consequently Christ bids you deny them: Let him deny himself, which means that you must not let them gain mastery over you.

APPLICATION: Let not sin, that is concupiscence, so the Apostle tells us, reign in your mortal body, so that you obey the lusts thereof. (Rom. vi, 12.) Follow this counsel and your cross will become light to you. You will embrace it gladly, following therein the footsteps of Christ. 

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: In thee, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice. (Ps. xxx, 2.)

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I must work the work of him that sent me whilst it is day. (John ix, 4.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY the meaning of those words of Ecclesiasticus: When a man hath done then shall he begin. (Ecclus. xviii, 6.) It is that in your spiritual life you must always act as if you were a beginner, and with the same fervour with which you began seriously to serve God. Hold steadfast to those eternal maxims that you saw to be the foundations of your religious edifice, and it will come to pass that you advance in virtue, day by day, but always along the path by which you began.

APPLICATION: Never imagine, as some do, that you have become sinless, as it were, or that you have advanced sufficiently along the path of perfection. Be always on your guard against sin. Cultivate a holy fear of God and neglect not the practice of penance. If you fail in this, you will begin in advance years to commit faults and sins which you did not in your youth.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: He hath commanded his covenant for ever; holy and terrible is his name. (Ps. cx, 9.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY another meaning, which is that having finished one work in the service of God you must at once begin with another. Lose not a moment of time in idleness. Would you always be healthy in soul as well as body? Be then continually occupied, for idleness is the root of all evil. Bear ever in mind that you must render a strict account to God of the time that you waste, and have wasted. At your death you will know it well. For seeing time coming to an end for you, you will perceive then how much good you might have done during the days of your life.

APPLICATION:  Say to your own soul the words of Ecclesiasticus, Son, observe the time. (Ecclus. iv, 23.) Pass from one good work to another; from prayer to labour, from mental fatigue to that of the body. Lose no time in useless chatter or unnecessary repose.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall be always in my mouth. (Ps. xxxiii, 2.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY a third meaning, namely that when you are much advanced in  spiritual things, then you will perceive that you are only at the beginning. Perhaps you now appear to yourself to have attained perfection. This is because you are merely a beginner. When you have attained any degree of it, you will then realise that you are not what you now imagine yourself to be. He who travels over a mountain, the more he climbs, sees the more how far he is from the summit, which at the beginning he thought he could reach with a few steps.

APPLICATION:So it well be with you. The more you rise towards perfection, the more you will see how far off you are from real mortification and true abnegation of self; how far from true humility and obedience; from true resignation and conformity to the divine will. Then will you say with David: Now I have begun (Ps. lxxvi, 11), and this will be the best sign for you that you have made progress in the way of perfection.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:  Now I have begun: this change is of the right hand of the Most High. (Ps. lxxvi, 11.)

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The Son of man is come . . . to give his life a redemption for many. (Matt. xx, 28.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY how true it is that you do not belong to yourself; for our Lord has bought and redeemed you at a great price, the price of His precious blood. Consider then how you wrong Him, when you wish to dispose of yourself only as you yourself desire. Your very eyes are not yours, nor your ears, nor your tongue, and so on with all that constitutes you yourself. For you wholly belong to that Lord Who has bought you.

APPLICATION: What doubt then can there be that you should never dispose of yourself in the least, except in homage to Him and His service to Whom you by purchase and right belong? 

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The world is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world and all they that dwell therein. (Ps. xxiii, 1.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY the benefit our Lord did you in redeeming, in buying you back. Had He perhaps some need of you? Was He not supremely happy in Himself without you? It was then only for your good that He bought you back from the slavery of Satan. To do this, it would have sufficed to have given a single drop of His own blood, but He willed to give it all, and to sacrifice His life itself amid terrible sufferings.

APPLICATION: Were you to see any one who could buy a jewel for a thousand crowns, and yet preferred to give ten thousand, would you not at once conclude what a great desire he had to possess that jewel? Greater without doubt is the longing, which our Blessed Saviour has, to deliver you for your own good from the hands of the devil Lucifer. Do you not wish then to be His, since He has redeemed you with so much love, and at so great a cost?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have said to the Lord: Thou art my God, for thou hast no need of my goods. (Ps. xv, 2.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY how best to correspond to this excess of love of your Lord and Saviour. Employ and spend your whole life in His honour, without thinking of your own interest in any detail. When you have to use the senses or members of your body for God, ask of them to whom do they belong. Say the same to your eyes and to your ears, when it is needful to mortify them for God; the same also to your tongue and to all your interior faculties and feelings, reminding them that they are not their own masters: You are not your own; you are bought with a great price. (1 Cor. vi, 19, 20.)

APPLICATION: For this same reason you are still more bound to keep your soul from all dangers, for it belongs to Jesus. You are commonly told to strive to save your soul, because it is your own and it belongs to you. Keep therefore your souls carefully. (Deut. iv, 15.) And so it is; but also strive to save your soul, because in fact it is not really yours, but belongs to Jesus, Who bought it back for Himself. This too is the most noble motive you can possibly have to save your soul from hell. 

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Bring to the Lord glory and honour; bring to the Lord glory to his name. (Ps. xxviii, 2.)

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If you know these things, you shall be blessed if you do them. (John xiii, 17.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the teaching of worldly people which places happiness in riches, in pleasures, in honours, is the teaching of a false wisdom. Of such St. James speaks: This is not wisdom descending from above, but earthly, sensual, devilish. (James iii, 15.) That wisdom which places happiness in earthly riches is earthly, because it has for its aim earthly things. That which places happiness in pleasures is sensual, because it has for its end the things of the body. That which places happiness in honours is devilish, because it has for its end that which was the aim of Lucifer, the King over all the children of pride. (Job xli, 25.)

APPLICATION: Conclude therefore that such cannot then be true wisdom. For true wisdom is that alone which knows our last end which is God, and orders all things in consequence according to the rules laid down by that same God.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: They have called the people happy that hath these thongs; but happy is the people whose God is the Lord. (Ps. cxliii, 15.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY how all these three kinds of wisdom are mere deceit and lying. Earthly wisdom falsely promises to give happiness through riches, which in themselves profit not as an end, but only as a means, and that a very uncertain means too. Indeed it often happens, as Scripture says, that riches are kept to the hurt of the owner. (Eccles. V, 12.)  Sensual wisdom promises happiness by means of the pleasures of the body, and not of the spirit, which is the nobler part of man, and, as it were, seeks to please the servant and not the master. The devilish wisdom promises happiness through honours, which do not constitute the excellence of man but only proclaim it. There are not therefore true signs, but often false, not like the honours that come from God Who honours him only who merits honour.

APPLICATION: Ponder well these important truths. Examine and see how you have been mistaken in the past. Make some few brief and practical resolutions.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:To me thy friends, O God, are made exceedingly honourable; their principality is exceedingly strengthened. (Ps. cxxxviii, 17.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the only true wisdom is Christ’s, which leads man on to the pursuit of his proper end which is true happiness. And the more it detaches him from riches, from pleasures and from honours, so much the more it detaches him from all that keeps him back from his end, and makes him advance to it by the path of merit in this life and by reward in the next. Even in this present life it often brings a beginning of the reward, to be enjoyed by the devout persons as a foretaste of future blessedness. This true and sublime wisdom is learned only in the school of Christ. He brought it to us from Heaven, and taught it with His own lips saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit.

APPLICATION: Give therefore complete exclusion to the wisdom of the world, and apply yourself as a diligently as you can in the school of Christ. Beseech Him constantly to make you wise with His divine wisdom, since He has in His mercy gathered you into the number of His intimate disciples. 

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The law of the Lord is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones. (Ps. xviii, 8.)

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Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99