Taken from Meditation Manual for Each Day of the Year (From the Italian of a Father of the Society of Jesus) Adapted for Ecclesiastics, Religious, and others London The Manresa Press Roehampton, S.W. 1922

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(Read Luke ii, 15-20.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that the shepherd directly they heard the joyful tidings hastened all together to Bethlehem, to see the new-born Saviour, not waiting for the dawn of day, not fearing to leave their flocks in the darkest night. See herein a noble correspondence with the inspirations and invitations of heaven which call you to seek and to find your Lord.

APPLICATION: When you receive such lights or feel within your heart such inspirations, you at once stop to think of the inconvenience this act of virtue may cause you, or the fatal blow it might inflict on your passions or the lessening of your reputation or the loss of some other good you value. And so it is that the invitation passes by unheeded. Learn from the shepherds promptly to accept the call, without paying the slightest attention to the difficulties, or to human respect, as you have done hitherto.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready. (Ps. cvii, 2.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY how the shepherds when they entered that cave, and saw there the Holy Child lying between two animals with the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph at His side, were marvellously enlightened so as to recognise the Child, Who seemed so poor and so abandoned, as the true Messiah, and the Saviour of the world, as Him Who had so often been promised by heaven, and so long desired by His chosen people. Consequently they adored Him with most tender affections of reverence and of love, and thanked Him for having condescended to such humiliations for their common salvation.

APPLICATION: Do you also enter that cave not indeed with your bodily feet, but with the affections of your heart. Join the shepherds in adoring Him, and you also will be enlightened.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Come ye to Him and be enlightened. (Ps. xxxiii, 6.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY how the shepherds as they came out of the cave, filled with spiritual joy, at once set about making known in their neighbourhood the birth of Christ, as the first heralds of the Son of God upon earth. Thus was verify the word of our Lord: Thou has hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to little ones. (Luke x, 21.)

APPLICATION: Reflect for a moment upon this, that whereas these humble shepherds recognised and adored as their Messiah the Infant Jesus in His crib, the princes and the doctors of the synagogue, notwithstanding the light of so many wonders which He so often wrought among them, knew Him not. So it is that our Lord chooses ever to reveal Himself to the humble, and to those that are little in their own esteem, rather than to the proud and to the self-satisfied. To which class do you belong?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving wisdom to the little ones. (Ps. xviii, 8.)

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(John vi, 68.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that one of the chief reasons that the King of glory came down from the height of His majesty to be born in a stable in abject poverty, was to test the fidelity of those who love Him. Oh how many there are who, seeing Him lying there in a manger shivering with cold and crying, despise Him and turn their backs upon Him!

APPLICATION: Have you resolved to be His faithful friend, to stand by Him and to follow Him? Blessed indeed are you if so it be. You may rest assured that, when He returns thither whence He came He will reward you most generously. Even an earthly king whose fortunes had declined, when once returned to his royal state, rewards none more liberally than him who left him not in adversity. So will pour Lord do with you, if you are but faithful to Him

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:My eyes were upon the faithful of the earth that they may sit with me. (Ps. c, 6.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY what it means to be faithful to Jesus in His state of such utter poverty and destitution. It means to put up with a similar portion and to suffer in union with Him the miseries He took upon Himself, and this in proof of your faithfulness to Him.

APPLICATION: Ask yourself what will be your future lot if now you have had no part with Him in this His poverty? Certainly you cannot aspire to the riches of His kingdom if you be not a sharer in His want and in His sufferings: if so be we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified with Him. (Rom. viii, 17.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Uphold thy servant unto good. (Ps. cxviii, 122.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY what these riches are, of which Jesus will make you partaker if you are His faithful friend in that state which He embraced at His birth. They are riches of two kinds, of time and of eternity. He will endow you in this life with the riches of His grace, which are the treasure He gives to His friends in proportion to the fidelity which they show Him. In the next life He will give you Paradise with all His wealth of glory, in order to render you eternally happy and that you may rejoice in His riches.

APPLICATION: An earthly king who returns, and after a term of exile recovers His kingdom, can at best only bestow some small portion of his kingdom  upon him who has been faithful to him in his misfortunes. But if you are faithful to Christ, He will grant you the enjoyment with Himself of His whole kingdom of which there is no end. And does not the prospect of all this suffice to make you resolve to be His faithful friend?

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Bless the Lord, O my soul, who satisfieth thy desires with good things. (Ps. cii, 5.)

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(Read Luke ii, 21.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that on this day the Holy Child took upon Himself the mark of sinful man as a son of Abraham, and the name of Jesus, which means Saviour, as Son of God, Had HE not assumed the semblance of guilt by thus taking upon Himself our sins and discharging our debts with His own blood, He would not have purchased for us salvation.

APPLICATION: If you would rejoice in the fruit of His Holy Name and partake of the divine adoption, seek then to be humbled and to be treated as one that is guilty, and thus you may hope to be raised to the dignity of a child of God.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Attend, O Lord, unto my supplication, for I am brought very low. (Ps. cxlii, 7.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY that Jesus in order to become your Saviour made Himself your physician and your teacher, your surety and your advocate, your captain and your shepherd, in order to free you from all the evils of guilt and of punishment, and to enrich you with all the goods of grace and of glory.

APPLICATION: Do you not then thank Him from your heart that He at the cost of so great sufferings and of so much blood, has taken this name to ensure your salvation? Then why do you not have recourse to Him and invoke this Holy Name in all your needs and temptations, your labours and dangers, availing yourself of this name as a shield to defend you against the attacks of the enemy, as a comfort to soothe you in your labours, as a light to rescue you from dangers? For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts iv, 12.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Help us, O God our Saviour, and for the glory of thy name, O Lord, deliver us. (Ps. lxxviii, 9.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the first time that this life-giving and most holy name, decreed by the Father, was pronounced by a human being, it came from the lips of the Blessed Virgin, who as she uttered it was overwhelmed with sweetness and with joy. All the angelic hosts too bowed down in adoration, making high festival of gladness and of triumph, proclaiming aloud how this Name was to be adored both on earth and beneath it: In the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. (Phil. ii, 10.)

APPLICATION: Do you also humbly adore it. Love it with the tenderest and deepest affection. Strive to have it not only frequently upon your lips, but also to keep it graven upon your heart, so that all you work and all your life may be wholly directed only to the glory of Jesus your Saviour. I will rejoice in the Lord; and I will joy in God my Jesus. (Hab. iii, 18.)

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Praise ye the Lord for the Lord is good; sing ye to His name, for it is sweet. (Ps. cxxxiv, 3.)

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(Read Luke ii, 21.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY how the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph, knowing it was the will of God that the Holy Infant should be circumcised according to the law given to Abraham and his descendants, conformed themselves to the divine command, though they knew the child had no need thereof as being free from all stain of original sin. Mark well the marvellous virtue of that most holy Mother. She loved her Son most tenderly, she understood well the cruel pain that wound would inflict. Yet notwithstanding, she allowed not her tenderness to prevail, but courageously obeyed the Divine Will.

APPLICATION: What an example for you! When there is a question of obeying God, know how to rise above all tender affection for friends, for relatives and for country, and generously sacrifice to the service of God every sentiment which is merely human.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:O Lord, I will be mindful of thy justice alone. (Ps. lxx, 16.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY the pain of that wound which the Divine Child suffered. He had been endowed with a perfect intelligence, an exceedingly delicate complexion, and a most keen sensitiveness. Consequently He felt far more than others the sharp wound and the pain thereof. Moreover, He had not need of the remedy, nor was He subject to the law, but He submitted Himself to that rite and took upon Himself the semblance of sinful man, in order to bring a remedy to your miseries and your sins.

APPLICATION: You find no difficulty in submitting to observances and to laws that cause you no inconvenience and are not contrary to your tastes. Far more difficult however is it to submit to those that chafe you and against which your pride rebels. Yet it is in these precisely, that you ought to show your love for Jesus, and to merit His grace.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I said: Thou art my God, my lot is in thy hands. (Ps. xxx, 16.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that the Jews b y act of circumcision became subject thereby to the heavy yoke of the Mosaic Law. So Jesus Christ taking upon Himself in His circumcision the sign of the guilt of our sins, subjected Himself by that yoke to the still heavier yoke of so many sufferings and ignominies, and of a death at once the most cruel and infamous, namely that of the cross, according to the command of His Divine Father for the redemption of mankind.

APPLICATION: Do you also offer yourself in union with the merits of this obedience of Christ to the Will of God, resigning yourself to the fatherly care He has of your whole life, and to all the dispositions of Divine Providence.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Cast thy care upon the Lord, and He shall nourish thee. (Ps. liv, 23.)

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(Read Luke ii, 21.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that it was not without a mysterious meaning that the name of Jesus was given to the Holy Infant, in the very fact that shedding His Blood for our salvation. By this our Lord would give us to understand how little it avails to bear a name, without doing the good works that correspond to it. For one therefore who bears the name of Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, what good purpose will that name serve unless one’s actions accord with so fair a title?

APPLICATION: If therefore you would be a Christian in very truth and not in name only, you must be circumcised and put off the old man, laying aside all worldly maxims that are contrary to the maxims of Christ, and Christian perfection. Stripping yourselves of the old man and his deeds. (Col. lii, 9.) Enter into yourself and see what are the maxims that regulate your conduct, those of Christ, or those of the world.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I have remembered thy name, O Lord, and have kept thy law. (Ps. cxviii, 55.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY that in order to deserve to bear the name of Christian it is not enough to lay aside the maxims and customs of the world. You must put on the livery of Jesus Christ and conform yourself to His most holy example. It was precisely for this that our Lord submitted to the rite of circumcision, in order to teach you to cut off all superfluities, to mortify your senses and your flesh, and finally to submit your proud spirit to a life of humility and of subjection: always bearing about in your body the mortification of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in our bodies. (2 Cor. iv, 10.)

APPLICATION: If this appear too painful a path to tread, reflect how far more painful to Jesus was the example which He Himself set.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Help us, O God our Saviour, and for the glory of thy name, O Lord, deliver us. (Ps. lxxviii, 9.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY how Jesus whilst still a tender infant was not content with bearing so many discomforts at His birth, but willed also painfully to shed His blood for your good, seeing that love never shows itself so perfectly as in suffering.

APPLICATION: If you profess to love Jesus you ought to show it by suffering willingly for love of Him all that happens to you in each day’s course, desiring moreover even to shed your blood for Him, if only you might be counted by Him worthy to do so. Three several times did Jesus shed His blood for you – at His circumcision at the will of His parents, voluntarily in the Garden, in the praetorium and on Calvary at the hands of His enemies. You too must correspondingly and willingly suffer what is painful whether it comes to you from those who are over you, from yourself, or from your enemies.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS:If thou had desired sacrifice, I would surely have given it. (Ps. l, 18.)

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(Read Matt. ii, 1-2.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY that as Jesus Christ came on earth for the salvation of all, so He willed to make known His birth not only to the Jews bur also to the Gentiles. To the Jews it was by means of angels, ministers as it were of that chosen people; to the Gentiles through a star which had been foretold them by the prophet Balaam. Thus we see how truly God gives to all men and to each one in particular, the means and helps they need in their own state of life for their salvation: who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (I Tim. ii, 4.)

APPLICATION: But how much more plentiful are the helps He has given to you, in comparison with those of many others who would have corresponded with them far better than you! He gave you to be born in the very heart of Christianity, and yet you do not remember to thank Him!

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I will sing unto the Lord who has given me good things. (Ps. xii, 7.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY that the Star which heralded the birth of Christ was visible to every one in the East, but very few stopped to notice it. The wise men alone followed its lead, they being especially illuminated by an interior light, verifying thus our Lord’s words many are called, but few are chosen. (Matt. xx, 16.)

APPLICATION: How many clear lights has God already given you in your soul? How many interior calls has He made your heart to hear inviting you to go and seek Jesus? How far have you corresponded with them? Are you then surprised to find yourself still so far away from Jesus? Sad would it have been had those wise men paid no heed to the star, or to the inspirations of God! Not less will be your lose if you neglect the inspirations of God.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: My people heard not my voice, and Israel hearkened not to me. So I let them go according to the desires of their heart. (Ps. lxxx, 12-13.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY the generous promptitude of these holy Magi. They saw no others stir at the invitation of the star, nevertheless, heedless of such indifference, without delay and without knowing where the new King was born, they leave their country, they give up the comforts of home, and set out on their journey in the severity of winter, fearing neither dangers or sufferings, in order to find that Monarch Who had been made known to them by a wonderful sign in the heavens.

APPLICATION: So too should you also act whensoever our Lord calls you and invites you to undertake some enterprise for His glory, or to practice some generous act of virtue. You must not be alarmed at the difficulties and dangers which your imagination and your self-love represent to you. Much less must you draw back because of the uncertainty of the issue. You must promptly obey the call of heaven, trusting that God will give you the help and the strength faithfully to accomplish what He wishes of you.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord is my helper. It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man. (Ps. cxvii, 7-8.)

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(Read Matt. ii, 1-9.)


CONSIDER FIRSTLY how these holy and wise kings having undertaking this journey without knowing where it would end, entrusted themselves to the guidance of the star. He who voyages over the high seas must needs observe the stars in order to arrive in port. Not otherwise did these wise men.

APPLICATION: Our life upon earth is a voyage by sea beset with dangers and storms and shipwrecks. He who would sail securely must be guided by light from heaven, that is to say, by the truths of faith and by the eternal maxims which will bear him safely into harbour. Blessed then will you be if you keep your eyes fixed on stars so bright as these.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? (Ps. xxvi, 1.)


CONSIDER SECONDLY, how as the wise men drew near to Jerusalem, the star that guided them suddenly disappeared, and they were left in doubt and in affliction. They did not in consequence give up the journey they had undertaken, but given access to the royal palace they fearlessly enquired where He was born, the new King of the Jews. By the hiding of the star God willed to prove their faith and their constancy, and at the same time give you to understand that in the way of the spiritual life, there will never be wanting desolation of the soul, obscurity of mind, and trials of various kinds; these being precisely the times for you to show your fidelity, and to gain very much merit.

APPLICATION: Up to now how far faithful have you been in times of trial in maintaining your confidence in God, and in persevering in your usual exercises of piety? This is the time when one acts purely for God alone, and is therefore a time very acceptable to Him.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: I am come into the depth of the sea and a tempest hath overwhelmed me. Mine eyes have failed while I hope in God. (Ps. lxviii, 3-4.)


CONSIDER THIRDLY that when the wise men enquired as to where the new king announced by the star had been born, they learned from the priests that the place foretold by the prophets in the Holy Scriptures was Bethlehem. This then was amply sufficient for them to make them courageous to resume their journey in that direction and without any further care of further enquiry.

APPLICATION: And in your doubts, your difficulties, your perplexities, does not the guidance of those who are placed over you, and your spiritual fathers suffice you? Do but follow the counsel they give you and you too will be further enlightened and comforted by God, as happened to the wise men. Here also take notice of the great blindness of the Jews, and especially of the priests. They show the way and instruct the Gentiles how to find the Messiah, yet move not a foot themselves to seek Him. Implore of God that He may never let you fall into such fatal hardness of heart and blindness of intellect.

AFFECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Enlighten mine eyes that I may never sleep in death. (Ps. xii, 4.)

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Servez le Seigneur dans la joie! Psaume 99

Serve ye the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 99