Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922

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(Read Mark xvi, 1-7.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY that when Christ had expired on the cross His blessed soul descended into Limbo, where the souls of the just had for a length of years sighed for the coming of the Saviour, to liberate them from that dark prison and conduct them into the enjoyment of the beatific vision. Our Blessed Lord might by the power of His voice alone have called them forth from the tomb, just as He had done to Lazarus. But in the same way as it was through an excess of goodness and charity that He came on earth in person in order to redeem us, so in like manner would He descend into Limbo in person in order to rejoice the souls of the just who were detained there. Try to imagine then the intense joy and jubilation of those holy Fathers at the clear vision of the souls and divinity of Christ. What an outburst of praise and thanksgiving for such goodness on His part!

APPLICATION: But greater still is the goodness which our Lord displays towards you, when in Holy Communion He descends into the recesses of your heart, where He has so often met with a reception unworthy of Him. Consider moreover that only the soul and divinity of Jesus descended into Limbo to rejoice the souls of the just, whereas into your heart He comes with body, soul and divinity all in order to sanctify at one and the same time both your souls and your body.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have slept and taken my rest, and I have risen up. (Ps. iii, 6.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY that the soul of Jesus after remained in Limbo until the third day, a sufficient space of time to prove His death, now goes forth to the sepulchre were lay His lifeless body, together with the numerous company of holy souls. There He shows them that bloodstained body, all its members torn with rents and wounds, that so they might comprehend what sufferings it had cost Him to free them from that prison and procure for them the joys of heavenly glory. Into what thanksgiving did they not then break forth at such a spectacle! How great their regret at not having had in life such an example of suffering before their eyes as you have, in order to have then been animated to suffer still more.

APPLICATION: Learn then in good time to profit by this example. For if Christ ought to have suffered these things and so to enter into his glory (Luke xxiv, 26.) do you wish to be His companion in glory without being His companion in suffering?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Direct me in thy truth and teach me, for thou art God and Saviour. (Ps. xxiv, 5.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY that the blessed soul of Jesus, now reunited to His body. Communicated to it the gifts of glory, clothing it with great beauty and splendour and majesty. Thus, too, in heaven will the body of Christ constitute the supreme beatitude and delight of the senses of the elect, just as His soul and divinity will be that of their souls. Our Lord retained the wounds which now shone with more splendour than the sun, in His hands, feet and sacred side, in order to make manifest that the body which arose in such majesty on this Easter day was the self-same that dies upon the cross, differing not in its nature but only in glory.

APPLICATION: Do you also rejoice with Jesus in this His great glory? It was indeed His right and His due from the very first moment of Is life upon earth, but He wished also to merit it by so much suffering in order to communicate it likewise to you, and in the measure in which during your lifetime you shall have resembled Him in His sufferings. Since then this is so, strive as far as possible to subject the body to the spirit and to mortify it. The more you shall have done so in this life for the love of God, the more you will, like Christ, have init a glorious resurrection. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. (Rom. Vi, 5.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Shall not my soul be subject to God? For from him is my salvation. (Ps. lxi, 2.)

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I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you. (John xvi, 18.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY how just it was that our glorious Redeemer should make His first apparition to His Blessed Mother. She before all others and more than all others had a claim to rejoice in the glory of His resurrection, who more closely than all others had participated in the sorrows of His sacred passion. For one entire day and two nights had the Holy Virgin remained in extreme anguish of soul at the death of her divine Son, but at the same time firm and unshaken in her belief in His resurrection and wholly inflamed with longing desires for it.

APPLICATION: Such, too, is the ordinary way our Lord deals with those souls who are dear to Him, when about to confer on them some singular favour. He enkindles in their hearts a most ardent eagerness to receive that favour, so that with pious affections and fervent supplications they may dispose themselves to merit it. Therefore in order to make yourself less unworthy of any grace or choice gift from heaven, cherish beforehand and ardent desire which may dispose you for it.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Arise, O my glory, arise, psalter and harp. (Ps. lvi, 9.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY what must have been the joy of the Blessed Mother at this glorious appearance. Intense indeed had been the sorrow of the Blessed Mother on Calvary witnessing the pains and ignominy of her divine Son on the cross. Intense too was the joy she now experienced seeing Him risen again to an immortal life, clothed with glory and with splendour. She made as if to prostrate herself at the feet of her divine Son to adore Him, but He most tenderly embracing her pressed her to His bosom and gave her entrance into His divine heart, to enable her still better to rejoice with Him on so joyful a day.

APPLICATION: Congratulate our Blessed Lady most heartily, and beseech her to obtain for you the grace that one day you may rejoice with her for all eternity in heaven.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: According to the multitudes of sorrow in my heart, thy comforts have given joy to my soul. (Ps. xciii, 19.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY that with the appearance of Jesus the Holy Virgin beheld at the same time that numerous company of holy Fathers and of holy souls, among whom was her spouse St. Joseph and her holy parents, all of whom rejoiced with her and venerated her as their queen. These again were accompanied by many choirs of angels who with joyous and festive melody sang: Rejoice, O Queen of Heaven, alleluia.

APPLICATION: Reflect here what sentiments of exultation and joy must have been awakened in the heart of the Holy Virgin. Learn from this how munificently those who are the faithful companions of Jesus upon Calvary are remunerated in this life, and how much more in the life to come.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS” Give thy strength unto thy servant and save the son of thine handmaid . . . thou, O Lord, hast helped me and hast comforted me. (Ps. lxxxv, 16-17.)

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(Read Mark xvi, 1-9)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the holy women were the first to receive by the mouth of the angel news of the resurrection of Christ. This special favour they merited because, not satisfied with having followed Christ to Calvary, they accompanied Him also to the sepulchre. They were solicitous moreover to return again in order to honour His sacred body by anointing it with precious spices, and they were not deterred therefrom either by the difficulty of removing the stone from the sepulchre or by fear of the guards.

APPLICATION: Behold here the manner in which you also are to obtain special graces from our Lord. Do not content yourself with what you have already done in the service of God. Study to serve God more fervently each day, and ever to practise fresh and still greater virtue, Forgetting with the Apostles the things that are behind and stretching forth myself to those that are before. (Phil. iii, 13.) This you must also do ever with due submission to the laws and practises of Holy Church, according to the example of the holy women who were careful to observe the precept of the Jewish Sabbath.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have run in the way of thy commandments when thou didst enlarge my heart. (Ps. cxviii, 32.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY the fervent constancy of Magdalene at the sepulchre. She was bidden by the angel not to seek Christ, Who was risen, among the dead; notwithstanding she cannot bring herself to depart, but still continues to seek diligently after Him. By two angels of exceeding great beauty she was asked, why she wept: Why weepest thou? She ceases not to weep because she could not find her beloved. In a word, he who truly loves Jesus cannot live without Him. No other created thing can satisfy his heart; outside of Jesus he desires nothing. Consider moreover how munificently were her longing desires now satisfied by our Lord. He allowed her first of all to behold Him in the guise of a gardener. Then calling her by name and manifesting Himself to her, He inebriated her soul with a flood of divine sweetness!

APPLICATION: How well are the tears spent, how richly the labours rewarded of those who desire no other love, seek no other love than that of Jesus! Pray to this penitent and fervent saint that she would deign to obtain for you also this ardent love of hers, so that in your life you may have no other care than that of spending it in the service of Jesus.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: O Lord, the God of my salvation, I have cried in the day, and in the night before thee. (Ps.lxxxvii, 2.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY how our Lord, after having manifested Himself to Magdalene, showed Himself likewise to the other holy women who had come to the sepulchre. Thus did our Blessed Lord by His delay increase their spiritual consolation and reward them for that devout piety they had shown in wishing to anoint His sacred body. In fine Jesus is a master Who never allows Himself to be outdone in generosity or courtesy; neither can you do the least service for Him even in this life without receiving a great reward for it. See then the recompense which the fervent piety of these holy women wins from our Lord. They are constituted messengers of the resurrection to the disciples, and even apostles of the apostles: Go, tell my brethren.

APPLICATION: Are yu not also touched at hearing Jesus Christ with His own lips honouring His disciples with the title of brothers? Study to imitate Him in your manner of life so that you may be His brother not in name only, buy much more in the virtues which you exercise.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I remembered God, and was delighted. (Ps. lxxvi, 4.)

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The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. (Luke xxiv, 34.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the message of the holy women regarding the resurrection of Our Lord was considered by the Apostles as a mere delusion and an idle tale. But Peter and John, desirous to know the truth more accurately, ran together to the sepulchre. John came first to the sepulchre but would not enter in, showing thereby deference to Peter as head of the Church, and disregarding His own merit in having been faithful to Christ on Calvary and Peter’s demerit in denying our Lord.

APPLICATION: We must always have great reverence for those in authority. For as such they hold the place of God. Show this by your respectful language, your obedience and your love.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Look upon my lowliness and deliver me, for I have not forgotten thy law. (Ps. cxviii, 153.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY how Peter, finding the sepulchre open and empty, stood wondering within himself when all at once our risen Lord appeared to him. Consider here with what feelings of shame and confusion he threw himself at our Lord’s feet and with what tears he implored pardon for having denied Him. But Christ most sweetly consoled him, and bade him confirm his brethren in the belief of the resurrection.

APPLICATION: Among the Apostles Peter was the first to see Christ risen and Magdalene the first among the holy women, penitents both. Whence sinners may understand that when, because of sin committed, they resolve to serve God with more humility and fervour, they may hope to be even more favoured by God than those who have always remained innocent. On the contrary the latter may remain far behind the penitent sinner, when they only advance but languidly in the road of perfection and in the pursuit of virtue.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: According to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquity. (Ps. l, 3.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY that when St. Peter made known to the Apostles the appearance of Christ to himself, they believed at once with undoubting faith what they had first regarded as the idle tales of the women. The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. Thus was evidenced from the very first, even before St. Peter had been constituted by our Blessed Lord head of the Church, the authority attached to his word and the esteem in which he was held.

APPLICATION: The same readiness to submit to the teaching of the vicar of Christ and the successor of St Peter in matters of faith and morals, the good and faithful children of the Church have always professed and constantly practiced. Thank God for the great gift of an infallible Pope, vicar of Christ upon earth. Pray often for the Holy Father and for the Church.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord preserved him and give him life and make him blessed upon the earth. (Ps. xl, 3.)

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Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and so to enter into his glory? (Luke xxiv, 26.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY the imperfection of these two disciples who being deeply afflicted at the death of Christ sought solace from insensible tings, in order to assuage the sadness of their souls which in God alone can find comfort. But more imperfect still was their faith, despairing as the did of the long expected redemption, because they had beheld Jesus dead upon the cross. Yet, notwithstanding, our Blessed Lord joined their company in the guise of a traveller, because they at least had Him in their hearts by their affection and on their lips as they spoke of His merits and of His sacred passion.

APPLICATION: In the same way as Christ is in the midst of those who hold holy and spiritual conversation: There am I in the midst of them (Matt. xviii, 20.) so too is the evil spirit to be found amongst those who lose their time in useless and idle discourses, in murmurs and criticisms of their neighbour.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My lips shall praise thee; thus will I bless thee all my life long.(Ps. lxii, 4.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY that our Lord lovingly asked of them what it was they conversed about, so that He might enlighten them and correct their lack of faith. Christ had come on earth, as they thought, to liberate His people from the slavery of the Romans and enrich them with temporal goods, not to deliver them from the yoke of sin and render them worthy of possessing eternal goods through the merits of Hid death. It was for this error that Jesus upbraided them: O foolish, and slow of heart to believe! An error common to the greater part of mankind. They seek to enjoy the goods and to avoid the evils of the present life, whilst they care not for the merit eternal riches and escape the evils of the future. Hence it is that they make little or no account of the cross and passion of Christ, by which He won for us eternal goods and delivered us from everlasting evils.

APPLICATION: If you keep your mind fixed upon the future and upon eternity you will assuredly make more account of the cross of Christ. Animate yourself then to embrace it and to suffer with Christ in this life!

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I had in my mind the eternal years. (Ps. lxxvi, 6.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY that when Christ made, as it were, to continue His journey the two disciples constrained Him to stay and to eat with them. At Table too they served Him, and in this act of charity and in the magnificent reward He bestowed upon them in the breaking of the bread they were enlightened to recognise the person of Christ in their divine guest. Behold here the way of being spiritually enlightened and of being favoured by our Lord, namely to exercise acts of virtue, and particularly that of charity.

APPLICATION: To your lot it has not fallen to serve and administer food to the person of Christ. Remember however that what you do to your neighbour for the love of Christ, He recognises and remunerates as if done to Himself. Moreover in giving you His sacred body in the blessed sacrament, He will abundantly illuminate and feed your soul, as He did to those two disciples, who knew him in the breaking of bread.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Open thou mine eyes and I shall see the wondrous things of thy law. (Ps. cxviii, 18.)

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When it was late that same day . . . Jesus came and stood in the midst. (John xx, 19.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the Apostles were troubled on account of the death of Christ, and for fear of the Jews remained together in the cenacle. Our risen Lord therefore did not appear to them until a late hour that same evening, wishing that they should first receive many tidings of His resurrection and thus be better disposed to believe in so great a mystery. Such is the way usually followed by divine providence. God defers to grant graces that so we may the better prepare ourselves to receive them.

APPLICATION: You frequently grieve at not obtaining immediately from God that favour which you desire. But in this you err. This delay is rather fresh grace for your soul, for which you ought to be thankful to God. Fir thud He lets you see that you are not yet sufficiently disposed to receive it, and so gives you the opportunity of preparing yourself to receive it more abundantly. You must remove the impediments of disorderly affections, and practice still longer the virtues of faith, humility and perseverance in asking, all of which oftentimes means for you a greater good than what you desire.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONSL With expectation I waited for the Lord, and he was attentive unto me. (Ps. xxxix, 2.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY that our Lord entered of a sudden into the cenacle, the doors being shut, and setting Himself in the midst of the Apostles, announced peace to them and courage against all fear: Peace be to you, it is I; fear not. Behold here the manner in which Christ enters triumphantly into the soul. He enters not into the soul of one who has the doors of his senses interior and exterior wide open, giving admission to every object, to every thought, to every earthly and worldly affection.

Christ enters into the heart that is kept well guarded and detached from creatures in order thereby to give entrance to its God, its Creator and Redeemer. In the midst of such a heart He loves to remain as the centre of all its thought and affections and affections, as the end of all its operations and life. He gives it to enjoy true peace of soul and security from every hostile assault.

APPLICATION: Study then how to watch over the doors of your exterior senses and the powers of your soul, if you desire that Jesus should come into your heart and bring with Him true peace of soul.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: His place is in peace, and his abode in Sion. (Ps. lxxv, 3.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY how the Apostles where troubled and terrified at the sudden appearance of Jesus risen, fearing that it was an apparition. Our Lord, however, in order to tranquillise their minds and assure them of His resurrection, showed them the wounds which He still retained in His sacred hands and feet. Thus did He prove to them the truth of the resurrection, and that it was His own real body, and so remove from their hearts all their fears.

APPLICATION: What an excellent means this to tranquilize also your troubled heart, and brighten your dark and cloudy mind, to run to the feet of Jesus. There contemplate those wounds, which He sustained upon the cross for your redemption, and which He now retains in His glorified body that in them you may find refuge. These are those fountains of life ever open for your benefit, wherein you may find light, consolation, and strength in all your needs.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Bless ye God, the Lord from the fountains of Israel. (Ps. lxvii, 27.)

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Jesus showed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias. (John xxi, 1.)

CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the Apostles at the invitation of St. Peter go forth to fish, showing thereby that union so highly commended by their Lord and so praiseworthy everywhere, and at all times. All the night they cast their nets but their labour was unavailing. That night they caught nothing. But how far worse employed all their labours of so many who continue the whole night of their life fishing for honours, a position, for the merest whim! When passing forth from the sea of this life how they will then see that they have laboured all for nothing. Then will be verified in them that saying of the prophet: And the labours of the people shall come to nothing, and of the nations shall go to the fire. (Jer. li, 58.), that is to nothing in regard to merit lost for an eternity, to the fire in regard to the punishment which remains to be paid by fire.

APPLICATION: Reflect on what you have done up to the present merely to satisfy your own inclinations without thereby gaining any merit or any fruit. And thus you will be able to saw with the Prophet: I am the man that see my poverty. (Lam. iii, 1.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Direct my ways in thy sight. (Ps. v, 10.)

CONSIDER SECONDLY that Christ our Lord appearing in a strange apparel to the Apostles on the sea shore where they were fishing, inquired if they had any fish. When they answered: No, He commanded them to cast their nets on the right side, and there they took an abundant draught of fish. By this our Lord would signify to the Apostles the great conquest of souls, which they would achieve on being sent out by Him to preach His name and the word of His gospel.

APPLICATION: In like manner would He teach us what treasures of merit he acquires, who with a right intention and for the love of God employs himself and labours faithfully in the duties of his state in life. Happy then will be your lot is you always serve God with a pure intention and not for human motives nor in order to carry out your own will.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Wait on the Lord and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to see the land. (Ps. xxvi, 34.)

CONSIDER THIRDLY that upon this miraculous draught of fish, St. John forthwith recognised that it was our Blessed Lord Himself Who had bade them cast their nets on the right side, and St. Peter hastened to cast himself into the sea to go to prostrate himself at the feet of Jesus. Observe here that as it is proper to the innocent, who are represented by St. John, to receive more abundantly spiritual lights and celestial favours from God as he did, so in like manner it is characteristic of thru penitents to give themselves generously like St. Peter to the fatigues of penance. Thus they may render themselves worthy to find again our Blessed Lord and unite themselves to Him so as to ever again to be separated from Him.

APPLICATION: Have you also perhaps gone far away from Jesus Christ in order to satisfy your disorderly inclinations? Then it is necessary for you too to do violence to yourself and vanquish the difficulties which you encounter, so that you may again come back to our Blessed Lord and find Him.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord is nigh unto them that are of contrite heart, and he will save the humble of spirit. (Ps. xxxiii, 19.)

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Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99