Fathers - 1

A Teaching of Fr. Jean-Dominique, O.P., on the Role of the Father of the Family

Fr. Jean-Dominique starts his book called Fathers! by telling us the story of a man who lost the Faith later in his life and connects it with the fact that, as a child, when he would ask his father a question about Faith, the father would answer : “Go ask your mother.” When asked the same question, the mother would say : “Go ask the Priest.” This shows us the importance that both parents have in the child’s education, and especially with regards to the education in the Faith.

A family in Québec - 1948

Greatness of the Father of the Family

When looking at the Commandments of God, one can immediately recognise that the first three Commandments tell us of our duties towards God. The next seven ones speak of our duties towards our neighbour. Interestingly, the first of these seven Commandments is about honouring our parents, and first of all, our father : “Honour thy father and mother.”

French economist Frederic Le Play, after studying the decline of various nations in history, came to this conclusion : “The nations who see their power decline have all committed the mistake of lessening the authority of the Father of the Family.” Thus we can reflect on the damage done in our societies by feminism. Feminism is not only a destruction of the identity of women, it is also and most of all a way to destroy the whole order that presides over our nations, and by this, to annihilate them progressively.

Where is the secret of such a greatness of the father of the family to be found? We find an answer in the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians (3;14) : “Therefore, I bow my knees  to the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom all paternity in heaven and earth is named.”


Role of the Father regarding his Paternity

The father should remember then that his paternity does not belong to him. It is rather nothing else but a reflection of that of the Almighty. The father cannot deal with his paternal role as he intends to do. He must remember that he will be judged by God and asked to answer on how he made his best to reflect the paternity of God :

“By his virtues, by his language, by his composure, the father must inspire respect and reflect something of the beauty of the Eternal Father. By his prayer, he seeks to live constantly in the hands of his master.” (Fr. JD)

No egoism therefore, no excess of power but also no lack of fortitude in exercising the power he has received : everything must be done in the light of the above principle.


Role of the Mother regarding the Paternity of her Husband

The wife must honour the paternity of her husband to which she is intimately bound. She should consider her husband, in spite of human defects that are linked to his wounded human nature, with a religious look. She must inculcate in her children the respect of the Father by her example and by the general atmosphere she puts in her household. For example, the benevolent way of speaking of him when he is not there, the gentleness and joy in receiving him when he comes back from work, the particular respect of “Daddy’s things” can make a real difference in the souls of her children.

We see by this teaching of Fr. Jean-Dominique, that “the religious respect given to the head of the family is at the very basis of education”, as the religious respect given to God and sacred things is at the very basis of Faith.


Functions of human paternity

The functions of human paternity are the same as the functions of divine paternity. Now paternity is fulfilled in God in two ways :

  • Regarding his Son, the Father begets a Son in the unity of the same substance. The mystery of the Holy Trinity gives a beautiful light on the nature and duty of human paternity.

  • With regard to creatures, the paternity of God is to be divided in three different aspects. Let us listen to the teaching of the Catechism of Trent : “How is this name Father appropriate to God? Is is something which is easy to teach the Faithful speaking to them of the mysteries of Creation, Providence and Redemption.”


If we come back to the functions of human paternity, we find that they are the same as the second aspect of God’s Paternity mentioned above (functions of God’s Paternity with regards to creatures).

  • A man participates in the work of Creation by the procreation and education of his children.

  • A man participates in the government of the world (Providence) by his work and his authority.

  • A man participates in the work of Redemption by his spiritual ministry over his home.

Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99